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"Sam!!! Help me!!!" I could hear screams of pain and shouts of fear, loud shouts and echos I didn't understand what was going on. I sat up in my tent my bruises burning as smoke filtered into the air and gun shots could be heard, I stepped out to see a man he grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me to a spot where there was a line of my people. My heart rate flew through the roof, a man I did not recognize stood in front his hands on a dual swords, I looked down the line, I was forced to my knees next to a dent Alex Jane on the other side of him, then Tristyn, Peter, Harper, Happy, and Ethan, Then there was Jake. I knew it was nightmare when Jake turned his head and tears streamed down my face, This was bizarre but so surreal that my body grew happy as the flat side of one of the dual swords landed on my shoulder and I looked up. The man chuckled and glared down at me his snake like eyes bore into my soul as if turning me to stone and I let out a strangled yelp when his sword was drilled into my shoulder.

I shot up in my tent I looked around and let my ears absorb any noise, there was no sound but gentle snores, and laughter I laid back staring at the ceiling and let out a short burst of annoyance, I groaned feeling my body screaming at me. "Sam? You're awake?" I heard a voice and I turned my head to see Peter and I nodded gently as I wiped my arm over my sweating brow as I tried getting enough oxygen to my lungs. "Hey Pete..." I said and he looked at me "yeah?" He called out as I sat up groaning slightly, "can you sleep on the bed with me?" I asked and he looked at me worried "Sam... You haven't rested properly... It will wreck your wounds..." He said I huffed before laying back and moping like a child, "okay, okay" he chuckled and I perked up before moving over a bit so he had room. "Thanks Peter..." I said and he nodded bringing me to his chest, I sighed gently as I rested my head on his chest, he hummed gently his chest vibrated as he hummed. I sighed happily as I was lulled to sleep by his heart and his breathing.

The Next Morning- January 20th, 2020

I awoke to sounds of happy voices and someone giving a command, "the other two up... They have to be up and at ready for the Austin to arrive... He will kill me if I don't have everyone at the ready" I heard Alex say and I tired to sit up but Peter held onto me tightly his breathing still even and I giggled, "Spidey time to wake up" I said gently as I moved strands of his growing hair out of his eyes. He huffed and opened his eyes as he stared down at me and smiled as he kissed my forehead, I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him before I stood and stretched out my back, "I am telling Alex you, the group, and I are going out to lead Riley away from here" I said and Peter nodded as I walked out of my tent in jeans and a tank top. 

"Hey Alex I need to speak to you" I said and Alex turned and looked at me his eyes studying me "what's up?" He said his eyes studying me and I raised a brow "my group and I are gonna head out to lead Riley away so no one else here gets hurt" I said and Alex nodded quickly his eyes wide in alarm. "You need to leave now... Or Austin will know and stab you all through..." Alex said worried and my eyes narrowed, "Alex... What do you mean?" I asked and he shook his head quickly "no time... You and the others have to leave now..." He said quickly and I sighed scratching my head. I looked at him in unease before nodding "okay... We will leave tonight..." I said and he shook his head, "no... Now" He said uneasily "Alex... We can't leave now..." I said and he sighed breathing and relaxing "okay... Sorry alpha" he said and I tapped his head lightly "it's alright" I sighed and walked back to my tent and entered to see Peter still laying in my bed, I chuckled and approached his bed. I brushed hair from his face and his eyes opened staring into mine, "hey Love" I said gently and he smiled as I watched him gently he studied my face gently as I studied his gentle brown eyes. "Thanks for always being there..." I said softly and he looked at me and smiled "no problem Kitten" he said kissing my forehead and I allowed him to stand.

I gathered supplies after conversing with the others, "I wish to stay..." Happy said and I turned to him my brow furrowing in concern, "Happy...? Why...?" I asked then I hummed in thought "You want to help Alex" I said and Happy nodded "as much as it would be nice to see Tony again I want to stay here..." He said smiling and I nodded Happy is like an uncle to me and I wanted him to feel safe. I hummed as I packed my stuff when Peter approached and as I stood he hugged me gently, I froze confused before I realized who it was and returned the hug "why you all touchy?" I asked amused as he shrugged "I dunno... I missed hugging you..." He mumbled into my head and I giggled "you could have hugged me whenever you wanted" I said amused but he sighed "I didn't want to hurt Tracey... But in return she tried to kill you..." He said slightly upset but I soothed him gently and quietly "I am alright" I said smiling gently, "all I am worried about is getting out of here and making sure everyone is safe" I soothed gently and he nodded slightly before I pulled away "I promise you are gonna be okay, I am gonna be okay..." I said and he nodded gently as I brushed his hair aside. "Love... You need a haircut" I said and Peter groaned "nooo" He said like a child and I giggled "I am sure Alex has a pair of scissors laying around for use, meet me in my tent in ten minutes and you are not there young man I will drag you there myself" I said and kissed his cheek before leaving to talk to Alex. 

I approached Alex "hey got any hair cutting scissors?" I asked smiling and Alex nodded and motioned to the guy that I asked to cover for me two days ago, "hey got any scissors laying around?" I asked and the guy looked up his eyes wide and face paled, "that voice... You're the dog that I saw the other day?" He asked I nodded gently "I can shapeshift in a way... The names Samantha but you can call me Sammy if you want" I said smiling and the guy did a double take "what don't believe me?" I asked my eyes narrowing in confusion. He looked at me thoughtfully "okay... I don't believe you... I need proof..." He said and I huffed rolling my eyes before allowing my body to take the similar form to the rottweiler but I added hellhound to it and made it slightly on fire, "holy shit!" He said in shock before I shifted back and crossed my arms "scissors now?" I asked my eyes on him "come on Steve I don't have all day" I said and the guy sighed "my name is Ryan but here" he said and handed me the scissors. "Wait I heard you were leaving tonight? Can I join you?" I turned he was about a year or two older than me and he was tall like really tall, I hummed "I will think about it" I said and walked away. My fingers tapped on the scissors and walked back to my tent and sighed as I entered and saw Peter sitting on my bed and I giggled "hey Pete" I said smiling warmly, "hey Kitten" He said and he stood kissing my forehead and I pulled a chair out and placed it in the middle of my tent and motioned for Peter to sit. As he did I worked on it and hummed as I worked and studied as I cut it to how I remembered it and smiled warmly, as I finished I stood in front of him holding his shoulders making sure it's even and I smiled warmly. Peter studied my face and he smiled kissing my cheek and standing up his arms wrapped around me gingerly, I giggled and returned the hug making sure the scissors were away from stabbing anyone. "Thanks Love" Peter said warmly and stepped back smiling happily. 

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now