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A Week and A Half, After building the Igloo.

We were half way through South Dakota on the border between Wyoming and South Dakota, I looked around New Years Eve was three days earlier, I sighed we were chased by a horde on New Years Eve and the snow wasn't dying down anytime soon. 

I kept walking my feet hitting the crunchy snow with my boots, I sighed in thought as I kept walking "How you doing back there munchkin?" I heard Logan call back to me and I looked up from walking and nodded "Yea I am good" I said and kept walking. Raven was in here original form her yellow eyes flashed back to me smiling I loved her original form and I didn't understand why she hated it,  I hummed in thought as I made my way along the path. 

We got to a highway but I couldn't find any signs, "Mrs. Stark this is where we part ways child" Charles said and I nodded in understanding smiling, I hugged Logan and Raven before Charles smiled at me as I allowed my wings to come off my back, "woah kid I just thought it was a tattoo..." Logan said looking at my long wings I smiled allowing my wings to open to full length. "I must be on my way now good bye and thank you for allowing me to travel with you" I said smiling and they nodded as I lifted off and heading West, I flew and stopped when I saw smoke me being paranoid I was steady and silent making my wings beats quiet, I looked down at the clearing seeing tarps and a medium sized camp fire. I looked at the people sitting around the campfire, the scent hit my nose and I knew where I was, I recognized these people and the sun was setting my mouth fell open and tears pricked my eyes as I smiled warmly, "Jake... Peter... Jane..." I smiled listing off the people I saw. I didn't see Happy, Tristyn, Harper, or Tracey, I looked around before seeing a small figure pointing up towards me "guys... I see something with wings.." I heard the male voice it was unfamiliar and I  flew out of sight as I landed further away. I heard groans and I shot my wing out and hitting the walker along with a bunch of cans that were set up and I yelped, "oh my gods what the fuck!" I said before I felt something was going to happen and something smacked me in the head.

I awoke my eyes stared straight up at a tarped ceiling and I sat up groaning and holding my pounding head, "You're awake!" I heard a voice and I jumped and turned to see Tristyn, "Yea... I am" I said and looked around before looking down and noticing my skin was darker and knowing that incase of danger procedure it was dark green eyes with black hair and darker skin and no tattoo showing, "so did you see the girl in the sky?" Tristyn asked and I shook my head gently confused and Tristyn sighed sitting back and she looked at me "what's your name?" She asked and I bit my lip "Uhm... Clarissa?" I said the name more of a question then anything "nice to meet you Clarissa" I smiled gently and stood my head hurting a lot, "what the hell happened?" I asked and Tristyn chuckled "well when we set up the cans... We also set up a trap that would hit the person in the head" She explained and my eyes widened "that could have killed me!" I snapped and Tristyn flinched but I relaxed and breathed gently "sorry Trissy" I said without thinking and she froze "holy shiitake how did I not see it..." She said and grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "Sam...?" She said and I smiled letting the cameo fall back to my regular self, "hey Trissy" I said and she hugged me tightly wrapping tight arms around  my body, I returned the hug when I heard a sharp intake of breath and I turned, it was Peter and he looked at me like I was unreal "hey Pete..." I said and he looked at me stepping forward as he put his hands on my face "let go of my face Peter" I said deadpanned and he stepped back hands off my face. "Come on the others will want to see you..." Peter said and I nodded firmly as I waited for Peter to say "guys the girl we found wants to introduce herself" I walked up behind Peter and I tapped his back he moved and I stood arms crossed as I stared at the shocked faces, "S-Sam?" Jane said and she streaked forward and hugged me tightly tears streaming down her face. I smiled and returned her hug "y-you're not dead..?" She asked crying and I sighed "yes Jane, I am very much alive" I said looking at her Jane hugged me tighter as the mysterious guy that spotted me earlier stepped forward and grabbed Jane she was so happy, I smiled and looked at Jake who was now on his knees tears streaming down his face I kneeled down to be eye level with him, "Jake..." I said placing my hand on his cheek he met my gaze steadily as his eyes were trying to register what was going on. "I am alive... Hun... Look at me... Here" I said placing his hand over my heart below my left side to feel my heartbeat, "Y-You're alive..." He said and looked at me, I smiled and nodded "yes I am... I wouldn't let Riley kill me he couldn't if he tried..." I said looking him in the eyes. 

When I got settled down again and my own tarp, I looked at the ceiling before I heard someone wanting in "come in!" I said and and the tarp door was opened Jake stepped in his eyes brighter than usual. "Hey Jake..." I said smiling warmly and he looked at me his eyes still trying to process that I am not dead, I smiled and kissed his temple and going back to what I was doing, he was sitting on my makeshift bed watching me work as I made sure I had everything. I turned to see he grew a lot his hair was slightly longer, I had to look up at him a smile now he wraps his arms around me and nuzzled into the crook of my neck. "I... Am so sorry..." He whimpered into my neck sending chills down my back, "shhh.... I told you guys to go ahead... I told you that I would find you..." I mumbled stroking his hair as he held tightly onto me. I sighed running my fingers through his hair gently and humming gently, "I missed you Jake..." I said honestly and he went quiet "you... Missed me...?" He asked into my hair I nodded gently and he sighed happily. 

I sat in front of the fire my foot tapping gently as I played with Jake's hair and allowed him to lay on me, I smiled missing being around the others, it made me realize that even after leaving Charles, Raven, and Logan at that highway. I didn't know where they went but it worried me that those three were out in the zombie apocalypse in the early days of January, I sighed staring into the fire "Pup you alright?" Jake asked looking up at me and I smiled slightly looking down at him, "Yea I am alright you goofball" I said running my hands through his hair again. I hummed a soft song as the others came to join us I smiled at them and continued to hum, I learnt Jane's friend was Ethan Williams from Wisconsin where Jane was before she moved to the cottage near New York. I smiled and started to sing gently my voice drifting out over the fire like a forest spirit and I continued to sing, Jake somewhat started to drift off gently his eyes staring into the flames as sleep fought for control of him. Peter was watching us his eyes were colder and his posture stiffened since I last saw him, he was more grumpy and angry all the time, it worried me that he had changed so badly. He was saying he didn't change but I could tell he was different and I continued to allow Jake to fall asleep on my lap, it made my insides want to melt and I smiled happily. 

Around Midnight After Fire

I awoke to a frantic voice and worried breathing, I sat up yawning when Jake burst into my tent looking around before he looked at me. "Oh thank Captain America... I thought I lost you!" He said hugging me tightly I was now fully awake, "Jake... Honey what's wrong?" I asked he was sitting next to me like a child hugging me tightly, "I thought... You were still missing..." He said and I frowned sadly "I am not going to leave you anymore..." I said and his grip tightened, "You can't say that... You never know..." He whimpers and I lay back down bringing Jake with me "I am right here honey" I said warmly running my hand through his hair, "easy... You're okay I promise..." I said and he nodded gently nuzzling into my neck comfortingly and I smiled humming gently allowing him to fall asleep again. I stared at the ceiling my mind wandering as Jake snuggled into me like a puppy and my eyes softened as I ran my fingers through his hair, I continued to hum before sleep took my mind and I fell into a deep sleep.

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon