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We got to the park and I noticed the flower beds dying and the weeds poking through, Peter noticed how I stopped and I looked at him sadly and he sighed and smiled sadly at me as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the spot. Tracey, Jake, and Happy all waited as Tristyn helped with burgers and granola bars and stuff. I sat down as Peter sat next to me I could feel his body heat in waves, as I felt the other two Jake and Tracey watching me as I noticed it was warmer out and I removed my overcoat realizing my disliking for long sleeves I sighed and rolled up my sleeves before, Tristyn treating me like a child rolled them back down and I growled in frustration "dammit child! I am older than you!" I snapped and rerolled my sleeves while Peter was trying to contain his laughter and Happy just chuckled and rolled his eyes Tristyn again rolled it back down, "okay that's it!" I said and without realizing my body changed into a golden retriever and I tackled Tristyn to the ground "Samantha!" I froze and my entire body turned to see Happy looking at me and I looked at Peter who looked panicked as Tracey stood mouth open in shock while Jake looked mildly in shock which is a lot since he shows like no emotion. "Shift back... Before Riley sees" Happy said quickly I shifted back and looked around and sat down resting my head in my hands concerned and scared, "I hate it here..." I mumbled before leaning into Peter but I had not noticed he stood to talk to Tristyn and I landed on the ground I sighed and sat back up before standing up and stretching, I noticed Peter was talking to Tracey and I sighed and shrugged gently I walked up to one of the trees and looked up to the low hanging branch. I gripped on and pulled myself up the branch creaked but it didn't break as I continued to lift myself up, I grunted until I got a middle branch and sat down I looked out buildings still stood tall but I could see over the wall and it made me uneasy as I watched shadows dance in the last bit of light that was filtering through and I looked down. Peter was laughing with Tracey, Tristyn, and Happy while Jake was nowhere to be found, I frowned confused as I looked around before I felt the tree sway and I turned slightly to see him and I smirked as my body changed into a small bird and I zipped to a different tree and shifted before sitting back down. "He- Wait what?" He looked around before he saw me sitting, legs swaying on either side of the tree and I made eye contact with him, before I winked and jumped out of the tall tree landing on the balls of my feet and heading back to the others. 

"Hey Love where were you?" Peter asked looking at me concerned as I yawned and looked at him, "if you were paying attention Parker you would know" I said using his last name making him flinch and I sat down. "Oh she's pissed..." Happy said and I huffed, I grabbed a carrot and walked away, not eating "I am going to bed.." I said and walked away grabbing the overcoat as I went. I stuffed my arms into the pockets and walked to the condo and entered, the door creaked and I put my coat on the hanger, I walked up the stairs removing my ankle books and putting them next to the bed. I got into the oversized Shirt and shorts that I normally wear. I laid down but couldn't sleep before without realizing sleep overcame and I was out for an hour waking to Peter coming in, "sorry Peter..." I said and I felt him freeze "did I wake you?" He asked and I shook my head gently "no..." I mumbled and sat up "was having a nightmare anyway..." I mumbled sadly and Peter looked at me. "Anything from your past with me...?" He asked, I remembered but I didn't want to hold him back so I sighed, frowned and shook my head gently, "no... Sorry..." I said looking down sadly as I watched his form slump slightly he was sad. "But I remember the sort of nightmares I had... I am sure I will piece everything together soon..." I said looking at him and he looked at me sadly and I looked down, "what was your nightmare about?" He asked and I patted the bed space next to me. 

Peter sat and looked at me as I inhaled to settle my frazzled nerves and I looked him dead in the eyes, "I saw multiple people that I do not know dying, like... Riley... I saw him before we got here... and Jake... Tracey... You... Tristyn..." I labeled off a few names not realizing my hands were shaking along with my ability to breath, I was having an anxiety attack, those ranged too they always got bad. "P-Peter... I'm having a-an anxiety attack..." I trailed off my hands closing into fists and I was scared, "hey... Hey... Shhh... Look at me... Breath Love" He said to me, his voice was distant but I could pick it up he rubbed my shoulders before hugging me to him gently. "I don't know what I would do if you were gone Peter..." I mumbled and he laid me against him and laid back on the pillows as he rubbed my shoulders gently, I rolled myself gently so I could look at him my chin on my hands that were adjusted on his chest. "Peter... Are you scared...?" I asked and he looked at me his eyes studying me, "of course... Anyone who isn't afraid of this is crazy and stupid" He said and I nodded agreeing slightly "I... Am terrified... I don't want to lose you or the others..." I said and he looked at me warmly. He kissed my forehead and I laid my head on his chest as I listened to his heart beat, "thanks Peter..." I said quietly and he sighed as he rubbed my back "anytime Kitten..." He mumbled gently and I smiled gently hearing the old nickname he gave me before my memories shattered. 

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now