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I heard chatter, voices, and questions it made my head hurt. I had not heard this many people in one place since the start of this whole thing, "P-Peter...?" I called out quietly as I heard Tristyn yell at them to stop talking, silence fell and we were brought inside. I stayed behind Peter his hand on my wrist as Tristyn still tiny stepped aside for the leader to come forward, "I am Riley Goldman welcome to Eastwood" He said and I looked at him uneasily this man seemed trustworthy but something in my gut told me not to trust him. "I am Peter Parker and this is Samantha Stark" Peter said and I stiffened when I heard whispers and voices echo around about me being Tony's kid and I moved into Peter and his grip tightened as he looked at Riley whom was watching me "she is not his kid, she is far too quiet, shy-".

"Sam?" I heard a voice and turned to see Happy and my eyes lit up, "Happy!" I said loudly and ran towards him plowing him into a hug, he chuckled and patted my head "hey kiddo! Long time no see" He said and I stepped back and my eyes narrowed "where's dad?" I asked looking around now and he sighed rubbing his face, "they went to an undercover bunker in California" I looked at Happy confused "why the f*ck would they build a bunker in Cali?" I asked my eyes narrowed and he shrugged. "Bruce didn't know about it either" I nodded in thought and stretched myself and looked around at the confused faces, I rolled my eyes and fixed my sweater that was sliding off my shoulders almost revealing my tattoo. I put the hood up and went back to talking to Riley, Peter looked at me smiling gently and I smiled back and he grabbed my wrist again to make sure I am near him. "Okay well welcome to the community and Mrs. Stark may I speak to you a second? I need your help with something" Riley said and I looked at Peter uneasily as he looked a little panicked "Mrs. Strange please show Mr. Parker around" Riley said and my anxiety kicked in, "Sam... You are gonna be okay..." Tristyn said looking at me as she noticed my unease and anxious expression. 

I followed Riley to his home, it was large, white, and almost in the middle like a tyrant would and I sighed uneasily. As we entered he sat behind a desk and motioned me to sit down in the chair in front of him, I sat and bounced my leg while biting the skin at my thumb. "So Stark, how long and you the boy been out there?" He asked and I looked at Riley "since it started... Peter came to get me when it started while my dad was in the garage..." I said and Riley wrote down notes on the notepad in front of him. "I noticed you had a limp, were you bit?" He asked and I looked at him angerly "no... I was shot out of the sky!" I flinched when I made mention that I was flying. "You were... Shot out of the sky??" He asked and I face palmed and sighed "I uhm... Have powers..." I said trailing off "but they miniscule... And useless... As you can tell I was shot out of the sky..." I said trailing off. He studied me and nodded mutely as he wrote down that I could only fly and I smirked to myself knowing I just lied to him about it, "You're free to go, if you have any questions talk to Mrs. Strange or Happy he is our patrolman" I nod and leave as Tristyn and Peter ran up to me, "Come on Sam! We get our own home... Since we're new..." Peter said and I nodded as I was lead to a small condo that was in line with loads of other condos, we were in number six between Tristyn, and her roommate Tracey and Happy with his roommate Jake. I walked in and looked around amazed "wow... haven't been in a clean house since this started..." I said to Peter who nodded faintly "Pete...? You okay?" I asked and he turned to me and nodded gently before he grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs, "there is only one room... But don't worry there is two beds, and two bathrooms" he said I nodded and smiled gently looking around before walking to one of the beds and sitting on it, the springs creaked and I laid back, staring at the ceiling "Peter... Do you trust Riley?" I asked. Peter collapsed beside me his arm wrapping around me and I moved closer appreciating his warmth, "no... I don't and honestly it terrified me that he asked to speak to you... Does he know you have enhanced capabilities?" Peter asked and I shrugged "only my flying" I said and he nodded gently, "alright" he said and my eye grew heavier. "You can fall asleep if you want to Love" he said and I sighed before sleep drifted into my mind, "okay..." I mumbled and he sighed squeezing my shoulder gently, "I will protect you... I promise..." He mumbled before I fell asleep.

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now