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I awoke at dawn Jake still laying on my hugging me tightly, I smiled as I ran my fingers through his hair. "Sam, We need you to do a pat- Nevermind" Jane said as she ran away to see Ethan, I chuckled when I heard Peter groan that I was unable to do a patrol, "hey... Jake time to wake up Love" I said shaking him gently and he groaned hugging me tighter I sighed "Jake" I said again and his eyes opened before he looked at me tired. "I have to patrol" I said and he smiled gently and nodded as he allowed me to stand and walk away, I walked out of my tent and stretched out my back and neck. 

I shifted into a small wild cat and started checking traps and tins for any of the Walkers or any other creatures, my cat eyes searched every crevice as I kept my ears open and my nose open as well. I made a chaffing noise and huffed as I returned to camp I shifted back and stretched again from being in a cramped body, I huffed and grumbled in unease as I walked around camp and looked at Peter and Tracey who were discussing travelling plans and I sighed, 'That was something he and I did all the time... Now he's mad at me all the time...'  I sighed and looked at Tristyn who was hugging Harper around the torso as she looked up talking to him. I smiled as I watched Jane and Ethan talk near the fire pit, my brow furrowed as I noticed that Jake was still in my tent and I sighed rolling my eyes. I opened the flap to my tent and entered my eyes searching for Jake, "Honey... It's time to get up" I said smiling at him and jake groaned in frustration as I crouched in front of my bed and moved my head to the side. "We have work to do, hunting, branch collecting" I listed off some chores that we had to work on, he huffed and sat up looking at me and I brushed hair out of his face. He was now wide awake and looking at me warmly as I smiled looking at him, I stood and walked out my eyes searching as Happy walked out of his tent hand on temple and  my brow furrowed "Happy you alright?" I asked and his gaze moved to me and he smiled gently and nodded slightly, I smiled again and stretched again as Jake walked out of my tent and Happy looked at me brow raised. "What? He was having a nightmare" I said looking at Happy deadpanned and he rolled his eyes amused, I rolled my eyes now in annoyance as arms wrapped around me and nuzzled into my neck. I sighed and leaned into his embrace my eyes closed as I sighed warmly, I felt eyes on me and I turned my head slightly and opened my eyes to see Peter looking at me sadly, he and I made eye contact and he walked away breaking it. My jaw tightened and I sighed before returning to Jake's warm embrace with a warm smile on my face, I sigh happily and step out of his arms Jake made an unhappy noise and his eyes studied me and I smiled at him. "I gotta go hunt" I said and he nodded gently as I changed into a wolf I nudged him gently and shook my head side to side and sprinted into the forest, I sniffed and nosed at the ground gently my ears twitched when a branch broke and I jumped looking to the right. Peter was coming out of the underbrush, I shifted as he was struggling in getting his foot out of vines and he turned and yelped when he saw me standing with my hands on my hips. "Hello Parker" I said and he looked at me slightly scared as I crossed my arms and moved my head to the side, "Peter... You didn't give me a hug..." I said pouting and Peter's brows went up and I sighed "jerk" I muttered and looked away my eyes narrowed. Peter huffed and opened his arms for a hug my eyes brightened and I smiled, I stepped forward and wrapped Peter in a hug it was not long lived as I stepped back and crossed my arms in frustration. "I am sorry I left..." I said and looked away into the woods and I heard tins rattle my skin itches as my wings revealed and I took off into the air, I made my way to the tins that were going off I landed and noticed that the wires were bent out of shape and the wires were broken as well, my eyes widened when a horde pushed through the camp and I shifted into a large wolf sprinting through the woods. 

I got back to camp to see a large horde a monster was struggling with Happy and Tracey while Jake was nowhere to be seen, Peter burst through and helped Tracey my heart rate was rushing when I looked around my eyes widened when I saw a figure leaning on a tree panting and bleeding. "J-Jake...?" I called out and the figure collapsed I gasped and I sprinted to him and slid before I caught him, he had multiple different bite marks running along his arms and a large one in his thigh. "J-Jake...? Honey?" I said out my eyes wide as he whimpered in pain, "Jake..." I whimpered as his eyes slowly closed "Jake... Keep your eyes open..." I said he groaned and opened his eyes as he paled and tears pricked my eyes. He raised his hand and gently brushed tears away and I leaned into his hand, I looked down at him his eyes strong but fading as he looked at me "please..." I whimpered as his hand fell to the ground. 

I stayed with him as the others circled around their scratches from the ground tended to, and I kept closed off and soothed over his cold arm as it twitched along with his head and my eyes watered. I gulped before I shifted into Max and used his ability to make different weapons I made a dagger and stabbed into the now dead Jake's brain, tears fell to the ground and I shifted back and put my hand over my mouth and fell back. "NO..... No..." I whimpered and shifted into a large cat and took off towards the woods tears burning down my face, I got to a quiet stream and I sat down, it was silent, really silent and I whimpered I had lost someone close because of my carelessness and it's all my fault. I laid down and rested my head on my paws as I watched the water flow gently and tears fell silently, I had been gone for more than an hour before I made my way back to camp, I grumbled a hello as I walked to my tent. 

I laid down and stared up at the ceiling and sighed and huffed in annoyance, I heard a voice outside my tent "hello" I said and they entered as they sat down beside me it was Jane and Tristyn. I stared straight ahead my eyes dulled and my brain fuzzy, "Sam?" I heard a voice but it was muffled into nothingness, "Sam" I heard again and my eyes moved to Jane and Tristyn before my eyes hardened "get out" I said and Tristyn looked at me confused "what?" She said and I looked at her my eyes dazed and out of it "Get. Out. Of. My. Tent" I said lowly and Jane stood quickly making her way out while Tristyn looked at me and I sighed looking at her. "Trissy... I am not kidding" I said and she looked at me "Peter knows you remember Max... Because you took on his form and used his powers..." I froze and shrugged "I don't care anymore..." I said and Tristyn looked at me and I stared ahead.  Tristyn smiled sadly and wrapped me into a hug and I remained stiff and upset as I watched her leave, I started to quiver as tears started to leave my eyes more and I almost couldn't keep it together. I lost the one I promised I wouldn't hurt and it's all my fault, as I looked down to the ground in thought and sighed I stood and cleaned my stuff up and walked out of the tent. It was lunch time now and clouds were starting to close around themselves to start either rain or snow, I sat in front of the fire and rested my head in my hands. I didn't say anything and stared into the dirt as I worked up the courage to say anything, I looked at Happy who was wringing his hands together and getting a fire started. I wrapped my arms around myself and remained quiet as I watched him work as he got the branches he cursed, "what's wrong Happy?" Tristyn asked and I looked at him "we ran out of matches" and my eyes narrowed slightly  I sighed and conjured a flame with my hand and flicked it at the branches and they went up in a slight flame and startled Happy "sorry" I said and the twigs crackled gently and Happy shrugged and I watched the flames dance gently. 

4 Days Later 

I made my way along the trail following the others and making my way through the rough land as the snow was melting as we made our way towards the West towards California towards my dad, We stopped in a small town for supplies and I hummed quietly as I worked through a bookstore, I heard groans of the Walkers in the back room. I growled and continued on my way I got a few books to keep my mind busy and an empty blank paged book that was left behind, I leafed through pages and found them all blank. We were in a town about 250 Km away from from Utah and it made me uneasy as we were travelling South West now, "Sammy!" I heard someone call out and I walked out and motioned "I am still here now quit your yelling before we attract a horde" I said roughly surprising Tracey from behind as I dropped the books into my bag that held my folded bedding while Happy had the tarps in the trunk of the van he found a few miles away from us, of course it needed gas and a few different things but we got it back running. I sat on a rusting park bench as Peter, Tracey, Tristyn, Jane, Ethan, and Harper along with Happy held a meeting.  Peter and Tracey have grown closer as did Jane and Ethan along with Tristyn and Harper. I missed him it takes a lot to wake up every morning because I couldn't wake up and see him, I have been dealing with multiple different nightmares I was very to myself and not explaining my feelings, the others have stopped conversing with me because I am moody, distant and snap at everyone around me I even snapped at Jane who did nothing wrong. I was cold and angry that I was dumb enough to leave camp but I was also glad that I was able to hug him before his life was brutally ended by the monsters of this generation.  

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now