Fun Questions

15 1 2

Tagged by OsitaBear26

1: Straight

2: Gender- very much Female

3: Happy?: of course

4:Last Song: Counting Star by One Republic

5:Hair color: Natural Burnette but I have bleached it blonde, and am going blue soon.

6: Zodiac- Cancer♋

7: Last Person you kissed: never kissed anyone.

8:Fav color: Silver, Blue, and Green.

9:Fav food: anything.

10: battery %: 74%

11: Celebrity Crush: Tom Holland, Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Sebastin Stan.

12: Fav Veggie: Peas! 😂

13: Eye color: Hazel

14: shoe size: a womens 8-9

15: Dream Job: Health care nurse with author on the side.

I am not gonna tag people because that would be awkward since some of the people on here may not like it... 😅 that and I am to lazy to T-T

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