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3 Days Later 

We were right outside the border to Utah, and we stopped in another small town and I noticed a wall and my eyes narrowed as I shifted into a robin without letting anyone know and travelling while looking down and noticed a form I recognized and my eyes widened. I zipped back and landed roughly shifting back my eyes wide "guys... The town ahead is good there is a community and we can go there" I said quickly and Peter looked at me uneasily as I lead them towards the town, I knocked on the heavy door loudly and wait "wall now!" I hear shouts and I huff and wait "they're the living" I hear voices the doors creak open and I cover my eyes as the setting sun shines through them. "Sam?" I hear a voice and my eyes open properly and the AI I built limps forward "hey Alex" I said smiling warmly and tears pricked my eyes, "long time no see..." I said rubbing the back of my neck, "you were that Robin I saw" he said and my cheeks blossomed a bright pink and I glared at him. "Wow... Thanks Alex... Tell them my abilities now..." I grumbled Alex chuckled when he saw the others he motioned for us to enter "come on they can come in! I know them!" He said and allowed us to enter, I smiled gently and entered with Peter, Happy, Tracey, Tristyn, Harper, Jane, and Ethan. 

We were placed in tents that were in the park, I sat outside my tent and stared ahead quietly I missed Jake being around and it made my mind buzz every time I am without him. Tears pricked my eyes as I put my head in my hands and closed my eyes as tears continued to fall, "S-Sam...?" I heard a voice say and I turned my head slightly to see Peter I dried my eyes quickly and stood "what do you need Pete" I asked and he froze slightly and gulped "are you okay?" He asked this time I froze and I turned my mouth in a straight line sighing, "No... Pete... I am not okay..." I said frowning as I looked down sadly I felt arms wrap around me and I froze, Peter wrapped me in a hug I sobbed silently my eyes watering more as Peter's grip tightened "I miss him..." I mumbled lowly he nodded and rested his chin on my head as I cried. Someone cleared their throat and Peter stepped back it was Tracey she was looking at me uneasily as I was brushing at my eyes gently, when Peter walked away to meet with her somewhere else Tracey threw me a glare making me flinch uneasily. 

I sat in my tent laying on my cot and looked up at the ceiling the voices of multiple different people made me uneasy as I fidget, the others were at a party of sorts or a gathering as Alex called it and I decided on staying in tonight. I hummed a quiet tune as I closed my eyes it was a Metallica song and I smiled it reminded me of my father, I sat up and put my head in my hands again, "dad... Please... Be alright..." I said mumbling sadly.  My hands were shaking as was my body as I cried in silence, "knock knock!" I heard a voice say outside my tent entrance, and I stood quickly my humming stopping as I cleaned myself up and opened my tent "yeah?" I said and my eyes widened when I saw someone I was least expecting, "P-Peter? What are you doing? Where's Tracey?" I asked and he looked at me his eyes cast down sadly. "I Uhm... I don't know... I haven't seen her... That's why I came to see you if you knew where she was...?" I shook my head gently "sorry Pete... I don't sorry..." I said looking down and Peter huffed roughly "great..." he said and thanked me before walking away. I sat back down and laid down before I decided to hum something else, Back in Black came to mind and I smiled "AC/DC" I mumbled and continued to hum the song in my mind. "Uhm... Knock knock?" I heard again and I grumbled incoherent swears under my breath as I walk to the entrance, "what?" I ask irritated and looked out I didn't find anyone and my brows furrowed and my eyes searched around, I even stepped out of the tent and looked around finding no one I saw something vanish around the corner. My eyes narrowed and I shifted into a house cat and followed quickly and streaked after them making sure I don't run into anyone, the figure had stopped before looking around quickly and turning left I sprinted after them quickly. 

I kept running turning the left corner and froze my small cat jaw dropping as I almost ran into a horde of walkers, I hid before I was spotted and turned into a mouse and walked through their feet and legs until I realized they were strung up dead. My eyes narrowed as I followed the figure I could see, through the dead walkers and kept following and I stopped short when I saw the figure. It was unfamiliar than they removed their hood and my eyes narrowed when I saw Tracey and I growled before shifting into a house cat and remaining out of sight, "Riley?" I heard her say and my eyes narrowed as I saw a taller figure step out of the shadows. I puffed up like a puff ball "she is here... Samantha Stark escaped and got back to us" She said and looked around as Riley nodded unhappily "Yeah I know she escaped from me" he said grumpy and rough, "awe babe no need to be so grumpy" Tracey said and my insides spun and I gagged silently "oh I am glad to know you aren't cheating hun" Riley said wrapping Tracey in a hug and pressing a kiss to her lips and her image changed into a woman with older features and I growled a little more, it was Tracey but her hair was shorter and her eyes were gold not green. My mouth fell open as I could hear them and I gagged loudly, "did you hear that?" I heard Tracey ask when she stepped back and looked around and I stepped further into the shadows and I ducked away behind a Walker corpse that had fallen. 

I sprinted away my small pads hitting the concrete I kept sprinting and made it back to the park, I skid to a stop and shifted into my human form, I collapsed onto the ground my breathing irregular, "Sam is that you?" I heard a voice and I regained composure as I looked up and saw the one person I dreaded seeing and my insides froze it was Tracey. "Yeah I was just going for a run..." I said with an excuse and I stand "I am heading to bed now..." I said and walked away, 'just because Peter and Tracey grew close... They still slept in separate tents...' 

I kept walking towards my tent and entered and squeaked when Peter was sitting on my bed, "I was just looking for you" I said and he looked up at me, his eyes worried when I looked at him panicked and slightly upset as I sat down on my bed. "P-Peter... I have something to tell you about... Tracey..." I said looking at him.

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now