Chapter 1.

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As I step out of the car I feel the cold air against my face, I feel sweat trickling down my back as "Heather" plays on my phone. I look about at all the competition, you see today is a big day as I am auditioning for a role in the new X-men movie.
As I walk to the huge building where the auditions are being held I remember the time I nearly got a part in another film but it went to Emma Watson instead. I could have been a star.
"Excuse me are the auditions for X-Men being held here?"
I ask a random man.
He turns around and oh my He is handsome, but that's when I Recognise him ... James Mcavoy !.
"Yeah there right through here follow me!" He says walking with me.
As we walk down the hall we talk a little.
"So you obviously don't need to audition right" I say scoffing a little
He nods and opens a door and wave me through, the room is filled with people famous and not famous. Jennifer Lawrence stands talking to Hugh Jackman while Michael Fassbender makes his way over to James.
"I will leave you to whatever it was great meeting you" I say as I am about to walk away.
"Wait, I didn't get your name?"
I look back and nod.
"I'm Mia"
I walk away but not before seeing him look me up and down twice and smirking at Michael.
I walk around for a while until my name is called, I take a gulp of water and look at myself up and down in the mirror. I am fairly tall, curvy with curly hair and green eyes, I am pale as from a cold country, Scotland, just like James. James! He is one of the people watching me, Oh no!
As I walk In and take my place I see James smile at me.
"Ok take it away kid" I hear Hugh say.
As I build up tears I think about my brother in the army and my family in Scotland praying for me.
I feel tear running down my face and I start saying the script.
"Charles you have always said 'mutant and proud' have you not?"
James replies with,
"Yes, we are mutants that must protect those most at risk of danger, the humans"
"Well what if I don't want to do that, what if I want to be the next Magneto hmm what then?"
"Aria I cannot stop you from that but I just warn you, Magneto was a friend of mine, I trusted him and he went of to join the fight of freedom"
"Charles we need freedom not just them!"
Hugh's voice booms out sounding impressed.
"And that is acting people!"
I smile and leave.
"Hey Mia right? Wait up"
"Yes James?" Danmit that sounded so rude.
"Ehehe that was really good, how about a coffee?"
I'm shocked, James Mcavoy is asking me of all people out for a drink!
I nod not wanting to turn down something so amazing from such an amazing man.

Hey people sorry this was kinda rubbish it is my first story, I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter and I hope you read the next few, don't worry it is going to get better I promise- M :)

Only him.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ