Drunk Merlin

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Not Mergana. *Sobs* I'm sorry!

After Morgana's defeat, the knights had a tavern party.

In which they all got drunk. Even Merlin.

Which meant that when Morgana came back in the middle of the night, she found taking over easy.



Morgana surveilled the room, full of  knights at  swordpoint. Next to the sober queen, sat a drunk king.

"Nice to ssee yuo ag-gain Morgie!" Arthur mumbled, still drunk.

Gwaine butt in. "Who's Morgani?"

Percvial spoke up. "Momma!'

Leon giggled. "Whee! Mommy's home!"

Morgana's eye twitched.

Note to self, next time take over when their sober.

Merlin spoke up. "No It's Morgana! The sorceress wannabe." 

Morgana swiveled to him. "I'm not a wannabe!"

Merlin laughed. "Ya sure."

Morgana sneered, and turned to Gaius. Surely he hadn't gotten drunk.

*BURP!* Morgana flinched. Nope.

Gwen sighed. "Am I the only sober one here?"

Merlin laughed, like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"I can't hold alcohol!" Merlin giggled.

Gwen sighed. "That explains everything."

Morgana sighed as well. Just ignore-

"I FARTED!" Gwaine yelled. Everyone burst out laughing.

"ME TOOOO!" Arthur added.

Gwen sent a Help me look to Morgana.




"Well guess what! I'm a dragonlord!" Merlin chuckled.

Gwen and Morgana blinked.

Merlin laughed. "And I have magic!"

Morgana's eye twitched.

"And... I'm Emrys!" Merlin rolled over laughing.

Gaius burped.

Morgana exploded with fury. "ENOUGH!"

"You smell like pigs and fart." Arthur said, giggling.


Merlin zapped her into ashes. "Oops sorry. I heard my name."

Gwen fainted.

But not by Merlin's skill.

She fainted because Arthur released another big one.



Actually I think I might be drunk writing this....

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