Chapter 2.

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As we walk around town sipping our coffee, James tells me about how is he nearly ended up working as a nun in Glasgow. I tell him about myself.
"There isn't much to say really, um I am 22 and am from Inverness, kinda boring to be honest"
He only laughs.
"James who is she?!"
Oh no paparazzi is following us now which makes James laugh. He looks at me and grabs my hand and just keeps on walking making us look like a couple every 2 minutes or so he looks down at me and smiles and whispers something into my ear which makes me laugh.
"Don't worry rumours will come and go ... probably ... no probably not but will it do us any harm?" He says which makes me laugh.
He takes me back to my apartment where the word about a possible secret relationship between us both has gotten out. The public has crowded the streets near my apartment making it hard to be unnoticeable. We get to my door just as someone in the crowd spots us and shouts it.
"Ok ... ok all of you calm down ok, I am just putting Mia her little place" he says.
He turns around and kisses me on the cheek which makes the crowd go mental, he hugs and whispers.
"Good luck I am rooting for ya after all"
He walks away and I go to my apartment and make a microwave pasta meal with a beer as I watch "Split" with James in it. It is about a man with many different personality traits, he kidnaps three girls and the different personality's are different moods and ages. I especially love Hedwig, who is a nine year old boy with a lisp.
I fall asleep at some point in the night knowing that James and the others that watched me audition are trying to decide who gets the roll, I think it is a slim chance it won't be but I guess you never know.

I wake up with puffy eyes, I look at the clock and jump, it is already nine am. I'm so late for work. I work at Starbucks, oh damn that's where me and James went yesterday I am going to be getting so many questions and people will recognise me. I pick up my phone and looks at some photos me and James took, they are really good. I post one on my Instagram saying "Me and James yesterday in London x" it will make the paparazzi go crazy bonkers.
As I get my makeup done and message my boss saying sorry, I get a comment in the recent post, from James saying "yeah we should totally do it again some other time, don't worry about the auditions, still gonna be friends though ;) xo" oh no the paparazzi are probably going mental today. I get a message from my boss saying " no no, it is all okay you can take the day of as much as I love lots of customers the place will be over crowded with news reporters because of this you and James stuff".
As I get undressed I sit down. I feel sick to the core sitting waiting for a call at six tonight saying whether I got the role or not.
Two hours have passed and I decide to go for a walk to clear my mind. But I guess that won't be happening, people are crowded outside in the pouring rain.
"Ugh I both hate and adore James for this stupid shit"
I laugh a little.
I fall asleep and don't wake up until six to the sound of the phone ringing.

Yes this one was short but I'm still getting used to this you guys. Also another quick note I will try post at least 1 chapter a day if I can but if not then it means I am busy, just check it every day for updates and I will try keep you posted!- M :)

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