the end❤️❤️

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heyy guys!! so i am writing this on my laptop so sorry in advance. hope you enjoy this chapter! and thanks for going through the rough journey of my second Fan Fic with me. <3
much love- paige

song- Feeling Whitney and Heather

as we pulled up to the beach parking lot, we grabbed some blankets to sit on and all of our snacks. we walked over to a secluded spot and laid down.

we looked up the stars as we ate our snacks. we sat there in a nice silence.

"i miss you." vinnie said. i sighed and turned my head to see that he was already looking at me.

"you do?" i questioned. he sat up and put his food down. i saw this as a sign to sit up as well. i pulled myself up and looked at him.

"of course i do. i dont know why i ever left you. i never even loved heather, and i never stopped loving you. it's you paisley, it's always been you." he explained.

"d-do you still love me?" he added.

"of course i do." i laughed.

"but-." i started.

"no buts pais. we both love eachother!" vinnie said as he grabbed my hand. so many things were going through my head, but one was there the most... and it that he's right.

i felt a small smile creep onto my face. i wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. we stayed in this position for a little, then i pulled away.

"i love you paisley." he said sincerely. "i love you too." i smiled. after watching the sun set we went up to his car. and we drive to sway.

i could tell everything he told me was true, and my heart melted the way it used to when i looked at him.

when we got back to sway i went to my room and fell onto my bed with a smile on my face. was i making a mistake? is this what i want? no... and no.

i am doing the right thing, i love vinnie, i am in love with vinnie, this is good.


i know what your thinking, so much can happen in a year, and that's true, so much happened over the past year. for starters, i turned 18!

we had a small get together with all my close friends. we swam, and had a barbecue, and i was with my favorite people.

blake and amelie became official, and i am so happy for them. they are perfect for eachother. me and blake have never been better, and we are best friends.

i have been looking to move into my own house. don't get me wrong, sway is my home, but i am an adult now, and i think it's the right thing to do, but i doubt it will happen because i am to scared to leave the comfort of my home of a little over 2 years.

heather stopped visiting last year, but we still talk every one and awhile, she has a boyfriend back in seattle named Luke, he plays lacrosse and they are so cute, i am so happy that she is finally happy.

oh and... me and vinnie made it official one year ago today. i love this boy with my whole heart and i have never been happier. the fans were so happy for us and that was the cherry on top. it's been quite a long love story, but that's a wrap. ❤︎

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