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A Month after the Dragon Incident

I paced around the cell I was in like a tiger stuck in a zoo, I was jabbed at with needles and multiple other utensils but I ignored them and my skin always broke the needles because of the super adaptivity that my powers forms when in danger. I huffed "I shouldn't of told them to go... But I told them to go so they were safe..." I grumbled to myself as I continued to pace, they couldn't punish me, because everything they tried punishing me with couldn't affect me starving, my body doesn't need food, water they did that once and I just got even more grumpy, they threatened to go after my friends and I just laughed at them. Riley hasn't visited me once and it scares me because he always has something to say,  I huffed again still pacing as my body screamed for a shift but I ignored it and kept pacing I needed to slow down on my shifting and stay in my human form, the other day when I sat in my cat form for ten minutes I ended up with fangs and cat ears for half and hour so I chose to slow down on my shifting and try not to use it as often. 

"Stark time to cooperate and give us blood" the guard said and I smirked just because I was without shifting didn't mean I couldn't trick them into thinking I got away, I climbed to the top of the cell and the guard "oh shit.... Oh shit Kev! The boss is gonna kill us!! She got out!!" The first on said and I remained quiet, "what do you mean Greg?" I heard the second voice before like a lizard I crawled out the door and into the open slamming the door shut behind them. "Ah crap..." Kev said as he turned and saw me hands on hips and leaning forward "you two are idiots" I said chuckling before I grabbed clothes and changed into them it consisted of a large leather overcoat, a mask, jeans and a long sleeved shirt to keep warm. I changed into a pair of warm boots since it was December now and today was Christmas of course that didn't matter anymore since this shit hit the Earth like a lead ball. I changed my hair to be short and shaved at the side and to be a tinted blue color, then I changed my color from hazel to green with hints of blue in it, I wasn't going to keep this transformation but I needed to get out before I was caught again.

I stepped out into the snow, it bit at my nose and finger tips, I covered my hands and face as I used the shadows around me to construct a get away. I heard an alarm blare as I sprinted in the shadows where no one could see me, I wasn't really 'tortured' but I really didn't want to do that again. My breathing came out in short bursts as I sprinted and jumped when someone rounded the corner his face covered by a mask and his clothes actually clean, I growled softly knowing who it was but I remained still as he stopped. He looked around feeling my piercing gaze on him he kept going and I did too taking the sharp turn and leaping a medium sized fence in one bound, I looked around for a hint of where I was and all I got was snow, snow, and more snow. I huffed in annoyance, I kept walking before finding a sign we were in Wisconsin "why am I here?" I wonder where the others are... If they are even alive..." I muttered and I started walking rubbing my arms to keep warm. 

Peter's PoV

We have been travelling for a month now, the RV broke down last week, after the radiator hose broke and no one knew how to fix it. Sam's been missing for a month we went back to look and all we found was melted silver and the reverse engineered Nano tech, we figured either she was captured or killed or both. Jake went silent altogether losing since we all knew he wasn't going to take this well who would, it was impacting me I promise I would protect her and now she's gone. We are in Wyoming and travelling West, it's around night time and it's the 25th of December meaning it is Christmas Tracy sits cuddled into my side while Tristyn is hugging Harper from behind quietly singing a Christmas song, Jake sits alone silent and silently crying as he leaned in the shadows he misses her and I understand. It has gotten so bad that we don't even mention her name Happy tends to the fire he is quiet and doesn't talk much, Jane is humming with Tristyn as they same Christmas songs together. Tracey tapped her fingers on my hand that she held along with the beat, Harper and I set up traps and wires in case of Walkers stumbling in and Jane did frequent border checks since she was faster than the rest. 

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