Chapter 20.

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⚠️swearing and slight abuse⚠️

I wake up and hear my phone buzzing like crazy. I pick it up and see a dozen texts from Tom, I groan and look at them.

'You knoa what lo3e ii am jutt like relly rally fed up of yo ignor7ng me!'

I know straight away he was drunk.

'Whaver lovie, I am ginna go neva date any0ne ev3r again!'

'Yor folt!'

'I'm s0rrh, liten... listen ... yesh! I d0nt like James, uh ... he is a di1k, aha'



'I'm sorry!'

'Lov3 you'


I sigh and roll my eyes, I decide to just text him back.

'Tom, I don't know why you are making such a big deal, you kissed me nearly ending me and James's relationship ... BTW I love James ... you can't do anything about that. Go drink water and calm down!'

That will do it, if it doesn't then I don't know what will. James walks in and sits beside me, he rubs my back and kisses my shoulder.
"Can't believe it ... 1 year ago I was working at a museum now I'm world famous" I say laughing a little.

"That's life my love" James says laughing with me. He stroke my cheek and kisses it.


I jump at the noise of someone at my door. James takes my hand and leads me downstairs. I don't want him to open the door but whoever it is keeps knocking. He picks up at a bat and opens the door.
Tom. It's Tom.

"Tom what the fuck are you doing?" I ask looking him up and down. He smiles at me.

"Didn't drink the water I ... uh, drank ... uh ... this" He says handing me a bottle of Prosecco.
I throw it at his feet.

"Whatcha do that for bitch!" He growls at me.

"Don't call my girlfriend a bitch you ... you ... you dick head ... absolute dick head!" James shouts pushing Tom down the driveway.

"You seriously... love this guy?" Tom asks pouting and laughing a James.

"Aye, i do" I say frowning.

Tom stands up and goes t walk away but turns back and punches James in the face.

"James!" I say running to him.

"I'm ok" he says.

"Call ... Michael" He says after. I run into the house hearing different shouts outside.


"Yeah what's up?"

"It's James and Tom there fighting"


"Yeah ... I'm scared can you get over here please!"

"Ok it's ok stay calm and try break it up"

He hangs up the phone, he only lives 10 minutes away. I go outside and see James and tom still fighting, blood covers the white paving stones and they are both bleeding.

"James, Michaels on his way" I shout.

"Ok ... go back inside my love" he says grabbing Tom by the shirt and throwing him against the wall and kicking him in the stomach.

"James ... I'm scared!" I shout at him.

"Don't be ... ever" he starts until tom throws him at the car.

"Tom your drunk please please Tom stop it!" I shout at him jumping up and down crying.

He looks at me and let's James go, he sighs and sits in the ground. I run to James and pick him up.

"Are you ok, James are you ok?" I ask kissing his cheek.

"I'm fine ... are you?" He asks taking my hand.

"Freaked out" I say as I see Michaels car pulling up. He gets out a kicks Tom, he sits beside me and pats my back.

"It's ok you two, I called Hugh he's in his way to take Tom home" he says. He takes James to the bathroom and cleans up his face.

I sit across from Tom not daring look him in the eye. I hate him ... absolutely hate him!

"I'm sor ... sorry" he says looking at me.

"You know what Tom ... you have really ruined your chances with me now, not my fault ... yours!" I say sitting further away from him.

Hugh turns up 10 minutes later and he sees me and panics, he takes Tom home and is back straight away to calm me down.

"Thanks Hugh, it means a lot" I say as he sits beside me.

James comes out of the bathroom and sits beside me, i it my legs on his lap and he sits there stroking my hair.

"Guys ...bad news" Michael says looking up from his phone.

"What?" I say sitting up looking worried.

"There ... there was obviously a drone over the house when you and Tom were fighting because ... it's all over the media with photos and evidence.

I go onto my phone and see I have been mentioned in many pictures and tweets and tik toks.
Some are saying 'secret love triangle' or 'Mia are you actually ok?'. I panic as I look at the photos of James and Tom fighting, me in the background crying my eyes out, me trying to stop them and me the worst one yet throwing the bottle at Toms feet.

"Fuck ... no ... no ... NO" I say running to my room. I decide to call Jen to calm me down. But she gets there first.

"Bitch, are you ok!"

"I don't know ... I feel sick"

"Honey boo ... I'm on my way"

"Jen you don't have to"



"No no no, shush baby girl ... I am on my way, mwah"

"Ok mwah" I say hanging up the phone and finding myself crying more and more until she arrives
She enters the room with Michael, Hugh and James.
James sits beside me and stroke my hair, Hugh and Michael post stuff on Instagram saying.

'To all Fans/paparazzi,
This is our takes on the recent events regarding the apparent 'love triangle' involving two of my good friends James Mcavoy and Mia And colleague Tom Hiddleston.
We do not know the full story but of what we know, people have been saying Mia and Tom would be a cute couple and it is very obvious Mia doesn't want that ... Tom although does.
Yes there was a fight, it wasn't set up. Mia was terrified when Tom turned up at her and James's house drunk, Tom called Mia a bitch and James pushed Tom leading to a fight.
They are both alright. We would like to ask people to stop making jokes about it, Mia doesn't like how you guys are making a big joke about it. Mia is like a sister to me and I won't allow her to be broken like that.
Michael Fassbender.'

While Simply wrote.

'Fuck of Tom, stay strong James and we all love you Mia.
Hugh Jackman.'

Jennifer does a video saying that 'Mia and James will not be active for the rest of this week and over the weekend. This is there own choice and to those of you who support Tom, piss of and come back to reality!
Jen Jen'

I thank them all and they all say 'it's what family does'.
I love all these guys, Hugh being the dad, Michael the big brother, Jennifer the big sister, James the boyfriend and me the baby of the family.
I fall asleep and I know no one leaves because we were all huddled together, so if one of us had moved we all would have woken up, I slept sound.

Thanks for reading, remember to vote and comment your thoughts! That would mean a lot to me. Have a great day/night everyone mwah!- M :)

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