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The rain pattered the cement around me as I sprinted away in a horse form, Peter was on my back as I sped along in a gallop almost sliding multiple times. I don't know where Tristyn and the others teleported to but it made me uneasy as Peter gripped my mane, "Where are we going?" Peter asked as I whinnied still galloping before I saw a fire up ahead and I stopped in front of the miniature tent that was put up by the last of the avengers, I snorted and whinnied again startling Steve and my dad. Peter slid off my back as I changed into my normal form and I helped him limp to the tent, I settled him down to my dad who looked over his injuries as I remained standing my arms crossed over my chest as I fumed in a boiling anger "Riley Goldman... He worked with Bucky for a few years before he got fired for trying to clone me" Steve explained and I growled lowly in anger, I looked at my dad who sighed and ran his hand over his face, "Clint I need you to scout the community, don't get caught" He said and Clint nodded gently stood his bow still on his back a quiver full of arrows from the bunker along with an older quiver that had six left from not using as many because of the others. 

I now sat in Clint's spot biting the skin around my thumb as my dad explained what he wanted to do, "where is Tristyn?" he asked and I shrugged "told her to take Jane, Ethan, Harper, Happy, and Ryan away from here..." I said he sighed "let's hope Riley doesn't find them... and Happy is still alive?" My dad asked and I chuckled "yeah, found him, Harper, Tracey, Tristyn, and..." I didn't say the last name as I bit my lip. "Jake" Peter said and I didn't meet anyone's eyes "Tracey betrayed us... Cut a wire letting a horde into our camp before we got to the community and the horde... Got to Jake... He was her boyfriend before he got killed" Peter explained and my father looked at me with pity in his eyes and I rolled my eyes. My dad sighed and I tapped my fingers on the asphalt as I waited for the rest of the plan on how to win back the community to save the others,  I looked at Steve and Bucky who were studying me quietly they were usually talking or sounding heroic. Bucky's arm was covered in dried blood and Steve didn't have his shield and his beard grew considerably and I sighed "you guys look exhausted I commented on all of them and my dad nodded gently "you do too sweetheart... You and Parker here" he said gently and I shrugged "I will be fine I am more worried about Trissy and Speedy" I said tapping my fingers gently and Peter sighed "Sam... You need sleep..." He said gently and I huffed in frustration meeting Peter's dull and tired eyes my gaze softened and I gave in "fine... Only for you" I said and Peter smiled gently as he put his hand out for me to take, I looked at my dad my eyes growing heavy as I joined Peter in his spot and leaned on his shoulder as he rested his head on mine. 

The Next Morning

I didn't sleep well I sat out in the damp morning air my eyes peeled for the undead as my father helped Peter heal more, I began to pace feeling unease from the quiet in the tent the others except for my dad and Peter were outside the tent watching me pace. "Okay kid, you're making me dizzy" Steve said but I didn't respond until Bucky used his metal arm to stop me, I put my arm out and shoved him away from me. "You have never been able to do that to me...!" He said shocked and slightly proud and I turned my head towards him biting my lip, "well... Let's just say that I trained with a guy made of literal adamantium...?" I said amused and the others looked confused. "His name is Logan... He is part of X-Men..." I said and kept pacing remembering the training Logan and I did to keep up my fighting skills, I hummed as my father came out his eyes warm but tired, "he will be alright all healed up, but he has ought to be more careful"  nodded gently and entered again seeing Peter standing and inspecting his wounds with his back turned to me. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his midsection making him jump slightly before his hands rested on my arms gently, "can I maybe turn Kitten?" He asked amused and I loosened my hold slightly allowing him to turn so my face was buried into his chest.

He ran his fingers through my hair, it was slightly more greasy then it should be, and I smiled letting out a gentle purr as he hugged me to him. "I am so glad he didn't shoot you.." I mumbled mentioning the night before, I was tired but not tired enough to sleep or that it was noticeable. "I am worried about the others though... I hope we find them soon Pete... It's my fault we can't find them..." I said sadly and Peter sighed gently, "if it wasn't for you they wouldn't have been able to get away..." He said and I let out a soft sigh before nodding gently. "Thanks Peter... We should meet with the adults and consult what's going on" I said and Peter nodded kissing my forehead and as he was about to leave I grabbed his wrist again and pulled him to me, "Really?" I said amused and he looked at me confused. I got up on my tippy toes since he was taller and pecked his lips, he smiled gently and I walked out of the tent to make a plan with my dad.

Tristyn's PoV

After teleporting Harper was shot in the shoulder as he was the last one to jump in after he shoved me to go first, it was a clean shot and it scared me. "Fuck that hurts.." Harper ground out his eyes looked at me as I paced uneasily, "babe you're making me uneasy, cut that out..." He said amused I looked at him "how can I cut it out!? You were freaking shot! I can't find Sam and Peter! And I have no idea where we are!" I said and Harper flinched away from me, I breathed out and looked at him "sorry" I said and kissed his forehead gently and he smiled at me "no, no I understand" he said and wrapped his good arm around me and hugged me gently as he stood. He of course is taller then me by like a foot and a half and it made me feel safe, but it scared me seeing him collapse and bleeding. "We will find the others I promise" he said and I looked up at him my gaze getting lost in his blue eyes, he was always positive and in something like this made it all the better. I smiled and pecked his lips gently out of nerves "you call that a first kiss?" He asked amused as I tried to move back but my cloak had a mind of its own, "ah shiita-" I was cut off as Harper pressed his lips to mine, I froze and smiled wrapping my arms around his good shoulder and his bad shoulder gently. He pulled back and looked down at me lovingly, "wow..." I said and he smiled like a goof and I headbutt his chest out of embarrassment. 

I looked around and found out I teleported Happy, Harper, Jane, Ethan, and I to Springfield Illinois and I looked at Harper in shock his eyes looked to me and he sighed "this is where my mother took me before we moved to New York..." He said and I hummed in thought "We gotta go back but I can't use anymore magic right now..." I huffed out and Harper hummed in thought "then we wait, you rest and we will teleport back after a few days" he explained and he noticed the stress that flashed across my face when he said that and he looked at me, "don't worry... They will be fine, I am sure Sam found her father they will get rid of my dad and we will be there to help as they must plan before going in like a wild radioactive bomb" he said and I nodded gently, the group mostly I or Happy decided to stay in a Motel. 

Marvel Apocalypse Book 1: WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now