14| When We Meet Again

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Hi guys, thank you so much for reading Broken Sky until this part :) I love you all so much.

Probably most of you (especially if you've read Deeper) might be wondering why I put my characters in the Oil & Gas sector. It's easier for me to write something that I'm familiar with (what I studied, my day-to-day environment, etc), so I hope that you're not fed up with it. I just feel that I should warn you because we're entering the working environment now, so you'll find bits of it.

Anyways, on with the story ;)


My pulse quickens as I step out of the elevator, arriving at the designated floor of the department that has just recruited me as an intern

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My pulse quickens as I step out of the elevator, arriving at the designated floor of the department that has just recruited me as an intern.

CPL Oil & Gas headquarter is huge -- it feels intimidating. I still can't believe that they chose me to help them here, but there must be something good that they saw in my track records, so I should be optimistic.

Keep fighting, Lais.

Once I reach the department lobby, a pretty lady with tanned skin and short hair greets me. "Good morning! You must be Lais," she chirps.

"Good morning." I smile. "Yes, I'm the new intern here." I extend my hand to shake hands with her.

"I'm Sarah." She smiles, shaking hands with me. She seems like a friendly person. "Finally. I have lovely juniors!" She squeals, making the receptionist behind her muffle his laughter.

Well, she seems like a fun person too. From her appearance, I'm guessing that she might be a few years older than me.

We push through the door and enter the department.

I've expected that there will be curious heads turning toward me, but I'm wrong. Many people are gathered at the far corner of the floor, in front of an office room.

"That's your friend. He's a new intern too and just greeted our Division Head," Sarah says as we keep walking between the cubicles. "I'll bring you there in no time. But first of all, I'm gonna show you your desk. You might want to put your bag first before you can mingle with them and have some chit chats with the rest of us."

My eyebrows raise, curiosity filling my mind. Wow. The other intern already attracts much attention. I guess that I'll get to know him soon.

We stop at my desk. It's quite spacious. My new laptop already sits on it, along with a pile of documents.

If I turn my chair around, I'll come face to face with another desk. It's like our workplaces are connected, but still big enough for the two of us.

I'm guessing that my new cubicle friend is that new intern guy.

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