Chapter 10.

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2 weeks later-

Filming has already started and I feel so tired of filming from ten in the morning to around sometimes six at night.
Changing into different outfits all the time and having to do stunts makes me tired as well, the only thing keeping me going to b honest is James.

We have a week of and it means I have some interviews with James and Michael.

As we make our way to the dressing room before the interview and can I feel eyes of all the people around me on only me. Whispers go back and forth saying "that's her" and "omg she is pretty" and "lucky guy James is".
As I go to the girls changing room and see my indigo play suit hanging up with a bracelet, necklace and some makeup which Dan will out on me, I see Tom back stage talking to Michael, he looks ok but it seems Michael is having a serious talk with him plus James is standing near by looking stern.

"Hey boys what are you talking about hmm?" I ask walking over to them in a dressing gown only.

"Just breaking in some ground rules with Tom" Michael says turning to James.

"Like what?" I ask with a stern voice.

"Um he was just saying that um your happy with James and that eh well ... I need to leave you alone and just be your friend" Tom says.

"James ... Michael leave him alone for gods sake!" I say pushing them into there changing rooms.

"See ya Tom, here's my number"

"Cheers see ya Mia"

I get into my play suit and walk out seeing James and Michael waiting for me in jeans and indigo shirts. Wow matching. Dan runs over to me and starts applying makeup quickly.

"Ok you two hold hands and smile, Michael just walk in looking pretty ok!" Russo says running to us.
W all nod as I take James's hand he kisses me on the head and whispers "I'm right beside you".

As we walk out I hear the crowd cheering, I remember to smile and look confident.

I shake hands with the interviewer and take a seat in the couch facing the audience.

"Welcome you three, how are you? I'm Jimmy"
"Oh and nice to see you again boys but ... Mia our new here how is it?" Jimmy asks smiling.

"Thanks Jimmy it has been a great experience to be honest" I say smiling a little.

"Great and you and James tell us is he a good kisser?"

"Ehehe um well yes, he is boyfriend and I'm being honest over here" I say shrugging a little while laughing.

"Yes, you met James at the auditions right ... well James what were your first thoughts?"

"Well aha um she is drop dead gorgeous, different than any girl I have met, seems fun, kind and charismatic" James says which makes me smile.

"That's sweet and Mia what did you think when you saw James?"

"Ehh well um aha I thought omg it's James Mcavoy ... I was dying Inside" I say laughing.
James kisses me and the audience go "aww"

"Michael you and Mia are close aren't you" Jimmy says turning to Michael.

"Yeah she's like a little sister to me to be honest and thing is she is half Irish" Michael says.

"Your half Irish?!" Jimmy says.

"Um yeah I am"

"Wow Mia that's some news isn't it!"

"I guess yeah"

"Anyway tell us what your character is like?" Jimmy says asking me.

"Well my character is called Aria, she is 20 um her dad is unknown and her mother is human working for the government, when mother find out she's a mutant she kicks Aria out, she goes to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, she meets Charles and well they kinda fall in love and um some stuff starts, Aria is fun, excitable, loud but she can be serious, angry and strong" I say shrugging not wanting to give much away.

"That sounds fun hmm" Jimmy says,

After a lot more talking he asks about what I wanted to be when I was younger.

"I wanted to be an actor since I was five, I have always been confident with s group of friends to cheer me on um, being able to get into Hamilton when I was seventeen was huge because I obviously needed money ... had a boyfriend who was a back up dancer and well he cheated with my friend Roxie but we are still friends coz they broke up and she felt so bad ... but I'm happier with James ... much happier!" I say hugging James.

"Yeah it was great to meet Mia because when I first saw her I was like so happy" James says.

"Can I just say James, Michael you will agree, um James you look at Mia as if to say 'I'm going to marry that girl' would you marry her?" Jimmy asks.

Silence fills the room for a minute or so until James makes a noise.


"What about you Mia?"

Silence again, I have butterflies and I feel all eyes on me.

"Um yes" I say and James kisses me on the cheek.

"Well you three it has been great talking to you, everybody give it up for Mia, James and Michael!" Jimmy says meaning the show is finally over.

As we make our way backstage again to get into the car I see Tom staring right at.


"Mia Over here!"
I hear screams as fans try get through the barrier, some fans run at me and my guard comes and rags me to the car putting me beside James, I notice fans banging in the windows.

"James I'm scared" I whisper holding him.

"I know you are, it's ok shh, I'm here now" he says stroking my hair.

I feel myself crying ... stupid me. Ugh my amazing makeup is going to be ruined.

"Relax I'm here" James says once more.

He takes me to the room and sits me down, he slips my shoes of and take my play suit of slipping on one his shirts on me to keep me warm.

"Sleep I'll be here when you wake up ok" he says sitting beside me and switching on the t.v to watch the interview we did.

I wake up the next day and he is still there, we go for breakfast and practise more lines which cheers me up. The news about us being followed by the fans yesterday got around and Jennifer bought me a chocolate bar while Michael stoke a beer from the kitchen.

Jennifer brushes my hair while we sit and watch the t.v.

"Thanks you guys" I say blowing kisses at them all and they do it back.

"Anything for you, your like a baby sister to me girl, look at my name for you on snap" she says holding out her phone it says "baby sis💕💅🏻🦋✨" I change my name for her saying "Big Sis✨💕💅🏻🦋"

"Aw what's my name for you" James asks.

I hold out my phone which says "My Chill Pill💊🥺💕🥰" his name for me is "Puddin'🥰✨🥺💕"

I show Michal that his name is "Irish Twat😎💕🍀" his name for me is "smol child💕🍀".
I laugh because we are so stupid. We talk for a while more and all fall sleep on the floor, we really are like one big family.

I don't have nightmares that night instead I dream of nothing. I feel comfortable around these people ... I feel at home ... I feel welcome.

Thanks for reading you guys, have a great day or night or whatever!-M :)

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