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I sat in the living room of the condo and Peter was pacing, "Pete... I'm sorry..." I trailed off "I... I don't know what came over me... It was like... I wasn't in control..." I said and Peter looked at me his eyes betraying the anger in his body language but his words spoke what his eyes did, "no it means your old self is poking through" he said and my eyes widened that was why that rushed, angry feeling felt familiar. I smiled and looked at Peter who was frowning but his eyes still sparkled with glee, but I frowned "there is a good chance we are getting kicked out for this..." I mumbled sadly and Peter sighed and shrugged "honestly I don't care... As long as I am with you... And I can protect you I don't care" I heard him mumble and I looked at him warmly before Tristyn walked in. "Are you freaking crazy!?!" I jumped and flinched away from her as I stood, "I trust him! He has done questionable things but for a reason! And you just flip him over your shoulder like he weighs twenty god damn pounds Sam what were you thinking!?!?!" I stepped back but remained silent, my mouth glued shut as I pushed past her and Peter before walking out the door. I shifted into a large falcon and lifted off "Sam!!!" Peter yelled after me and I flew off into the infected forest my wings hitting the air, I flew for about half an hour landing in a tree. I was winded but I didn't think much of it at the time, I looked around before shifting and jumping to the ground, my head down and I began to walk back to breath and get a grip onto my thoughts that raged within my head. I sighed as I continued to walk and I heard noises to my right and I froze, I growled as my body changed into a chocolate lab and I sat down waiting as someone crashed into the clearing it was Peter. My nose twitched at him and he stared at me as I looked at him.

"Sam I know that is you" Peter said and I shifted back my arms crossed and my eyes narrowed, "what come to yell at me like Trissy did?" I asked tears pricking my eyes as I sat down, Peter looked at me and sat beside me and I sighed "sorry... I am acting like a toddler... It is so unlike me..." I mumbled and Peter looked at me as I stared straight ahead. "Sam... She was scared... She just found you... She missed you..." He said and I looked at him my eyes dull "Peter... She was scared of past me... Wasn't she..." I said looking at him and he shrugged "everyone was scared of you... But that was because you are a total badass, and you have sick fighting" he said brushing a strand of hair behind my ear, my cheeks lit up and I frowned at him, "why aren't you hanging out with Tracey? I thought you liked her" I said and he looked at me slightly amused but slightly hurt, "nah.. I have hope old you will shine through more..." He said and I looked at him my eyes smiling amused, "Remember when I flipped Flash over my shoulder? When I did it to Riley it brought that back..." I said looking at Peter who looked at me smiling as he sighed and looked up. "We should head back..." Peter said and I nodded and stretched my arms and back out, "Peter thank you...." I said and he nodded warmly we walked side by side as we made our ways back to Eastwood Peter grabbed my hand and squeezed gently making heat rush to my cheeks. Peter changed since this whole thing started and it scared me as I had strong feelings for him, but if he decided to go for Tracey I wouldn't care he needs to be happy for me. 

We got back and Tristyn hugged me tightly as she sighed "I am so sorry I yelled at you... I shouldn't have done that..." She said and I sighed, "it's alright Trissy..." I said chuckling slightly as I stepped back, she looked at me worried as I yawned and looked up at the sky, "it's only 3? Wow..." I said and started towards the park when someone wrapped me in a random hug and I stiffened like a board and growled lowly, "Jake... She hates contact..." Tristyn said worried but something came off Jake in waves calming my animal instincts as my jaw clenched and I shoved him back. "Don't. Touch. Me" I growled and he nodded and smiled slightly "sorry... You worried more than just Tristyn..." He said and I looked at him quizzically. I kept walking shaking him off then I motioned for Tristyn to follow and she did, "Why haven't you paid any attention to Harper? He really likes you and doesn't seem too bad..." I say looking at Tristyn and she shot me a look and I chuckled before she sighed, "still not over Josh?" I asked and she shook her head gently "no... He left me for dead... I am angry at him... I guess I just don't want someone else leaving either..." She said and I sighed stopping and she did too. "C'mere" I said motioning her to follow me in the opposite direction towards Harper who was helping build stuff his blonde hair stuck to his forehead as he worked. Tristyn followed my gaze and watched Harper work his green eyes found us and Tristyn didn't meet his gaze, "Trissy... I understand that Josh left and that it's the apocalypse but give him a chance hun..." I said and she huffed "maybe... Soon..." She said and I smiled and nodded gently before she turned to me and I froze "give Jake a chance... I already have a feeling Peter is going to give Tracey a shot... Please don't drag Peter back... If you truly remember your feelings you will let him go..." I stiffened and my eyes hardened before I exhaled and nodded gently "of course hun..." I trailed off looking into the distant. 

I sat in the park contemplating what Tristyn said my mind was wondering and it scares me when it does that, I felt a presence beside me but I didn't make and motion to acknowledge it. "Sam?" I heard the voice and I turned my vision on the person next to me to see Tracey and my body stiffened, "I have to talk to you about Peter..." She said as my mind came back when she mentioned Peter and I looked at her my gaze cold, "what do you need Tracey?" I asked and I looked at her "I like him... I know it's only been a day... But I like him... He's funny... Cute... And he's brave... He is everything I hoped for... and more..." She said and I stood my hands clenched before I relaxed, "good for you... Why are you telling me this?" I asked growled lowly and Tracey frowned "because you're the only one who knows more about him than anyone... And I need your help..." She said and I growled at her "do it yourself... I am not a tool... I will not be used for information..." I said and walked away my hands in my pockets as I continued to walk in the park. "What was that about?" I heard a voice and I spun hands at the ready as I looked around and Jake walked out of the shadow of a tree, it was around 5 and the shadows were longer since it was November, "oh... She needed my help to get to Peter... and I said no..." I said and sighed looking around. Jake started at me in thought he was taller than me, although everyone but Tristyn are taller than me, Jake motioned for me to walk with him and I relented and agreed. Jake walked about half a step beside me as I silently fumed inside, "I am sorry you can't find your dad... And the only reason I am like this is because well... Hydra abducted me from my home when I was younger... They experimented on me... Now I fight like Black Widow and have animal like senses... And super strength... I can also control people's moods..." He said and I looked at him in shock. "I... I'm sorry..." I said and he shrugged "I escaped because a horde broke through and I was able to get out and away from there, the tried following me but the dead got to them first... Then I ended up here after saving Tracey... She can turn into a cat..." He said and I looked at him my eyes studying him before my cheeks puffed out in thought. "All I remember... Is my mother injecting a silverish purple liquid into my bloodstream... Now I can be anything... Than... About two months of knowing Peter... My psychotic Aunt Faye kidnapped me and tattooed these wings onto me with the silver stuff in the ink... and now they come to life... Then... In a fight with Thanos... A giant purple raisin... He infused something called the Infinity Stones... Into my body... I don't know enough to use them... Because they are locked away from my reach within my own mind by a deep purple ooze..." I said and Jake looked me up and down in thought. "I fell... For Peter... He doesn't know I remember... But he needs to move on... I was in a coma for 2-3 years... and he never left me... I am bad for him... I will poison him..." I said sadly and Jake sighed. "You are willing to lock away your own feeling for him because you want him happy?" Jake asked and I nodded gently, "I am willing to take my memories again just so he could be happy... If Tracey makes him happy then so be it..." I said and Jake stopped me from walking further and he looked me in the eyes. "Do what you feel will make you happy as well" He said hugging me and I sighed and hugged him back gently, my mind calmed and with me "thanks for listening Jake..." I said and he nodded gently, I stepped back his arms remained around my frame making my cheeks heat up gently he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "You know... If Peter should move on... You should too..." He said and I gulped and nodded gently "I know..." I said quietly and he sighed knowing I had become upset "sorry Pup..." He said gently and I smiled and shrugged, "it's alright... You're right..." I said and stepped back "I should go... Just because he should move on shouldn't mean I should worry him..." I said giggling slightly and Jake nodded watching me leave as I made my way back towards the 'alive' part of the community.  

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang