Kingdom Part two

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Arthur continued staring at the place where Merlin and Morgana disappeared.

"My sister..." Arthur started, his eyes dim and gloomy.

Gwen sighed. "You still have me Arthur."

"My sister with..." He continued, apparently not hearing Gwen.

Gwen cocked her head. "What?"

"My sister with my manservant." He shuddered. "Gwaine will never hear about this, you understand?"

Gwen nodded, confused.

"I always thought Mergana was just a thing." Arthur shuddered again, and Gwen blinked.


Gwaine burst through the door. "WHO'S TALKING ABOUT MY SHIP!"

Arthur sighed.

Gwaine scanned the room. "Did it happen?"

Gwen blinked. "If you mean Merlin and Morgana turned out to be married, and have a son, get in a majestic kiss and disappear in a flash of light, then yeah."

Gwaine started screaming, and jumping around the room. "YESS!"

Arthur sighed.

"Even when their gone, Merlin and Morgana take the spotlight."

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