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Bruce Banner, a scientist working in his underground lab looking at an organism that had never been sighted before. It had caused one of the test rats to go savage, how Bruce found out it was a virus was because it gave off a spore like substance. Bruce tripped taking a tray full of the spores, the petri dish hit the cement and shattered sending the spores galore. "Shit!" Bruce cursed out loud rushing out of the way, he was not fast enough as loads of spore dust stuck to his hoodie. He made his way out of the lab to civilization, his head started to feel light and a fever struck. He coughed his body shaking as he turned the corner to run into fan girls, "ahhhhh!!!! Its The Hulk!!!" They screamed loudly and Bruce ducked away trying to get away from them. His body wracked with chills and coughs as he stumbled down an alley way, his skin bulged as his Hulk side took over turning a pale green a sickening green. He let out a low gutterly growl scaring the homeless man that was watching him, the homeless man who we know as Joe stepped forward slowly. "S-sir...? Are you alright?" The creature that was once Bruce Banner growled lowly and attacked the man taking a mouth full of flesh, it tore and clacked its teeth into the esophagus. Joe didn't have time to scream out or make any noise, "Sir! Sir!" A female voice ranted and the zombified Bruce spun his red lips glistened. "Ahhhhhhh!" The scream echoed off the walls as Bruce advanced on her his teeth glistening, "ahhhhh!!" The screams echoed more bouncing off more walls.

Tony Stark sat in his garage working on Mark 97, he hummed to mixture of Metallica and AC/DC.

"Breaking News! The Super Hero known as Hulk has gone crazy and has started reportedly eating people, it is some kind of virus do not go into contact with anyone showing signs of possible aggression stay indoors and be carefu-"

Tony sat up confused his eyes as he watched the TV go fuzzy, "they disturbed my... Music! For this shit!?" He snapped and spun angry. His eyes narrowed "Friday get me Mark 45!" The suit only assembled at feet and hands before screeches and snarls echoed the garage. "Shit! Friday notify Sammy!" Tony said loudly and the LED lights flashed a bright, dangerous glow of danger.

Tony's daughter sat in her room working on her homework when the lights turn bright red, "your dad has sent me to notify you that a virus has reached New York... Get the Peter and get going be careful, he will meet with you when the time comes" she nodded hearing loud screeches and shouts. She could hear Steve, Natasha, Bucky, and Clint scrambling to get ready for the onslaught of creatures. She got out of the bed and ran towards the closet to get her things, "Sam! We have to go!" Peter said looked around. "I am coming web boy!" She said and packed clothes and neccesities, she turned to Peter as her body phased into a large eagle 'come on!' She said telepathically. She followed him out and over the city of the dead eating the living, and the living sacrificing the other living.

Peter looked down as the oversized eagle flew with him, "by... Thor..." He said and looked upon the dying city,'we have to go find Tristyn, and your sister!' Sam said into his head, Peter nodded quickly "I know where Jane is but Tristyn... I don't know..." He said biting his cheek slightly.

Hey ya'll, I got this idea from OsitaBear26 I appreciate you!!! Love you!!! Thank You!!!!!!

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now