Army A Comes To Help

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Leo Valdez was getting kind of irritated.

Percy and Sadie had talked once since the big argument. And it hadn't gone very well, if anything it just made the whole thing worse.

Carter seemed to be the most angry besides the two main people, although Walt was pretty mad too. The whole thing was a mess.

It was like there was now some rule against talking to the other side, like The Elite had truly been split in two.

Leo and Sam crept through the forest, anxious to get to Zeus's fists and see their friends. Magnus and Apollo were there waiting, most likely without Percy knowing.

"Okay guys," Magnus said, "we have got to figure out a way to get the two of them to make out—er, up,"

"It's gonna be kind of hard to do that when they won't even talk to each other," Sam pointed out, saying the one thing everyone was thinking.

Leo's mouth twitched upwards. "I think I know someone to help. The two of you just need to get Percy to call him,"

"Well I think we can arrange that," Apollo said, catching on to Leo's idea. "You are talking about Luke and Army A right?"

"Of course I am," Leo flicked Apollo's head.

Leo walked off with Sam, anxious the following day about his boyfriend. Thousands of thoughts danced in his head, but the most frequent was the question of wether or not Apollo and Magnus had convinced Percy.

His question was answered when a portal appeared in the middle of the camp, fifteen figures stepping out of it.

Luke was standing in the middle of the big group, his hood pulled over his head but Leo still recognized him.

On his left was as followed. Ethan, Zoe, Perseus the original, Bianca, and Chris. Following on the right was Theseus, Bob, Harley, Grover, Travis (who had sadly died by a monster attack), Jason, and this son of Ninx Hector.

"Greetings camp half blood, we have come to—" Luke spoke in a low voice before spotting Leo not wearing his hood. He then talked normal. "Wait are we not being all secretive and stuff?"

Sam couldn't hold Leo back from running any longer and set the elfish boy free. Leo ran and tackled Luke to the ground.

Luke laughed as his hood fell off. "Well, there goes my secret identity. I take it you missed me, Fire boy?"

"Don't call me fire boy," Leo said. "But there might be a slight problem. You know our OTP?"

"Persadie? Yeah, duh," Luke said without any hesitation.

Leo then proceeded to explain the whole situation, watching as Luke's eyes grew wide and his jaw started to hang.

"Okay," Luke said after a moment of consideration. "We lock them in a room. And hopefully by the time it's done, things will be normal again,"

Leo gave a smile and the two boys began to work. Deciding to lock them in a chaos void, Leo went to trick Sadie and Luke went to trick Percy.

Once both of them were in, Leo gave a small and mischievous smile to his boyfriend. "You know they are gonna hate us for this, right?"

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