Chapter 15

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As I wake up in the caravan I feel myself shudder, it's so cold ... probably because James isn't around.
I go through to the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee I take small sips of it and decide to go for a shower while it cools down a little. As I step into the shower I wonder where James is. Once I get out I text him.

My chill pill🥺💊💕🥰✨

'Heya James where are you? Xoxoxo'
                                                                       'Out for walk, go back to bed see ya soon xoxoxo

I sigh of relief realises from me. I decide to go back to bed just like he said to, I dry of my hair and climb into bed ... I didn't realise it was so early in the morning. Why is James out at four in the morning? Oh well doesn't matter.

"Hey I'm back" I hear someone whisper in my ear, it's James, I turn around and hug him and whisper to him "I missed ya" he laughs and kisses me.

"Why were you out to so early?" I ask him.

He tenses his jaw and shrugs, as I look at him closer I can see his nose is bleeding, I get up and go get a tissue and hold it on his nose.

"What happened?" I ask in a hushed voice.

He sighs. "Um well me and Michael decided to go for a walk to catch up and we saw someone trying to mug Tom, we approached them trying to break it up, there was a fight, Tom was the one who punched me he said 'I didn't need your help!' I got mad and left, I'm sorry" he says softly.

"Aww love its ok, you were only trying to help" I say kissing his forehead and shoving him in the shower.


There isn't a big scene to do today, just a small one between me and Jennifer's character Raven.


Me and Jennifer run in the park at night waiting to say our lines.

"So you and Charles?"

"Leave it alone Raven!"

"Oh come on its cute ... he does like you"

You can we are already feeling tired.

"It doesn't matter, he is great fun ... hey slow down a little!"

"Sorry, do you actually like him though, I'm being serious?"

"I mean he's great ... I mean like really great"

"Ahh I knew it, Logan is gonna freak when I tell him!"

"No Raven don't you dare!"

I start chasing her.

"And ... CUT that's a wrap ... you two go for a shower ya both stink" we hear Russo say from the back.

As me and Michael talk I see aTom pass with a bruised jaw. He walks up to me and I find myself feeling sick to the core.

"Like what your boyfriend did?" He says pointing at the bruise.

"Yeah it suits ya, cheers for making his nose bleed for like an hour straight ... I'm disappointed Tom ... I really am" I say shaking my head.

He takes my arm "Mia ... I'm sorry". I shake his arm of and raise my eyebrows guffawing a little bit.

"Tom an 'I'm sorry' isn't going to cut it, and don't touch me" I say walking away.

I get round the corner to hear Tom say out loud "fuck!" Through his teeth, I smirk a little it's funny to hear him so mad.

I walk back to the caravan going for a shower and then telling James what happened.

"You actually said he looked better with a black eye?" He says laughing.

"Well it's true" I say giggling.

He tickles me and throws me over his shoulder.

"James Mcavoy if you don't put me down right n" I start.

"You'll what love?" He says.

"I'll ... I'll oh shut the fuck up!" I say slapping him in the back.

He throws me into the bed and kisses me softly. I find myself feeling strange. I have use him of me and frown.

"Sorry my love not today" I kiss his cheek and switch in the tv. I can see the respect in his face.

I lean up against him as he strokes my hair and rubs my back.

"Love you dearest" he says.

"I love you to my love" I say back to him.

We sound like an old married couple ... how sweet.


2 weeks later.

We are getting a really good part of the movie where my character nearly dies but her brother saves her by sacrificing himself.

"Hey Mia!" Everyone says every morning as I walk onto set with James ... I'm famous who would have thought.

Filing for the day finishes and James says to me "I have a huge surprise for you" he says stopping me information of the caravan.
I smile at him and push the door open. My heart jumps.

"Danny! Kayla ... OMG you guys!" My best friends from school are here and I feel so excited, I hug them all while crying, I have never felt better in my life!

I make my way through to the bedroom to get ready for dinner with Danny and Kayla. And yet again my heart jumps.
"Mum! Dad! Omg ... your all here?" I say hugging them all.

"Hello princess, James arranged this while things he's a nice lad ... although he supports Celtic ... we will just pretend he supports Rangers shall we?" My dad says kissing me on the head.

I get ready for dinner and we all go to a restaurant.

"So Mia you and James are so adorably fitted for each other" Danny says, Danny is the same age as me, he is blonde, green eyes always has fake nails on and loves his makeup with a passion.

"Aha yeah he's great to me" I say to him.

"Girl Yes! I'm so happy for you!" Kayla shouts making the whole restaurant stare.

"So James you like Celtic?" My dad says to James.

"Uhm yes sir" James says looking at me for approval.

"Well as along as you take care of my little angel then I'm ok with that" my dad says patting James on the back nearly sending him flying.

"Daddy be nice" I say.


My mum and dad stayed for a week watching me on set but Kayla and Danny headed home the day after.
It was great seeing them.

Oki people hope you enjoyed this ... yes it was kinda boring if you want something more exciting then read my other books! Cya- M :)

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