Chapter 12.

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I wake up to James practising his lines, he sits beside me, as if he is reading the lines to me.

"Morning sleepy head" He says.

I look at the clock and it says it's ten o'clock, breakfast bar will close down soon so I better hurry to it. I slip on slippers and a dressing gown and run down to get a pancake. As I eat them on my way back to the room I pass Tom in a nice suit his hair gelled.

"Morning" He says.

"Good morning Thomas" I say.

"Hey listen um I'll text ya later ok" he says.

"Sure take your time" I say facing him and running up the stairs backwards.

As I get into the room, I see James getting dressed, I go for m shower and get dressed into really short shorts and a tank top.
Jennifer and me are going to a carnival in the middle of town while James and Michael go for lunch with Evans and Hugh.
"Ready to go" Jennifer says entering the room.

Me and James moved into me and Jennifer's old room while her and Michael are now sharing, although we have to move to the set tomorrow in our  caravan sort of things. Me and James are still going to share.


I kiss James goodbye and say bye to Michael. We run down stairs and I tie my hair In a bun.

"Hurry up!" Jennifer screams.

As you get in the car she plays songs and you sing loud. You get to the carnival and as soon as you get there you get a text from Tom saying 'nice jacket :)'

You text him.

'Where are you Thomas?'

'Look to your left'

'Oh I can see you'

'I can see you aswell'

'I saw you in a suit earlier I thought you had a meeting or something'

'Yeah I did so decided to come here'

'With who?'

'No one but me'

'Come join me and Jen'

He starts to walk over in his tight blue jeans and a tight white t-shirt that shows of his abs.

"Hey" I say awkwardly.

"Hi, Hey Jen" He says.

"Hey Tom" she says eating candy floss.

We head Straight to the water park area, it isn't actually busy. I take of my shorts and tank top leaving me with a bikini, Tom takes of his shirt and trousers and Jennifer sits and gets a tan. We run about mental in the water, I slip a few times and Tom goes down the slide.

"This is great fun!" I scream at him.

"I know!"

We decide to play tag like six year olds, I slip and then so does Tom the bad thing about it is he slipped and fell on top of me. And fans are starting the stare. I push him of me and get Jen and my stuff, I drag her to the car and leave.
I get a text from Tom saying 'hey sorry', I don't reply back.

When we get back to the hotel and enter my room and see James sitting looking at me his eyes puffy and his face pale.

"Hey" I say going to him I rub his arm but he pushes my touch away.

"Welcome home" He says in a grumpy voice. He hold out his phone to show some photos of Tom lying on top of me and the carnival.

"Explain" He says.

"James honey we slipped" I say giggling.

"Mhm but why were you with him" he asks.

"We saw him there honest, we are just friends chill" I say.

"Are you though?" He asks getting up but I push him back down and slap him across the face.

"James Mcavoy if you really think I would have the guts to cheat on you then you obviously don't trust me!" I scream at him.

He looks at me sad, "I'm sorry" he says starting to cry.

"James ... I'm sorry" I say stroking his cheek where I slapped him, I kiss him on the cheek there and go get showered.
When I get out of the shower, I get dressed into my pyjamas and sit with James, he is holding ice against his face.

"I'm really sorry" i say to him, I sit with him and stroke his hair.

"I'm sorry I really just don't want to lose you" He says to me, he sits me on his lap and kisses my neck, I wrap my arms around him.

Hey, I have published my new book but I will carry on with this one aswell don't worry, be sure to check out the other one- M :)

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