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2 days after knife incident

Peter and I sat in an abandoned cave as I stretched my joints out, I glanced at the boy I grew up with and sighed, "Pete... I am sorry that you got stuck with me..." I said and he scoffed in amazment. "Sam you shouldn't have to apologize... Just because I can fling webs and have a good sense of humour, doesn't make you any lesser then me" he said and I huffed in frustation. "That's not what I meant" I said and Peter stopped sorting through supplies to look at me, "what do you mean Love?" He asked and I bit my lip gulping slightly. "I-I mean... You coulda been with Steve... and he would know what to do... Or Natasha... Or Bucky... Or, or... I don't-" Peter stopped me putting his hands on my shoulders again, "Sam... No one knows what to do" Peter said looking me in the eyes "my dad does..." I said mumbling and Peter sighed bringing me into a hug. "We will figure this out... We will find them... Jane... Tristyn, your dad... Natasha, Steve, Bucky, and them we will I promise" Peter said and I nodded gently into him as he stepped back. "S... Sam... Inco... Ll... Me...t... In... The... Ne... Bunk..." My watch made noise and I jumped looking at it, "it's my dad!" I said happily as I looked at the holograph of my dad my heart lept with glee as I turned to Peter. "Pete it's my dad!" I said happily and he smiled nodding, "where is... The new bunker?" He asked and I bit my thumb nail in thought "I... Don't actually know..." I said worried and looked at Peter my eyes wide and worried, he sighed and looked around in thought I shifted into my wild cat which was a mini cougar and I laid down. My cats ears twitched and I spun hearing someone or something approaching, I growled and bristled stepping in front of Peter to protect him. I heard a set and my ears twitched happily recognizing them, "I swear... I have been looking for those two idiots for 2 months now" I heard a voice mutter and I bristled slightly. Peter zipped into a tree using his spider powers and I stayed in a large cat, my tail trashed gently when I heard the footsteps nearing, the figure entered the clearing. She wore a long blue cloak, her hair just below her shoulder blades my nose twitched as I relaxed and shifted. "Tristyn?" I said softly and in relief "Sam...?" She called out and strided to me wrapping her arms around my shoulders, "I have been looking for you... For awhile..." I nodded as she turned in confusion. "W-where is Peter...?" She asked and looked around worried and I huffed, "Peter get down here" I said shaking my head as I crossed my arms as Peter jumped down.

I leaned on a tree my arms crossed and I sighed, "I have good news" I looked at Tristyn she and Peter had been talking since she came up. "There... Is a community about 3-4 kilometers from here" I looked at her my eyes slightly narrowed, "when did this community happen...?" I asked looking at Tristyn pointedly and she looked at me Her eyes studying me. "It started about two weeks ago, people are still scared but they hold together" she said and I huffed rolling my eyes "okay... But... Who is the leader?" I asked biting my lip uneasily hoping my dad would be there, "a man named Riley... Why?" She asked and I sighed "nevermind..." I said sadly looking down and I limped behind them as they talked about the last two weeks. I kicked rocks and dirt gently feeling now useless, I used to be an all strong leader, I saved everyone from Alexis but I feel so useless Charlotte left me a year back and I felt stupid and unwanted. I huffed at my childish behaviour but I kept walking following them in silence as I had a mental yet childish argument with myself, "Sammy? You alright?" Tristyn asked and I looked up to see Peter and her looking at me I nodded mutely and kept walking, when I battled Alexis I was blasted in the head closer to the end of the fight by shadows and they stole my memories, Peter helped me bring them back. I somewhat remember having a connection with him but I feared he no longer felt the same and honestly most of my memories came back, and I knew I had fallen head over heels for him, but I could tell he was... Angry or... In Pain? As I was thinking to myself I had not noticed that I was now walking alone like I walked off and my body stiffened in unease. "Sam" I heard a voice whisper and I turned to see Peter in the treeline and he pointed to the right and I saw two hunters, I smirked shifting my body into a bobcat knowing that I could mess with them, my large cat eyes noticed Tristyn already about to deal with them and I shifted back frowning and I sighed returning to Peter and he looked at me "you worried me... I thought they were going to mistake you for a deer... Or a wild cat..." He said bringing me into a tight hug making me stiffen but I accepted the hug in unease. 

After setting up camp for the night since Tristyn was busy with the hunters that we lost daylight I sat at the fire watching it flicker and crackle, I sighed as let my hand over the small flame, it flickered then transferred to my hand in a swift motion. For me fire was like a dancer hard to control and master unless practiced, where Water was super easy since it was just calm motion that flowed through my body. I let the flames dance through my fingers and I messed with it lost in thought as I played with the element, I could feel eyes on me and I looked up to see Peter watching me from across the clearing. He was lost in thought but he was smiling I cocked my head to the side confused and he snapped out of thought, "I am heading to bed... Night!" He said swiftly and I sighed as I changed the flame color from orange to blue to a purple color then it distinguished before it could turn white and I sighed as I laid back to stare up at the stars in thought. 


The Next Day

I was awoken when I heard groans and growls, I looked up to see the undead pushing itself towards Peter and I shifted quickly into a large white wolf tackling the creature taking it down and crushing it's jaw and spine in the process, the flesh was rotted and barely clinging to the bone making my body shiver in unease. But I knew that entire thing woke Peter before I turned and saw a creature go for Tristyn but it woke her since she was a light sleeper, she shot magic at it and made it turn to dust making my wolf take a step back and Peter looked at me his eyes studying me and he noticed the undead that was now dead behind me and he looked back at me his eyes looking into mine and he smiled patting my head, "thanks Love" he said and I nodded in return before I stretched and yawned shaking my large body out to keeping myself awake and I shifted back popping and cracking bones and joints. Peter looked at me sadly as I packed my stuff up and I yawned, I was plagued by nightmares of unfamiliar people dying and it made my skin crawl because a lot of them are alive still like Peter and Tristyn but it was like it was from the future but my mind denied it anyway. I threw the bag onto my back and followed Peter and Tristyn to the community that we will hopefully survive, we ran into a few walkers which we evaded until one heard me run into a bush and it followed us until I hid and stabbed it. I watched it's rotten body hit the floor and a chill went down my spine in unease as I started forward and met up with Peter and Tristyn they noticed my limp was worse and Peter frowned, "You alright?" He asked and I huffed in response before nodding and continuing after Tristyn, it isn't even her fault I am mad at her, I am just being grumpy I met her up ahead as Peter walked behind us watching for the undead. "We almost there Strange?" I asked using her old nickname I gave her, her eyes flicked to me wide and confused "the last time you called me that... Was before...-".

"My mind got wiped... Yea I know" I said looking straight ahead, "I remember everything... Alexis, Alex, Jane, Karen, Josh" I said her boyfriends name and she sighed "he left when it started I understand but I miss him" She said and I smirked amused and kept walking. "I could never remember his cousin though... Kaman or something" I said biting my lip in thought and Tristyn laughed Peter looked at us confused as Tristyn recovered "Kaemon Son of Thor poor kid" Tristyn said and I nodded remembering "I am forgetting someone though... They had a thing for Jane..." I said quietly looking forward and Tristyn froze, "are you talking about Max?" Tris asked and I nodded slightly and Tristyn looked down sadly "he was killed in an accident... Of course you didn't know but he was on a mission and he slipped through Roger's fingers..." My mood dropped into sadness. "Yea... I think I remember Steve closed himself off and stayed away from me and the others for a good month... I was so confused..." I said and Tristyn nodded and I sighed "I feel bad for Jane... Or Speedy... She liked him..." I said and Tristyn nodded slightly and we kept walking until we approached a large wall with dents, claw marks, blood, and flesh bits on it my stomach turned as Tristyn whistled a few short blasts resulting in a large door opening and I approached with Peter in front of me to 'protect me' which made me feel a little more secure and I followed keeping myself aware of my surroundings.

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now