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As we hit the Earth the lights were knocked out of me.

?!??!?! PoV

He took down the beast, the winged wolf that soared through the sky, we watched as the person in charged at the point landed hard and the wolf from the looks was knocked out. "We are about 20 minutes from a community..." He said and we watched as the wolf flashed brightly and he swore loudly as the form grew smaller and changed into a girl, "Sam?" Tony said his mouth falling open as he brought his hand to his mouth, tears falling from his eyes "She's alive?" He said stepping back into Clint I watched my arms crossed "great job Tony... You took down your own daughter" Natasha said pressing her fingers into the bridge of her nose in annoyance as she picked up the girl. I remained quiet for the duration of the time "Steve come on..." Natasha said motioning to me and I nodded as we started towards the community with the knocked out girl, I sighed pressing my fingers into my nose, we lost the bunker and now we were out and about as Tony screwed around with his dying tech. We, Clint, Tony, Natasha, Buck, and myself started walking. "She was heading to the community..." Tony said as he took his daughter in his arms. 

Tristyn's PoV

We hadn't seen Sam since the interaction between her and Riley, I was pacing as the healers inspected Peter we still had to worry about the guy Alex was telling us about and Happy was not very happy with Alex right of now. I kept pacing before I heard shouts and whistles about people at the wall and my skin prickled, the wall moved and creaked the one person I feared to be behind that wall the most appeared and started firing his ability knocking Alex to the ground, frying his wires and killing others.

Peter's PoV

I sat up my mind clearing as I heard screams of pain and fear and I turned multiple times looking for what was going on, the healers hushed me and someone tried to cover the tent, but someone came in hands on fire and my eyes widened as a nurse was struck in the centre and she turned to ash. "No!" I chocked out but I was forced down by someone whose hands were covered in stone as the undead groaned and tried to eat others as the gates were closed, I groaned as I sat up and grabbed my bag for anything I could use I lost my suit and web shooters awhile back.

Samantha's PoV

I awoke in someone's arms I groaned as I moved and my wounds but the one on my face healed and I growled as the person allowed me to get out of their arms, I looked around groggily and realized we were about 5 minutes from the camp and I could see fire. Thunder cracked across the sky and unease prickled, "Sam... Where is Peter?" I heard a voice and I spun, my eyes wide and the person I was looking for stepped back "kid... Where is Peter?" He asked again his eyes studying my scar and my eyes adjusted as my brain processed what was going on, "dad?" I asked out and he nodded and I looked shocked "no time... The camp's being attacked... We have to go now" I said and I looked around seeing, Bucky, Natasha, Steve, and Clint "I need all of yall's help now" I said and they nodded gently I changed form into my regular wolf and shook out my fur gently. "Sam we have to head North... Towards Canada..." My father said and I growled and stomped my foot before shifting back, "Like fuck... I am going to go help the community Peter is there!" I said and my father looked at me as I shifted into a large cheetah and took off. 

As I got to the community the walls were closed and the rain was pouring, I could hear crying and mourning on the inside I shifted into a large falcon and lifted into the air. I shifted and landed behind a tent looking around, Riley's men were crawling around the place like they owned it Alex laid on a table his chest plate was open and his wires were cut, I growled and a hand viscously grabbed my elbow. "... Boss is gonna be happy to see you" He growled basically stuffing his nasty face in mine. I growled in return and snapped at him my body puffing up like a defensive dog, "Oh... Is the pup mad?" He taunted and I snarled my teeth bared in anger as I was shoved along towards the center of the community where I saw an injured Peter and the others lined up next to him, I was shoved next to Harper who had Jane next to him and Ethan after that Peter still wounded had his lip busted open again and his bruised eye was closed shut again. He looked at me his eyes studying me as I growled lowly as Riley stepped forward "Ohh... This is too bloody good, I can now end what caused this whole mess in the first place" he chuckled staring down at me and I glared at him. "Hey boys wouldn't yeah know this is Tony Starks daughter!" He called out and gasps of false surprise and actual shock could be heard, "Sir... She could... Kill us if she wanted too..." Riley snorted in amusement at the concerns of his followers "trust me men... With her boyfriend under threat she would never make a move" Riley roughly grabbed Peter from the line and shoved him in front of the line and I snarled loudly as thunder rolled as well. The men jumped at me sudden noise and my silver eyes that glowed brightly, "see although she is pissed about him being at gun point she won't do anything... Refuses to get her boyfriend here hurt" He chuckled and I snarled loudly again my eyes narrowed in on Riley who smirked in return "touch him and I will make sure you wished you died in the fire asshole" I snarled loudly making  my own ears ring loudly.  Lightning struck across the sky as my clothes started to soak through and the eerie light made my eyes darker scaring multiple people, "now... Ms. Stark do you wish to cooperate or do you want your boyfriend dead?" He asked lowly. I without thinking allowed my wings to spring open and shot forward time slowed as Riley pulled the trigger and my wings wrapped around Peter before the bullet could do any damage instead crumpled against my wing, I hugged Peter to me tightly and shoved my face into his neck and whimpered slightly "Tristyn get you and the others out now!!" I screamed for her to hear me I heard the whoosh of a cloak and the sound of a sudden pop letting me know they escaped as gun shots were heard where they vanished, I could feel impact hitting me trying to get through my wings "Stop firing! I know how to get through to them!" I heard Riley yell and I snarled before raising my head to look at Peter, "wrap your arms around my neck now Spidey" I said lowly and he did so as my body changed I turned into a giant male lion my mane covered Peter as I growled at the others. My wings vanished and my large body could clear out a horde of the undead I had turned into a monstrous creature scaring multiple different people except for Riley who was smirking as I roared out loudly. Shaking the earth and the buildings around me I started sprinting towards the wall I could feel bullets hitting me, a few struck soft spots making me roar in anger as it struck flesh. I hopped over and kept running unsure of where Tristyn took them but I had to get Peter away from here before he or I got killed.

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora