chapter 26☁︎︎

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heyy guys!! here is chapter 26! teehee<3
song- Someone To Stay

i walked into the kitchen with my water bottle. was looking down at my phone when i bumped into someone.

"ohmymy god, ssoryyyy" blake's voice slurred.

"blake your drunk, let's get you upstairs" i sighed.

"fine." he pouted. once i got him upstairs i got him some pajamas. i helped him into bed.

"paisley?" he said sleepily.

"yeah?" i replied. "i am sorry for cheating on you with amelie." he sighed.

"it's okay blake." i assured him.

"do you forgive me? can we just be fwiends again?" he pouted.

"of course, we can be bestfriends if you want." i laughed.

"okay, love you pais, goodnight."he said. then he rolled over.

"night." i said.

"say it back." he whined.

"i love you blake." i laughed.

"yayyy" he giggled. i went to the door and walked out. i went to my room and decided to film a youtube video.

i took off my dress and makeup. i put my hair in a messy bun. then put in blake's oversized sweatshirt and nike pro's, oh, can't forget the fuzzy socks.

i went downstairs forgetting that there was a whole ass party. i walked over and grabbed a mask. i checked the time i'm and it was already 1 am. i unplugged the speakers and had everyone leave.

i called all the drunk people ubers and helped others to their cars. when everyone was gone i got each sway boy to their room. by the time i got to my room it was 2 am. whatevs, i can still film.

i turned my led's to hot pink and set up my camera so it could see my swingy chair.

"hey guys, it's paisley, welcome to another youtube video." i said then made a stupid face.

"soooo, i have an announcement to make! i'm sure you can tell what it is by the title of the video. so! let's just get right into it!" as i explained the whole situation i didn't once mention the real reason that we broke up. i simply said that we agreed we were better of as friends.

i edited it then went to bed. i woke up around 12 to the sound of my room door opening. i pulled the blankets over my head hoping that would signal that i wanted it sleep.

"hey pais." a familiar morning voice groaned. i felt the space next to me sink in as a sleepy vinnie climbed next to me. i turned around and looked at the half awake boy next to me. my hair was messy and my hood was over my head. soon, i heard light snores and i decided to just go back to bed.

i was awoken again at 1:00 to vinnie on his phone.

"morning sleepyhead." he smiled.

"oh hey. i forgot you were here." i said with a yawn. he set up his phone and pulled up the corvette song. i stood up from my bed next to him and did the dance.

he captioned it, 'slept in till 1 :) @ PaisleyRayne' i smiled as i got the tag and got the sound that goes 'here comes santy claus, here comes santy claus, right down santy claus lane' and put it were his phone was. i came i first and he went behind me. we did the dance and i captioned it 'can it be christmas already‼️' it was a pretty lazy day. we all pretty much made tiktok's
and hung around the house. it's was a good day!

that is the chapter! sorry for slow updates, make sure to vote so if u like the chapter! (618 words)

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