chapter 24☁︎︎

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heyy guys!! here is chapter 24!
song- Happiest Year

     when i poked my head around the corner to see blake and amelie cuddling the way he cuddled with me. my mouth opened into a small "o" as my eyes started to get watery.

i pulled out my phone, turned the ringer off and took a photo of how he was looking at her. i took a deep breath and wiped my eyes.

i decided to act normal so i pulled up tiktok on my phone. i watched the tiktok's on my for you page and walked into the living room.

i plopped down on a chair and looked up. i saw blake scattering to get amelie off him. i just played it cool as tears slid down my face, i was slouching so i doubt that they could see my face.

"hey babe, why aren't you asleep like you said you were?" blake asked with worry in his voice.

"oh, bryce is drunk and i had to comfort him,
and i just became wide awake." i fake smiled.

"hey paisley!" amelie said in a fake ass perky voice.

"hi!" i fake smiled again. my tactic was to make him feel guilty by being really nice, and trusting.

"i am bored," i sighed. "ooh, i'm gonna go live!" i said as i jumped up and walked into the kitchen.

i set up my phone and started the instagram live. (bold words are the chat)
paisley- hey guys! i am bored on this Saturday night so i decided to go live!

did you see amelie snap story?
check amelies story baby
i love you!!!!
how long have you and blake been dating??
you deserve better hun<3
hey bb - heather

paisley- did you see amelies snap story? hmm, no i haven't, let's take a look!

paisley decided to lie and she pulled out her ipad and went on amelies story. as she tapped into it she acted a little hurt.

paisley- oh, um, that's probably nothing! i love you, i love you too!! me and blake have been dating for a year and 1 month! you deserve better, aww thank you, but guys i am happy! omg hi heather!!

guys she looks sad...
paisley call me! -charli
ummm, i think blake is cheating on her with amelie.

paisley- i'm not sad hahah, hi charli! i'll call you in a bit bebe. guys blake isn't cheating, let's go see him.

the blonde scurried into the living room where she last saw blake. he was gone, and so was amelie.

paisley- ok so he is probably in his room. let's go get him!

she ran upstairs with her phone as she made funny faces and answered questions. once she made it to the door she opened like always, but what was inside of the door was, umm, bad. she had the camera flipped so they were seeing what she was seeing, which was blake with no shirt on, on top of, amelie, who was just in her undergarments.

paisleys pov***

i quickly ended the live as i watched blake kiss amelie. i dropped the food i brought for him into the ground causing him to look up.

i felt tears streaming down my cheek as they both shot their eyes to me. this whole time i had been putting off the truth, i told myself that he loved me and he wouldn't do that, i guess i was wrong. i let the tears escape my eyes as i stepped backwards.

Heather {Vinnie Hacker}Where stories live. Discover now