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Over the past few weeks, Davenport has been in the medic ever since the bionic simulator malfunctioned while the four mentors have been focused on their training with the students.

Currently, in the training area, Chase was with Sebastian, Bree was with the girls who had super-speed, Adam was with the boys who had super-strength and was doing arm-wrestling, and Harley was training with a few kids who had the same energy absorption.

After training, the four mentors were chatting until Davenport walked in.

"Greetings, everyone." He greets. "I halth returneth from the mainland!" He swings his arms out, resulting in hitting Leo in the face.

Leo glares at him. "And no one careth." He swings his arms out and hits Davenport in the face.

Davenport glares back at Leo before he realized he had no true reaction to his return. "Oh, come on! No fan fair? No balloons? No rousing round of applause?"

"I didn't even know you were gone." Bob shrugs.

"If you want applause, try adding a couple more bathrooms in the student room. Maybe one just exclusively for Bob." Spin tells the man. Harley comes up from behind him and ruffles his hair as she tackles him into a hug. Spin chuckles before pushing her off.

Bob nods. "I agree. It ain't pretty in there."

"I'm going to take your word for it," Davenport says with a disgusted look on his face. Then, he motions Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo, and Harley out of the training area with him. Once they followed him, he turns. "So how have things been going without me?"

"Amazing!" Bree exclaims. "Uh, I mean, we miss you." She pouts out her bottom lip as she forms a heart with hands.

Sebastian walks in. "Don't worry, Mr. Davenport. Adam, Bree, Chase, and Harley have been doing a great job. They're amazing mentors."

"Well, good," Davenport says. "Maybe I could cut my trip short and head back to the mainland tomorrow."

"Cool! He finally got the hint." Adam says, causing the other's eyes to widen. Davenport gives him a look. "I mean, she loves you." He attempts to make a heart with his hands but ends up looking like a circle.

Perry, who is head of security, walks over to them. She looks at Davenport. "Not so fast, Donny Come Lately. Things around here aren't as peachy as the droid babies say they are."

Leo crosses his arms. "Name one problem, Short Set."

She glares at the Dooley boy before looking down at her tablet. "Well, for starters, they have been littering in the hallways."

"That was you," Bree tells her.

"Making rude gestures to passing Coast Guard ships." Perry continues as she ignores Bree's comment.

"Also you," Adam says.

Perry ignores him as well as she gets into Chase's face. "And sneaking extra dessert from the cafeteria."

Chase gives her a look. "Seriously? You're wearing the evidence."

She looks down at her shirt. "No! That was from a different stolen meal." She picks up the crumbs from her shirt and puts them in her mouth.

"Great. You're my head of security and you're the one breaking all the rules." Davenport rolls his eyes.

"Well, I know I didn't steal a set of keycards from my own security office, so it had to have been one of your students!" Perry defends.

Harley scoffs. "Knowing you, you probably lost them."

"Hey! I will not have my students talk to me like that!" Perry shouts at the girl.

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