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I meditated like I should to access what I could on mystical creatures, "What creature you choosing?" I heard a voice and I opened my eyes seeing the 'drawing' of a large 'dead' wolf, a dragon and a large fire bird with dead eyes and I growled in thought before looking at Tristyn. "The Wolf most likely... It's Fenrir isn't it?" I asked looking at my friend and she nodded "from Norse mythology yes" she said nodding slightly I nodded in return humming gently and stretching gently in thought. "Peter... Doesn't like this..." Tristyn said and my gaze turned to Peter his eyes watching the sun as it rose, I sighed as I made my way towards him as he sat on the hood of the car, "hey Pete" I said warmly and his eyes moved to me and he smiled. "Hey Love" he said and I joined him leaning on the car instead, "I know you don't like this idea... But it has to happen..." I said breaking the silence and Peter huffed "if you know I don't like it then don't do it!" He said suddenly his voice sharp and I jumped in shock and spun on Peter. "Pete... You know I have to do it though" I said softly and his eyes hardened "Love... I can't lose you too..." He said softly but firm. I put my hand over my eyes like my dad, "Peter... I have to... Alex is in danger and that community" I said and I heard dragged steps and the groans of the dead and I growled lowly shifting into a large mountain lion and stood in front of Peter my back arched. Three of the undead groaned and reached for me hungrily and let out snarls of their own and I growled again and loudly, my  teeth were bared and my claws glistened as the sun now warmed the land. "Sam! Look out!" I heard a voice shout loudly as something launched onto my back and went to take a bite out of me and I snarled falling and squashing the creature underneath me with my weight. After getting the creature off my back I noticed it had plated armor like features along his jaw and arms I growled and swiped its head taking off its head, I turned to see Peter stabbing one while Tristyn threw fire at one and Jane took off the other monsters head with a long sword. I shifted and walked away my anger on edge as I let out a frustrated sigh and stretched, "Love?" I turned to see Peter his eyes studying me worried and he hugged me gently as I wrapped my arms around his torso sighing. "I have to Pete" I said quietly and he nodded "I know Love... I know" He said gently and I sighed burrowing into his chest, "Sleep now and we will attack at night..." He said and I nodded humming gently as I stepped back and looked up "Come on Pete... You need sleep too" I said and he nodded gently as I shifted into a wolf and walked to the tarp my dad had dedicated as mine, Peter followed and I laid down near the pillows, and blankets as Peter laid on the makeshift bed. I felt him stroke my head gently I huffed and shifted back as Peter pulled me to his chest so we could sleep for the day so we had energy for the night, that and summer nights were cooler then summer days. 

Sunset, that's what I saw as I opened my eyes through the front tarp door, my eyes adjusting to the night setting as Peter's chest rose and fell against my back. I moved and Peter awoke and I turned to look at the tired boy behind me, "Hey Love" He said warmly as he moved hair from my eyes and I smiled at him. "Sam, Peter come on the others are awake and ready to go" Tristyn said as I nodded and kissed Peter on the nose as I stood Peter watching me as my back popped and cracked. "Come on Pete we gotta go" I said amused and he nodded as I helped him up. I walked out feeling the cold wind blow through my hair and I let out a short exhale before throwing my hair into a pony tail. "Ready to go kid?" Steve asked and I turned to him and Bucky who were accounting weapons, I nodded and my dad smiled as he approached as I let out a short yawn "sleep well?" I nodded and laughed gently "yeah I slept like a rock" I said and smiled at Peter as he spoke with Ryan and Harper. Ethan was with Jane and Tristyn was talking to Natasha and Clint, "I am ready, let's head out" I said and my dad nodded as we cleaned up and made sure no undead were stumbling around. "Sam you have to head out first, don't get bit or killed understand?" My dad asked and I nodded firmly "Got it dad" I said and he kissed my temple as I changed into a cat and took off. 

I got to the wall I squirmed through a hole which I was met with a tarp and a tent I entered to see Alex his chest plate was opened, his wires were messed with his eyes were closed and I growled. I got out and saw Riley and I smirked inwardly as I shifted into a guard and stood outside the tent as I looked around and stepped inside, "Okay... what damage have they caused you?" I mumbled and looked through seeing fried wires that could be repaired and I sighed knowing this would take awhile. "Hey you!" I heard a voice and I turned my head to see from my side eye and saw a guard, I smirked and my form changed into a good sized wolf and I snarled loudly before I put my head up and let out a high pitch howl hopefully reaching the others. "She's here! Stations now!" I heard Riley and I attacked the guard in front of me his attempt to use fire on me didn't work as I took out his legs knocking him unconscious. I was struck with lightning making my body go numb and I growled in distaste, "don't like that do you Stark" I heard Riley say and I let out another howl my body changing again I took on a panther and attack multiple people before metal wrapped around me and I snarled in distaste. I shifted into my human form, giving up and collapsing I wasn't tired but I needed to act tired so I could pull off the huge transformation and Riley smirked. "Where are your friends?" He smirked and I glared up at him with the muzzle on I growled and it vibrated and tightened making me squirm uncomfortably and I huffed in annoyance, "bravo you played yourself you idiot" I heard him chuckle as I was taken to a barred room and I was let out of restraints and I could see the reversed metal that I called Raino metal. I laid back and leaned on the wall as the metal hissed against my back, it didn't hurt anymore I adapted to the metal and it grew brittle if I used ice against it and it worked well. 

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now