Servant of Two Masters

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I just feel that the episode could have had more Mergana, so.... here's a new chapter.

Merlin hung limply, and Morgana wiped Fomorrah slime off her fingers. Smiling, she remembered the command she gave him.

Originally, she was going to tell him to kill Arthur, but something stopped her. 

Something called loneliness.

So instead...

"I want you to be on my side, and help me."

Morgana rolled her eyes at her lame words. Now that she thought about it, she should have said something cooler.

Merlin jerked, mumbling something.

Morgana froze. What if it didn't work?

But Merlin raised his head, his eyes darker than normal.

"Hello, my lady."


"Are you my friend?" Morgana asked, after untying the boy.

"Yes, I will forever be your friend."

Morgana smirked at that.

"Are you on my side?"


Merlin stood straight, his eyes still dark, no smile to be found, but to be honest, Morgana liked it better that way.

A question got stuck in her throat.

"What is it?" An emotionless Merlin asked.

"Why did you poison me all those years ago?" 

Merlin answered without a beat. "Because Camelot was in danger. I regret it now."

Morgana exhaled, still not satisfied. 

"Will you betray Arthur?"

Something flickered in his face. "No-Yes."

Morgana stopped. The spell was probably weakening.

"Before I send you to sleep, remember that your loyalty lies to me and me only."

Merlin nodded.


Arthur was surprised about Merlin's personality change.

Two days after they found Merlin in that swamp, he seemed to be his old self.

The only thing wrong was that he kept staring out the window. No more jokes, either.

Arthur caught Merlin staring again, looking out at the forest below.

Sighing, Arthur poured himself another glass of wine.


Agravaine was surprised to see Merlin walking behind him.

Going to see the Lady Morgana, he was pretty sure the serving boy shouldn't see him.

Suspecting was one thing, knowing was another.

Diving into a bush, he waited until the boy's footsteps passed.

Then he continued.

"Stupid serving boy."

Walking past the trees that hid Morgana's home, he paused as he saw Merlin standing there, knocking on the door.

He'll have quite a surprise when he see's who lives there.  Agravaine smiled to himself.

But instead, Morgana opened the door, and let him in, leaving a baffled Agravaine in the bush.


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