Gaius's April Fools

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Title basically says it all.

I have decided to record my findings in this journal. 

Experiment: Trick and Prank others because of April Fools.

Hypothesis: People will freak, because apparently I'm 'not fun'

Test Subject One; Uther:

Way early in the morning, before Merlin woke, Uther came for his daily medicine. I gave him his usual, then when he finished, handed him an extra; one of my prank eclairs. He drowned it in one gulp, and started to choke. I laughed evilly, and he wheezed, the potion I've given him making a fake death. At the last second, I yelled April fools, and he understood.

He gave me a killer glare, said, and I quote, "Do that again, and your death shall be certain."

 Test Subject Two; Merlin:

When Merlin clambered down for breakfast, I made my best solemn face, and lied to him. "Uther found out about your magic. He wants you in the throne room. Now." Merlin freaked, and started cursing. The soap bar beckoned me, but I let it slide. He ran his hands through his hair, and paced around the room. I quote, "Oh, Gaius! I will have to leave, and my destiny will never be complete! I will probably be hunted down; like my father!" I walked over to him, and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Happy April fools." Understanding dawned on his face, and I left before he could curse me.

Test Subject Three; Morgana:

Morgana walked in shortly after Merlin left, asking for a sleeping draught. At first, I wasn't sure what to do with Morgana. What would scare her? I thought to myself, and I found my eyes drifting over to Merlin's empty room.

"Hello Morgana!" I had said, and handed her the sleeping draught. "Did you hear? Merlin got a girlfriend yesterday." The draught shattered on the floor. "No, uh, I did not." Morgana's voice quivered. She sat down in the chair. "T-thank you for informing me-e." I felt guilty, but just a bit. I kneeled down next to her. "April Fools!"

One black eye, and a glare. That's how much this cost me.

Test Subject Four; Arthur:

Arthur barged in, sporting donkey ears. I smile evilly. "Oh my! I'll fix it right away!" I lied, picking up the farting eclairs. Soon, the ears where gone, and Arthur sighed. "Thank you Gaius." I nodded, and added. "Happy April fools!"

The idiot didn't even realize.

Test Subject Five; Gwen:

Gwen rushed in, saying something about an angry Morgana, and I patted her shoulder. "She's probably angry because Arthur's marrying a princess." Gwen left before I could say April fools.

After I explained the whole situation, Gwen calmed down, and stopped packing up.

Last Test Subject; Mordred:

"MERGANA'S OFFICAL!" I yell when he comes in. He gasps, and starts squealing. "Finally! How did it happen!" "April Fools, Mordred."

I crushed his soul.


It's better to be boring.

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