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I got back to the condo's and entered and I heard voices in the kitchen "Peter... She isn't safe here... Riley is targeting her..." I heard Tracey say and I remained where I was as I listened, "what do you mean Tracey, what are you saying...?" He asked and she sighed "She has to go..." Tracey said and I stiffened and put my hand in front of my face. I walked towards the stairs running into a side table I cursed out loud and kicked it hard shattering the leg, "Sam?" I heard Peter call out his voice worried as I turned my eyes not meeting his and I sighed "I am tired and I am going to bed" I said and Peter sighed rubbing his temples "how much did you hear?" He asked and I turned looking at him my eyes cold and uneasy, "enough... I am going to bed..." I said again and Peter groaned in frustration. As I walked up the stairs and to the room I heard the front door close as footsteps made their way up, "Sam?" I heard Peter call out as I was in the bathroom and I opened the door "I am shocked Trissy isn't here... I woulda thought you would be hanging out with Tracey rather than my childish self" I said looking at him and he frowned before I got into my bed and looked up at the ceiling, Peter still stood confused on what he wanted to do, "come on... Since I know you will be fighting with yourself" I said in defeat and making room for him. The bed dipped and Peter got onto the bed "Sam... I'm sorry... But Tracey is right... After what happened he will be targeting you... And I want you to be safe..." Peter said and I sighed and turning my back to him. I heard him sigh "Mr... Stark what should I do?" Peter mumbled to himself and I sighed before turning and looking at him before I moved towards him and cuddled into him, he was uneasy at first before he wrapped his arms around me and sighed "I am still sorry..." He mumbled and I hummed back before sleep took over my being.

The Next Morning November 18th 2019

I awoke at dawn and stretched the best I could without waking up Peter, "You're awake?" I heard Peter mumble gently into my hair and I nodded gently turning my body around slowly to look at him, he hummed and hugged me to him tightly, "Sam... I want you to move on... I want to let go and I don't want to hold you back..." Peter said sadly and my entire body froze "y-you're saying?" I asked standing out of bed and Peter was completely awake now his eyes watching me as I bit my lip and gulped. "Y-You're R-right..." I said looking at him hesitantly he looked at me slightly shocked as I looked down, "you're alright with this?" He asked and I looked at him my eyes narrowed "whatever makes you better..." I said before walking away. 

I was out in the park again, hovering as I meditated to clear my mind that I wished was empty but Peter kept running through my mind. I grumbled incoherent grumpy words "You're floating.." A voice startled me and caused me to lose concentration and I fell as I landed my wings came to life and I was balanced, I turned to see Jake looking at me his eyes slightly panicked and I smiled at him gently "hey..." I said and my wings went back onto my skin. "Did you hear?" He asked and I looked at him confused, "Riley is having a trial with our people to see if you can stay or not..." He said and I stiffened and I sighed and sat down on the grass my back to him. "You can join me if you want..." I said distantly and he did so sitting next to me, "Jake... I don't know what I am gonna do... Because of my enhanced abilities I technically do not need to eat..." I said and he looked at me shocked, "the most I get is thirsty and water can be easily found..." I said looking up at the sky. He sighed in thought "I am sure Peter won't let it happen... He seems to really care about you..." I looked at Jake and shrugged "He seems to also like Tracey" I say in thought as I laid back stretching out my hips, I growled in pain when I pulled my bullet wound "frick that hurts..." I said and Jake looked at me uneasily before I looked at him "I was shot in the hip before we got here... It didn't go all the way through but it scarred and it hurts likes hell..." I grumbled and Jake motioned for my hand, I sat up and gave him my hand like when he hugged me for the first time a calm wave overcame me and soothed the  pain that ricocheted off my hip. I sighed and looked at him in shock my eyes studying him in thought  Jake smiled warmly and sighed as he sat back, before I looked away I heard screams of fear and pain, my head whipped around in shock as I shot up my hands clenched and I growled my body instantly changing into something bigger which happened to be a wolf. I sprinted towards the noise to see Happy helping a woman deal with a walker and I saw one stumbling towards him from behind, I snarled and lunged hitting the monster knocking its head backwards onto the ground my giant wolf form loomed over Happy as I turned and sniffed at him. He was leaning over the woman and noticed it was one of the Nurse ladies, my nose sniffed at her gently and I noticed three bite marks along her shoulders. 'Three?' I heard the last noise and I spun to see Tracey cornered and I snarled loudly running to help but something embedded into my shoulder and I was stopped first, "the beast is wounded!" I heard a voice shout and I snarled in pain as another sharp pain embedded into my chest not deep enough to kill but enough to hurt, I noticed Peter save Tracey but he turned and his eyes widened "Stop!!! Don't kill it!!!" He yelled as my body shimmered brightly and I snarled in anger as my body changed into one with tougher skin and I stretched out my limbs it was of course a rhino. "It's a skinwalker!!!" Voices screamed as I rolled my eyes and shifted into my human form, arms crossed and my wings came off my skin Happy was watching me as I closed my wings and started walking away as I spoke "the nurse is infected and I am leaving!" I shouted going towards the condo's "wait Mrs. Stark!" I heard Riley running to catch up as I took semi long strides. "Mrs. Stark!!!" He yelled and I turned my eyes now an angry ember color and I snarled "back off... Or a shoulder flip will be the least of your problems" I snarled and kept walking to the house. "I am leaving" I said over my shoulder as I continued going, I got to the Condo and stormed up the stairs and into the room, "Sam! You can't leave... Please..." Peter and Tristyn begged with me and I spun on them in anger, "come with me or stay here... I don't care what you do... But I am staying here" I said roughly.

After packing I made my way to the front gates before darkness enveloped me and I was knocked out, "get her to the prison... She is not allowed to leave" Riley ordered his men as they dragged the unconscious to the prison in the most abandoned part of town. Riley smirked knowing he had something strong enough to defend the town, and if he black mailed her well enough she would do his bidding without thought. Riley chuckled darkly as he made his way back to his own home his hands behind his back, as he noticed Harper watching him "you say one word about what happened here today I will end you myself..." He threatened and Harper looked at his father angerly "now I understand why mom left you... You're fucking crazy!" Harper said and a loud slap could be heard as Riley had slapped his son, "watch yourself boy, unless you want to follow the shapeshifter" he said roughly. Harper looked down in respect and left while Riley waited for the sun to rise again, as he had to bare the bad news to the girls friends.

A Few Days Later November 22nd 2019 

Jake, Tristyn, Tracey, and Peter planned on going with Sam but were disappointed to hear that she had left during the night of the 18th, Peter sat with Tracey at a fire she was cuddled into his side as he had his arm around her shoulder, he missed Sam but he knew with her stubborn nature she wasn't going to come back. Harper stopped coming around as he was scared he would follow Tony's daughter demise in the prison, "it isn't like her... She wouldn't just leave..." Tristyn finally said, the people around the fire consisted of a silent Harper, Happy, Jake, Tristyn, Tracey, and Peter. Peter shrugged in thought as he watched the flames dance "Harper started ignoring me... Even I try to start a convo" Tristyn pointed out and Harper jumped at the mention of his name which made Happy look at him along with Jake in shock. "Harper are you alright?" Jake asked and Harper shrugged uneasily, still silent as he looked anywhere but at the group "You know something..." Jake said his eyes desperate "please... If you know something about Sam suddenly leaving even though she knows we planned to go with her... Please if you know anything tell us please..." Jake pleaded he too had grown more distant and a little more distressed since the girl vanishing like she did. Harper sighed and looked around fearful before motioning for people to follow him, "I know where she is..." He mumbled out quietly and started towards the abandoned area. "Come on..." He said desperate "the guards are making their rounds I think..." He said and they entered the worn down warehouse to see a large cage, "what's that?" Peter asked looking at it than they noticed a shivering form of a girl with a bag and wings she was sitting in the corner scars adorning her body that slowly healed. "Sam?" Peter called out and Sam looked up and noises could be heard all around as Sam stood the chains on her wrists rattled loudly, "get me outta here!" She yelled and Jake looked around before stepping forward and tapping the metal and yelping as he jumped back "it's like a super mechanized metal... I have never seen this stuff before..." He said and Sam sighed "it's a reverse engineered nano metal... Regular Nano Metal keeps stuff out while this stuff keeps stuff in... You have to shut it off..." Sam looked around and her eyes glowed as she looked around before she motioned to the ropes tying a electrical box shut. "Over there..." She said and Peter went towards it, "We would need a spark..." Peter said and Sam smirked "Oi Accalia" the sound of electricity cackling and a whooshing noise and everyone froze as a spark lit the ropes on fire along with other materials and the Nano metal turned off as well. "Come on the entire place is going up in flames... Accalia was the 'guard dog' it was a mechanized dog that I managed to help out of the trance. Jake picked up the girl as she was weak from the repeated beatings, her wounds now healed and she looked around, as smoke continued to fill the building "that way all of you right now" she ordered loudly as they sprinted towards the get away. 

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