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I stood next to Peter waiting for the others to join us, Alex gave us a vehicle and some supplies. I got into the drivers seat and started it up as the other got in as well, I smiled at Peter who took passenger as I pressed on the gas gently and started. I hummed and tapped my fingers on the wheel, a silence between us as we made our way past out cars and towards California.

"Do we have music in this car? Like holy... Shiitake mushrooms... Its too quiet" Tristyn said in exasperation and I chuckled, I tapped the radio gently and static noise turned on making my ears ring and I growled, "Pete... there might be CD's in the glove box" I said and Ryan chuckled in the back "maybe is Harly didn't take em" he said amused and I glared at him through the rearview. Peter found a CD that was Reba and my brow creased slightly as he injected the disc, it started with a song and I smiled as I tapped along gently. Peter glanced at me I could see from the side vision and I could feel it as well, "What's wrong Love?" I asked glancing him as I rested my left palm on the wheel and putting my right hand on his. I smiled as he laced his fingers through mine and I heard Tristyn coo about it in the back and I chuckled, I hummed gently with the song and squeezed Peter's hand gently.

We drove for about half an hour as I pulled over I instructed them to remain in the car, I quietly opened the door and closed it softly as I stood and looked around. My form changed into a falcon and I lifted into the air and took off towards the small house that was around a 10 min walk from the road, I landed on the windowsill and pecked it a few times, nothing happened and I shifted back into my human form and knocked on the window again when nothing happened I took the form of a good sized horse and made my way back. But when I got back two people were missing and multiple different people with guns were holding MY friends at gunpoint. I whinnied loudly and Tristyn's head snapped towards me I snorted before my form changed into a giant wolf and I howled loudly, "Sam! They took Peter and Jane!" Tristyn yelled and I let out a high pitched growl as I got low and launched at the one holding Harper and Ethan as Ryan turned and grabbed the gun moved it to the side quickly not noticing where the gun was aiming and the fire arm went off making me jump and a searing hot pain rocked through me and I snarled in pain, Tristyn made a portal appear under her captort and the cape tackled Ethan and Harper to the ground as my body jumped in front of Tristyn and Ryan to protect them from the gun that rained bullets on us. I howled in pain as I shifted back and the bullets pushed out, thanks to the fur I was able to pad myself slightly, "gods... I hate people..." I said and stood "who took Peter and Jane?" I snarled lowly and Tristyn looked at me her eyes narrowed "one guess... and he said if YOU don't come alone than he will kill Peter... While you watch..." She said and I let out a low snarl and my wings peeled off my body as Tristyn pointed towards the East where Riley went "I will be back" I said lowly and took off, "will she be alright?" Ryan asked and Tristyn nodded gently "no one messes with her friends... Or partners ever... Before her memories were shattered she was a fierce leader... and it's starting to show now... She is losing her new personality in her old self... It's gonna get her killed if she can't control herself..." Tristyn said worried as Ryan watched after the girl with the wings.

A Few Hours Later

I landed in front of Riley who was smirking and had his arms crossed as I stared him down my eyes a gold in anger, the runes on my wings glowed a brilliant and angry color of each infinity stone that was encrusted into it. "Hellloooo Samantha glad you could finally join usss" He said amused as my wings closed and I growled "boys bring them outtt" I gasped seeing Peter his eyes was swollen shut and he had marks all over his face, "P-Peter!" I screamed loudly my eyes widened when Jane was dragged out with a busted lip. Peter was at the brunt though his eyes were on the ground and they widened when he saw me, "Get out of here!" Jane and Peter said loudly their eyes worried and wide in concern. 

I stood frozen as Peter stared at me from his captors arms and I didn't know what to do and it scared me as Riley smirked with half his face. "Okay Goldman return my friends" I said my eyes now turning silver and he smirked but it faded as my body changed into the same wolf that killed Tracey the wings unfurling as I snarled,  "you... Killed Tracey! So I am gonna get my revenge I don't care if Mr. Parker here had nothing to do with it I will rip him apart to prove to you how much pain you put me through!!!!" Riley yelled and I felt the air move and I realized he had not only elemental controllers but himself as his body changed into a large angry panther with multiple tails and four eyes, I snarled lowly as Peter watched his eyes wide. "Release them!!!" I snarled and Riley chuckled as he swiped at me leaving a mark on my face, knocking me down I yelped and I stood again my tail lashed in anger as Riley's lashed and he chuckled as the mark didn't heal over like it should have. 'Shit... It's going to scar' I thought as I launched forward lighting myself on fire as I went and landed on his back and launched off again as Riley's animal instincts took over and his fur remained on fire as he took off. I turned to his companions as they used their skills and I growled loudly as I stepped forward menacingly and growled loudly, they quivered as their elements suddenly left them and the wind picked up the fire in my mouth, fur, and paws littered into the dense, dry forest. Lighting aflame and causing smoke to heighten and I snarled again as the rest took off. I shifted back and sprinted to Jane and Peter, helping Jane per Peter's request and I got her up and helped her heal, as she did she sprinted back to camp and I raced to Peter. "You have no idea how scared I was..." I said looking into his eyes one swollen shut as I got him untied and sat up, his entire body was bruised and I could tell and tears pricked my eyes as I breathed to stop from crying. "You're gonna be okay" I said smiling warmly he smiled and I stood him up wrapped his arm around my neck gripped around his midsection and opened my wings, I took off and back to the car. I landed and looked at the others they smiled seeing Peter as I gently allowed Peter down "we will drive for an hour than we will camp and sleep alright? It's about 10 so it won't be long" I said looking at the sky. 

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now