Chapter 7.

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As I wake up I feel cold, James isn't lying with me anymore He is tidying up and throwing stuff in the bin.

"Morning" I mumble.
He turns around "mornin" he says turning round, he's in a tracksuit and there's a tracksuit lying beside me, I go wash my face and get into it.

"I was thinking we could go to an art gallery" James says showing me a leaflet.
I nod it actually sounds alright, I go get shoes on and tell Jennifer and Michael that we are heading out, they are awake and playing table tennis.

As we make our way downstairs I get a good look at the hotel, it's huge with glass windows, purple curtains and carpets, paintings hang on the walls and signatures of different celebs are on some paper hanging on the wall with a note saying "put your signature" I decide to do it even if I'm not that famous, I put mine beside James's, just a squiggly line.

"Common hurry up" James says putting his jacket on.
He takes my hand and leads me out, not many people are around because it's raining, although some people take photos.

As we make our way to the art gallery me and James practise our scripts, yes it's cringe but we do it for the entertainments the public I guess.

"Charles just leave him!"

"No he's my best friend we can't just leave him, Erik ... Erik!"

"If we die I'm going to kill you"

"That's not possible, damn how heavy is he!"

"Charles please ... just go with her" would be Michaels line.

"Old friend don't do this"

*would push James away*

"Go!" Would be Michaels line.

"Come on let's go Aria ...!"

We laugh at how James can be Scottish one minute, English the next and then accidentally do an American accent.
"You sounded so funny but honestly, I don't need to put an accent on thank god" I say laughing.

"Practising lines are great, you get to have fun with a few mates ya know" he says shrugging.

By the time we are done we reach the art gallery, as we enter it's so warm.
I drag James straight to the statue section.
"Eww why's there a baby with wings?" James says not paying attention much.
I don't say anything but just laugh.

We go to the picture section now and see a drawing of devils killing angels.
"Get him get him!" James says a little loud making people stare and recognise him.

"OMG it's the goat guy from Narnia!"


"hey everyone it's James and his girlfriend"

"James over here"

We make our way back to the car after buying a sweet each and also for Jennifer and Michael at the gift store.
We make our way back to the hotel and just go upstairs quickly. The cleaners obviously came in and cleansed the place because it looks brand new. I flop myself  of onto my bed and James pretends to collapse on the floor. Michael looks at us as if to say "da fuc" and Jennifer we saw stuffing her face with food in the dining room, she was with her makeup artist talking stuff over.
It's around eight o'clock and I'm not hungry much, so I just get tea and switch on Disney+, I obviously watch X-men which is fun, James and Michael keep cringing seeing Erik and Charles.

"You are both great actors boys so stop beating yourself up" I say

"Sure ... sure" Michael says, he walks past me and ruffles my hair.
He's a little like a big brother to me now to be honest and Jennifer is like a sister. Hugh is a bit like a dad and Evans is the fun little brother, James the adventures boyfriend .


Michael and James go through to there room when Jennifer comes back, we have stay up practising lines.

"You like Charles I'm not stupid"

"Raven, he's your brother and your like my bestie, I mean ... I .... I don't know"

"Aria stop being stupid, we all know even Logan and Peter"

"Oh shit of course they know"

We end up just sleeping for an hour or so. I don't wake up at all ... i think.

It's my granny's birthday so I might not be as active as I hoped, sorry. I'll keep you posted, sorry this was short just did it before school - M :)

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