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Peter looked me dead in the eyes and his brows furrowed, "what do you mean love?" He asked his hand resting on my knee as I sat cross legged looking at him. I retreated away from his touch and something made me feel uneasy, "Peter?" I ask and he looked at me and his brown eyes studied me before I calmed down and realized I was just being paranoid. "Tracey... She is working for Riley..." I said and Peter looked at me his eyes studying me again to see if I was lying when he saw I wasn't he put his hands on his head, "how did I not see it before?" He asked dumbfounded as he ran his hands through his hair that was slightly longer now, "Peter... Look at me" I said and he looked at me his eyes sad. "I liked her a lot... Hearing that she would betray us... It's... Very out of this world you know?" He said and I nodded gently as he looked away sadly, "I am gonna tell her I don't like her anymore..." He said and I sighed "do what you have to" I said and he nodded "is it alright if I stay with you tonight?" He asked and I nodded warmly "of course" I said and laid down on my pillows as Peter laid beside me and wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to his chest. "I am so sorry Kitten... If I stayed with you from the beginning...." He trailed off and I sighed and turned in his embrace, "Pete... Love look at me" I said and he opened his eyes and met my eyes, "it's alright... We tried to move on and nothing but pain happened... I fell for someone else and now they are dead..." I said and Peter nuzzled into my neck and I sighed running my hand through his hair, the contact made electricity run through my limbs and skin wherever he made contact. 

The Next Morning

"Love... Time to wake up" I heard a voice as sleep slowly vanished and my body woke me up, "mmm... I don't want to" I said and Peter chuckled and kissed my temple "if you don't want me to get caught by Tracey... I should go than..." I grumbled in unease and huffed before nodding "go hangout with Alex before you hangout with Tracey, she will be able to smell me on you" I said and he nodded before kissing my temple again and leaving out my tent to go talk to Alex. 

I officially woke up when I opened my eyes and saw eyes staring down into mine, I groaned and sat up the eyes belonged to a fuming Tracey, "get out!" I said loudly puffing up and she smirked "get out of my tent now!" I said loudly and I could hear people outside. "Did you think I wouldn't notice a cat following me? A cat can recognize a cat you idiot" she said darkly and I flinched "shit" I muttered and my body changed into the of a mouse and I slipped out of my bed, "no get back here you coward!" Tracey screamed as I ran out from under my bed and out the door, I shifted into a rottweiler and started running through the gaps between tents and an idea popped into my head and I saw a person I did not recognize. 'Hey you, I am being chased by a traitor, I need help, pretend I am your dog'  I said telepathically to the guy, he looked up and nodded as I approached and sat down, "hey Big Guy" he said and my nub wagged to make it look more realistic. "Hey you! Have you seen a mouse by any chance?" Tracey asked the man and I growled at her lowly my teeth bared in anger, "easy King, you're alright, sorry about him" he said and I huffed before laying down and laying my head on my paws as I glared at Tracey. "Okay thanks anyway" she said and turned to walk away, "Peter!" I heard Tracey yell and I looked at the man 'Thank you' I said and took off after Tracey shifting into a bird as I was a few yards away now, I landed on Peter gently scaring him slightly. 'Pete... Tracey knows it was me' I said swiftly remaining in my bird form as Tracey ran over pretending to be winded as I chirped and flew to a tree. "S-Sam vanished" Peter being the perfectly good actor he is jumped up panicked "what do you mean?" He asked looking at Tracey worried as he helped her before relaxing himself, "she is strong she will be fine" Peter said and Tracey looked at him as if he was crazy. "She built me she will be fine, I have known her for along while much like Peter here" Alex said smiling his robotic fingers not even rusted yet, I smiled inwardly with how well taken care of he was and it made me smile that even though he was a robot now he still worked. Tracey huffed and walked away her hands in fists and she kept walking away, I jumped down landing in my human form, "for a cat she's kinda stupid" I said and Peter jumped while Alex nodded "agreed she's a bit stupid" I giggled and hugged Peter from behind wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He gripped my hands gently and Alex studied my facial expression before opening his mouth "don't you dare" I said jokingly and Alex shut his mouth "how did you know what I was gonna say?" He asked looking at me as I smiled "I programmed your being and I remember and see the wheels turning so" I said smirking and I felt Peter stiffen "you remember?" He asked and I nodded against him gently "Yes... Peter I do..." I said smoothly and he stood up out of my arms swiftly knocking my jaw into my upper jaw making me yelp in pain. Peter spun quickly before a large house cat leapt out and attacked me striking my eye and I let out a startled scream, that was why Peter stood up quickly his Spider senses were kicking in and I wrestled with an oversized house cat. I growled and shifted into the ting most house cats feared and that was a large canine, my back bristled unhappily and I growled I knew it was Tracey and Peter stepped in the middle "Parker move I don't want to hurt you!" I heard Tracey yowl and I growled lowly before I noticed Peter hand move towards me and I pushed my muzzle into it. "Tracey stand down now" Peter said sternly his hand still on my muzzle as I remained as calm as possible and Tracey chuckled before changing into a large winged leopard that I had only seen in myths and I growled knowing my body wouldn't allow a super strong shift because of the dragon that I stupidly shifted into. I snarled loudly, my body took shape of a large dire wolf and I growled angerly at Tracey who chuckled in her form it was around the same size as me but we stood over the tents. My tail thrashed as she launched at me what I happened to notice in the attack was, she never opened her wings, she didn't know how to fly and I laughed. Tracey stopped confused as I laughed I sat down to contain myself and not fall on my ass, "You can't fly" I said laughing and gasping between breaths as I completely lost it. I recovered only to see an even more angry Leopard launch at me and I sidestepped and kicked her hip out knocking her face first into the dirt. I smirked pressing a paw in her shoulder I pressed my muzzle near her ear, "threaten my friends or I again, and I will end your life... Bitch" I growled lowly and grabbed her neck throwing her over the large wall. A startled scream as she shifted back and was mauled "well can't threaten them now..." I said and shifted back, sudden fatigue took hold and I grumbled incoherent words as sudden heat flashed over my body and I collapsed "Sam!!!!" Peter yelled loudly, I looked up to see him blurring out as I lost consciousness. 

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now