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We drove for another hour before finding a storage warehouse, "come on guys!" I said and helped them unload everything and got to the front door and hitting hard on it to see if any of the monsters were within, just by luck only two came at us as we stood and I took one out while Tristyn shoved it through a portal into an ocean. I chuckled as I helped Peter who was still limping, I growled and settled him down to inspect his wounds as the others set up tents and made sure the area was clear, I cleaned them and bandaged him up best I could. "Just like old times hey Kitten?" He asked and I looked at him confused as he looked at me through his slowly healing eyes, I smiled brushing my finger over it gently and he flinched, I sighed as I stood him up and walked towards the tent Ryan set up for Peter. I set him on the bed that was made and I adjusted myself in front of him before I finished up stitching him, "Sam... The scratch hasn't healed... It's... going to scar over..." I had not noticed the scar across my lower jaw up to my temple, it stung when Peter brought his hand up to touch it gently and I flinched away from his hand. "Let me stitch it up Kitten..." He said and I nodded gently as he grabbed the health kit I had in my hand, he grabbed the thread with what was like professional hands and helped me stitch up my face. "Thanks.." I said and stood to leave when Peter reached and grabbed my wrist quickly, I looked down at him and moved my head to the side, "What's wrong?" I asked and he looked at me "don't leave... Please...?" He asked and I nodded gently and put the first aid kit on the floor. I removed my shoes and covered Peter in a blanket before joining him he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me to his chest, he sighed and nuzzled into my neck making chills go up and down my spine. 

**Some Sexual Stuff Mentioned**

I sighed and purred into his warmth, he sighed again squeezing me gently, "Kitten... I want you to look at me..." He said and I turned gently my eyes meeting his. His face was close to mine "P-Peter?" I questioned and his eyes studied mine as I stared into his brown orbs, I could fell his eyes look at my lips before they looked into my eyes again before looking at my lips again I looked into his eyes. "Sam... I really like you... I have since we met... and it was hard helping you get your memories back... I couldn't wrap my arms around you while we watched Star Wars... Or I couldn't kiss the top of your head after you won while playing monopoly against Ned and MJ..." He said his forehead now resting on mine gently. My eyes melted into his as he moved forward more his nose bumping mine and I looked into his eyes his meeting mine, I closed the distance pressing my lips to his. My eyes fluttered closed as did his and he adjusted his grip and made it easier, I moved back slightly opening my eyes carefully and looked at Peter his eyes opened to meet mine. I smiled gently and the side of my face felt like it was on fire I whimpered gently and Peter's eyes widened "Kitten? Are you okay?" I kept my hand on my face, I nodded gently "my... mark... It burns... That's all..." I said gently and cuddled into him again. He sighed gently kissing the top of my head and rested his chin on my head again, I purred gently and he smiled "I am... So glad we are safe for now..." He said and I nodded humming in response. 

The Next Morning

I moved slightly as I woke myself up and looked over my shoulder to see Peter, his arm wrapped around my waist and his forehead resting on my shoulder. I smiled and sat up and kissed his forehead and his eyes fluttered opened the bruised one was healing, I smiled and pecked his lips which left him smiling warmly as it happened a few more times. I hummed smiling gently as I stood and stretched Peter finally woke up a little more and his eyes widened, "love... Y-your scratch... I-It's... Getting worse..." I put my hand over my face gingerly and felt it pulse with an unhealthy heat. I groaned in pain and my knees buckled and I collapsed "Sam!" He yelled and stood quickly tearing open a wound in his side, he grunted as he caught me and brought me to his chest, his eyes one my face, "it's... Not infected... But... It's pulsing... It's healing just really sore..." I groaned uneasily. "Kitten... It's healing now... Took it long enough... But it's scarring..." Peter said tracing a gentle finger down the scar, I leaned into his hand and purred gently he smiled and kissed my temple gently as I leaned into him. 

End Of Warning 

I helped the others set up as I helped Peter into the car as I packed everything up with Harper, Tristyn, Jane, and Ryan. I sighed and got into the driver's seat I tried starting the vehicle and it stuttered, I grumbled and got out after popping the hood. I inspected the inside of the hood looking over the sparks and the oil and the transmission, I tapped the front of the car and looked over at Ryan who was looking over my shoulder at the engine. I hummed and pulled out one of the spark plugs, the spark plug looked burned and I scrapped my mind to what would cause this and my eyes widened when I felt the air crackle. I shoved Ryan out of the way as a bolt of lightning struck me right in the back much like Azula with her lightning bending to Aang, I let out a strangled and electrified screech as I collapsed "Ryan get them outta here now!" I shouted and he nodded jumping up and towards the car as I slowly stood my body nullifying the electric pain, I stood and turned to see a crazed and angry Riley and I snarled loudly my chest vibrated as another shock struck my body as his arm extended. 

I heard a panting and I looked up Peter was leaning on the vehicle his wounds healing, I didn't know how until I saw Ryan his eyes glowing a green as he had the healing mutation and I growled as Riley chuckled "oh I expected that scratch to finish you in the night turns out the antipoison fights back doesn't it?" He taunted and I snarled at him as he raised his hand the lightning crackled along his fingers, I noticed a few other people walk from behind him as the sun went behind a cloud, I could see fire, water, wind, earth, and a few others. My back arched as my wings opened wide and I growled lowly my form changed again as I spread the wings that remained within the form covering my group. "You really think Wings are gonna save them?" Riley asked as he broke into an uncontrolled laughter his eyes wide in amusement as I growled angerly, "my wings won't protect them but my anger will" I said and my eyes flashed an angry red Peter let out an angry gasp "Kitten!" He yelled and I looked over my shoulder as Tristyn opened a portal out of view of everyone as she ushered everyone somewhere safe. I let out an angry sound that sounded like a mix between a lion and a wolf then it got louder and started shaking the warehouse and the car, as it turned into a stranded and angry screech much like a cross between an owl and a falcon. Deafening windows blew out and I put my wings into motion taking off into the sky, my wings beating the earth and went above the clouds I looked down my wings beating the air to see Riley looking around for me, the group as his followers lay on the ground their ears bleeding from how high pitched I was able to go. I headed back to the camp where Tristyn took the others my wings hit the air harder as I quickened my pace, my eyes narrowed as something landed on my back and dragged me to the Earth. I was shocked and let out a strangled yelp, "give in beast..." I heard a familiar voice as I was dragged down, I snarled spinning my body and growling snapping at the man in partial armour and my eyes widened. 'Dad?'.

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now