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Samantha's PoV

I sat next to Peter in the abandoned Motel Room, I huffed in annoyance "my dad said he would meet us here..." I complained my back ached as did my legs and arms, "the dead is getting worse and I haven't seen my dad in a month... He can't even contact me" I said sadly and Peter sighed, "trust me... I know the feeling... Aunt May was one of the second people to turn... And... I haven't seen Jane since it all started..." Peter said and I leaned on him comforting him. "Hey... We will find them... I promise..." I said and he nodded laying his cheek on my head, I huffed and yawned slightly as I heard the groans of the dead in the other rooms. "Man... We are lucky to be together..." I said and he nodded slightly, "I am going to take first watch... Get some sleep Love" he said and I sighed nodding sadly and curling up on the old mattress that smelled of moth balls. I groaned slightly as my back cracked and grinded uneasily, "Peter... I can't sleep..." I groaned and he sighed sitting on the bed beside me and I curled into his side like a kitten smiling warmly.

I awoke a few hours later to thumping at the door, electricity ran through my muscles as I shot off the bed, Peter had doozed off and he was now awake at the noise and movement. "What is it Love...?" He asked and I shifted into a mouse, I ran to the windowsil and looked out to see an unfamiliar figure and my mouse form bristled. "Please open the door! There are monsters!" The voice said and I shifted back, "she must have saw us enter..." I said to Peter my eyes studying. "W-what should we do?" I asked looking at him my eyes wide now, "Peter... I don't know what to do..." I said and Peter set his hand on my shoulder. He had his jacket and jeans over his spider suit for now, "Sam... Relax... Let me talk to her..." He said and I nodded slightly biting my lip as my eyes followed him carefully. I stayed out of line of sight as I continued biting my lip, "please help me!" The voice said loudly again and I put my hands over my ears as I heard the strangled sounds of the dead. "P-peter... Make it stop" I cried covering my ears and sliding down onto the floor onto my knees, "Sam?" He said as he stepped towards me his eyes wide and worried as I clawed at my ears. "T-their coming" I gasped out as the lady outside knocked one more time, "ahhhh!" She screamed loudly as she took off with mutiple different creatures following her. "P-peter... Make the noises stop" I cried as he hugged me to him, "Sam... You need to stop... They will hear you..." He said and I continued to whimper as I bit my tongue and burrowed into his arms, "I am here... Shhhh..." He said and I whimpered more. "My... Dad... He won't make it..." I whimpered into Peter's chest as my body shook from the oncoming anxiety attack, "shhhh...." Peter said rubbing my back gently. As my body shoved me into sleep to sleep off the anxiety, "Peter... Do you think my dad will find us...?" I asked before I blacked out.

I awoke again laying on the bed in the empty motel room, my anxiety shot up "Peter?" I called out tears pricking my eyes. "PETER?!" I called again as I got up and saw a paper on the table, I strided over my anxiety still spiking as I saw Peter's writing on the note and I bit my lip.

Sam, I am out on a scavenge for food and supplies... I guess you can call it a run, I will be back soon I promise.

I looked over the note mutiple times and bit my lip again, "okay... Calm down... Calm down..." I said and inhaled and exhaled mutiple times. "He will be back... He promised... Didn't he?" I mumbled and wrapped my arms around my upper body and shook gently. "P-please come back?" I said quietly and looked at the door my eyes wide in fear, my super hearing could hear the monsters and creatures in the other rooms that got locked on them. I whimpered as the door opened and my eyes widened happily as Peter walked in with a bag, "Pete" I said striding to him and wrapping my arms around him. "You... Scared me..." I said looking up at him "I'm sorry... We just need to keep supplies up and ration because this... Apocalypse is not blowing over well..." He said and I nodded gulping and stepping back awakwardly, I didn't really know Peter that well all I knew was he was on my team with the others but they left. "Sam... Are you alright?" Peter asked stepping towards me as I saw the creature apporaching its jaws open and its flesh boiled and ripped, "Peter look out!" I screamed throwing out my arm which shifted from my regular hand into a long sword stabbing the creature through the skull and making it fall to the ground with a wet thump. My eyes widened as I stepped back "I... Just killed it...?" I asked and looked at Peter my face slightly pale, Peter grabbed my shoulders to keep me steady "you know... I really need to toughen up..." I muttered laughing faintly as I clenched my jaw.


1 week later

We left the motel room this morning, I walked next to Peter a backpack hanging off my shoulders. I looked at the wings that were tattooed into my body and I sighed, "Peter..." I called out as the sun beat down on us. "What do you think caused this...?" I asked and Peter shrugged continuing to walk, I sighed and continued to follow my limbs sore and my head bugging me. "Come on Love... We have to keep going" Peter said and I gulped and huffed, "I am coming Peter..." I said and he waited before wrapping and arm around me to keep me from lagging or falling. "Come on... We will find everyone... I promise..." He said and I nodded gently my eyes down as we walked down the road, I didn't even know where we were as ws turned into the forest. "Sorry... My spidey senses are starting up... I have a feeling a big group of them is coming..." He said and I nodded tired as I paled watching a large group of the dead drag themselves across the burning asphalt. My eyes watered slightly as I put my hand over my mouth in shock, "P-peter..." I said fearfully as the groans and the smell got to us my throat closed and I gagged slightly "these... Extra senses suck..." I said looking away uneasily.

It had been a good 20-30 mins for the large group to pass over, I looked around "Sam... I need you to use your wings..." He said and I looked at him uneasily "no... I cannot use them" I said sternly and he frowned and looked at me. "Sammy... I need you to use your wings... You have to scout..." He said hands on my shoulders as an unknown anxiety krept over me and I nodded gently, "fine... I will..." I said and he nodded hugging me gently soothing my anxiety and I sighed slightly.

I handed Peter the pack and rolled my shoulders, allowing my wings to peel off my skin and I let them extend. The soft feathers extended happily and stretched, I sighed allowing my wings to open properly and start the movements that would normally allow me to fly. I smiled gently as the wind blew through my hair, I looked down seeing the common stumbling dead. I bit my lip as my blonde hair blew in the wind, "shoot it!!" I hear shouts and I look out seeing three people one with a sniper rifle, one with a hand gun and one with nothing but a backpack. "Shoot it already!!" It repeated before I could register they were talking about me a white hot pain shot through my leg, I let out a high pitch scream of pain as I crashed into the ground leaving a crater. "SAM!" Peter yelled running to find where I crashed, he jumped from the bushes landing next to me his hands picking me up gently. I spit leaves and dirt my eyes burning an angry color, I gasped in unbearble pain as blood seeped from the bullet wound in my leg. My body pushed the bullet out and healed over without a mark and I growled lowly, "Peter... Step back..." I said lowly as my body took the form of a prehistoric wild cat. I snarled as the three people entered the clearing and my tail thrashed in anger, "where is the creature that had the wings?!?" One of the people asked and my large amber eyes narrowed. "Wow... A large prehistoric cat in the clearing and you're more worried about the winged girl you just shot down!" Peter shouted loudly in anger as I let out a low growl anger over powering the self control. "Holy shit!" One of them said aiming the hand gun at me, 'put that down!' I snapped and the guy threw the gun on the floor as I shifted and limped towards them. "HOW DARE you shoot me out of the sky!" I screamed my eyes watering and narrowed, "If I didn't know any better... I would set all three of you in fire!" I said loudly my hands clenched at me sides. "Hey kid its the apocalypse, what do you expect?" The one with the snipef rifle asked, I spun on him shifting into a cougar at the same time. I let out a snarl and stared him down, he without hesitation threw the gun at me for defense. I huffed and shifted back and walked to Peter, I felt hands grab me and put a dagger to my throat. I gasped and sighed "I got myself into this..." I mumbled and looked at Peter as he rolled his eyes and put on his mask, "oh man... Thats the Spider Man..." One of the men said and the man with the dagger tightened his grip. "Let. Her. Go" Peter said and I gulped when I met his white eyes, as he looked calm "does the hero have to repeat himself?" One of the men asked looking at his travel companion. "Well... If we want supplies we have to do whatever it will take to get them... Even if it mean cutting this Shapeshifters head off" my eyes flashed to Peter quickly in fear, him and I knowing I would be ended by that and my adrenaline kicked in. "Charlie... Let her go... Killing her will only anger him... He has explosive webbing..." One of the men said and the guy holding me let go throwing me to the ground, I spun and looked up my eyes wide as I shifted into a horse sized wolf my eyes studying them. I walked to Peter bending my legs allowing him to climb on with the supplies, 'Peter... I am so sorry... I almost got you and I killed over nothing...' I said to him through a link and he sighed "you were shot from the sky... Because of me..." He mumbled sadly rubbing my fur and I sighed as we sprinted away from the small group to somewhere safer from the dead and from other humans.

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now