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Have I thought of what I'd say when I get to see him?

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Have I thought of what I'd say when I get to see him?


Had I envisioned a sober reaction from him when he meets me?


But what happened in conceptualization was actively different than what I had in mind. Mr. Yu had apparently been haunting the corridor of his apartment section , frustrated to the point that when the door to elevator had slide open- he visibly heaved a sigh as he saw us.

His shoulder squared, in his skipped stride he ran swiftly and simply stopped when he noticed how decent I appeared. Smiling sheepishly I shrugged, shifting a knocked out Eva's poster to comfort. With hair curtaining my sides and hood hideous upon my head- It yet extracted an unbelievable response within him.

It seemed as if he was speechless. Tongue tied to the zenith where he ran a hand through his hardening face in disbelief. His lips parted and clamped a couple of times before he gritted his teeth and got closer- I retreated one in reflex.

A low groan of anger escaped him as he glared at me- a nakedly displeased stare of authority. The pain within me felt like an ice to the scorching power of his. He might damage more with his vengeful presence than what the man did with his kicks and hits.

But what was he so angry at me about?



He fisted his hands by sides and closed his eyes inhaling, i ran my gaze through his unkept hair, dishevelled yet on sleek as it remained styled and pushed back from his forehead. The two top buttons of his cyan blue dress shirt undone and the fabric in whole wrinkled with the sleeves rolled up and flattened by his fore arms.

Which ignites my mind with a prying wonder.

What was he even doing to appear such symbolistic representation of a hot mess?

"I was so fucking worried sick about you and you wouldn't answer me straightly" he hissed grabbing my arm to make me walk- when I winced he went stiff,

"It's not mere your face" he stated, freeing me from his touch in an electrifying speed. Then he paused to spare a glimpse at Eva. A gaze, even though calculated, it told me that it was the very first wise he noticed her since we arrived. He took her from me, held her as if she weighed equivalent to a feather duster.

When we got to his living room he straightforwardly passed through to a room on right- when he came back, Eva was not with him. She finally got the peaceful environment to complete her sleep- good for her.

But for me, when Mr. Yu came and stood in front of me- his glasses doing no fine job of softening his spearing gaze, I cleared my throat as a helping starter for the night.

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