maze // 1

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You moved fast, your legs aching from the effort, but you knew if you didn't make it out you'd be trapped in the Maze overnight. Almost nobody survived a night in the Maze. When the Griever showed up, everyone had dispersed, and you just hoped that your fellow runners made it out, even if you couldn't. But that didn't stop your determination to survive. You wandered through the maze, going down the proper path that would lead back to the Glade. You could see the open doors, you were so close-

"Y/N," the voice was soft and all too familiar. You spun around, searching desperately.


You moved towards one of the passages leading deeper into the Maze. Amongst the dirty stone floor was Newt, face pale. He was clutching his chest a look of grotesque pain painted across his features. You ran over, and all but fell right next to him, your analyzing eyes already checking out his wounds, working details through your mind. You pressed down on the wound with your thin hands, trying to stop the blood flow.

"Newt, we have to get out. It's going to hurt but we have to leave."

He shook his head, his eyes glazing over slightly. "You have to make it out, not me."

No. "I just need to stop the bleeding. We're so close to the doors, Newt please." you worked deftly, ripping bits of fabric from your shirt, trying to stop the blood from coming, but it wouldn't stop. Your hands shook, but you didn't withdraw them.

His hand came up and wrapped around yours, stopping it from shaking so violently. You finally looked straight into his eyes. Everything inside you snapped. You started crying, something you hated doing. But it didn't matter at that point, the tears were streaming down your face, making trails in the dirt. "You have to get out, love. Please. I can't have you dyin' just because I was stupid enough to run into trouble."

"No. There's no way I'm leaving. So either we both get trapped in this shuck Maze and we both die, or you do your very best to survive and make it out with me." you looked at him with expectant eyes. He sighed heavily, and muttered something about how stubborn you were, but he reluctantly wrapped his left arm around your shoulders, pulling himself to a sitting position.

"Are you gonna be able to manage, love?" he asked through gritted teeth, keeping his charm intact until the very end.

"I always do, don't I?" and with that you hoisted him up, all his body weight shifting onto you. He let out a hiss of pain, almost pulling you both to the ground, but you held him up.

You dragged him through the Maze, trying to concentrate on getting to the doors in time. You couldn't even spare a glance down at the clock wrapped around your wrist, you just had to trudge ahead praying that you wouldn't be too late. Newt's head was rested against your neck, and he was whispering softly, as if to himself. You would save that boy, there was absolutely no other option.

The sun peeked in the sky, just as you got close to the doors. They were still, but you knew they'd spring into action any moment. A small group of Gladers were positioned around the doors, waiting. They saw you, and started cheering you on, their words sharp and encouraging. Though, you could tell they were scared. They knew you probably wouldn't make it. That wasn't an option.

The doors started closing. You screamed, and ran even harder, your whole body ready to collapse. The idea of being crushed alive terrified you. But the idea of a world without Newt was even more terrifying.

You grabbed Newt's limp body, and threw it as hard as you could, praying he'd make it through. He's body vanished onto the other side of the walls and you ran. You had no room, no breath, but you ran. The walls were too tight, but you squirmed forward desperate to make it out. First your head emerged from the Maze, then your torso. You ran as hard you could, but the gap was too thin and there was something stuck.

Your foot.

You looked around eyes wide with shock as your foot was crushed in the stone doors. You screamed and screamed, the pain so blindingly hot, you almost forgot your own name. You almost forgot where you were. You just sobbed, as blurry figures moved over top of you, their voices loud and quiet, urgent and soothing. Soon enough everything was black, and you didn't have a single thought in your head.


Though, everything was numb, you could still feel the pain. It was an odd sensation. You peeled open your eyes, staring at a dark ceiling. Every single thing that had happened came rushing back, and you tried to sit up, but a giant pain shot up your leg making you gasp. Balanced on one forearm, you stared down at your legs. But you couldn't see your foot. Only a stump.

It wasn't there. It wasn't there.

You went into hysterics, your sobs racking your entire body. You tried to wrap your mind around the fact your foot was gone. How could you walk? If they ever found a way out of this goddamn maze you wouldn't be able to go with them. You'd become absolutely worthless, sit by yourself all day. Maybe Newt would keep you company. Newt. Oh no, was he still alive? Could Jeff and Clint save him, or was it too-

A hand reached out and squeezed yours, you turned to see Newt looking at you, concerned. Your beds were close together, close enough that you could reach out and brush the dirty blonde hair sticking to his forehead. You were so relieved you couldn't say anything. He closed his eyes, "I'm so sorry."

"Me too," you said softly. "Are you alright?"

He didn't reply, so you asked again. He grimaced, and said sharply "don't have a bloody worry about me, I'll be fine." You retracted your hand, realizing it probably wasn't your place to give him such affection, but his eyes opened looking up at you with more emotion than you'd ever seen written so bluntly on someones face.

"You lost your foot because of me," he said, his eyes clouded with guilt. "I could hear your screams as I they tried desperately to get you out..." he paused, trying to get a grip on himself. "They couldn't leave you there all night, so they knocked you out and cut it off. I couldn't help you, I could barely move" his eyes teared up "I'm so sorry, Y/N."

You smiled lightly, your breath hitching, "Don't you dare blame yourself. I made my own decisions." he tried to interrupt you, but you held up your hand and continued. "If you had found me bloody and alone in the Maze, would you have left me?"

He was silent for a moment, and then said softly, "of course not."

You tried moving over to him, closing the space in between you. You let out a small grunt of pain and he quickly asked if you were okay, but you just kept going until you were face to face.

You looked at him with all the bravery you had left, all the love you'd hid. You placed your hands on his face, and slowly pressed your lips to his. His hands trailed through your hair and down your back, sending shivers through you. The kiss deepened, as every single night you lay awake thinking about him flowed through your mind.

You pulled away, pressing your forehead to his, your noses touching. "I think I might be in love with you," you said the words plainly, but they weren't plain. They were full of your fears and hopes. They were words you'd wanted to say forever.

"I think I might be in love with you too." he said smiling lightly. You hugged him, and in the warmth of his arms you slowly started drifting off to sleep. Your mind was ringing with voices that didn't exist, but one voice that was real was Newt's as he hummed quietly, gently stoking your hair.

A/N: So this is my first imagine, hope you liked it. Um, most of them won't be this dramatic. I actually think a few will be downright quirky because that is just my style. Please let me know what you think <3

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