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Authors note- I'm going to write about where Mia is filming in a new avengers movie where the X-Men and Avengers meet so like when it gets to that Loki is still alive. Loki dokie ... 👋🏼.

2 weeks later.
I wake up with Tom lying beside me with his arms wrapped around my waist, both of us are wearing nothing. The t.v is still one and our half eaten dinner lays on the floor where me and Tom were practising our lines.

I slowly go to move his arms but he tickles my side so I have to stay beside him "Thomas I'm meeting with Jennifer" I say kissing his cheek.

"Mm, no" he says jokingly.

"Mm, Yes" I say rushing to the shower.

I wash my hair and cleanse my body. I get out and dry myself of tying my hair in a bun. I put on some mascara, eyeliner and highlighter. I put on studded earrings and a tracksuit, I'm not dressing up for someone I have lost part of my friendship with.

I eat my cereal and get a drink of tea when I get a message from Jennifer.

Jen 😚💕
"Ready? x"
                 "Mhm toms dropping me of x"
"Ok x"

Once Tom is down 5 minutes later he drives me to the cafe where we see Jennifer already sitting at the table. She made more of an effort than me, she is wearing jeans and an of the shoulder shirt with her hair straightened.
Me wearing tracksuit bottoms with the matching crop hoodie. My hair in a messy bun, mascara and eyeliner with the tiniest bit of highlighter.
I kiss Tom goodbye and tell him to pick me up at 2 o'clock. Or before if I get bored or angry at Jen.
I head inside with a bottle of sparkly for her, she gets up and hugs me warmly but I hug her in an un intended cold hearted way.

"So how are things?" I ask sitting down as she hands me a present and I open it.

"Well, we are all missing you like crazy, obvi" she says quickly.

"I know" i say laughing.

"Why don't you come visit us, like a party or something?" Jennifer says shrugging.

"Jen, yes I miss you all like fucking crazy but ... I'm practising my lines and Christmas is coming up soon so I'm meeting toms sister and nephew, my dad is coming round with my mum and my brother is getting time of work with his boyfriend" I say sadly trying to look disappointed although I'm not.

"Oh"is all she can manage.

When I get the present open I see a photo album, I go through it tears welling up in my eyes.
Me and James dong karaoke.
Me and Jen at the premier.
Hugh giving me a piggy back ride.
Evans doing shots with me.
James kissing me.
Michael, me, James, Jen, Evans and Hugh all standing looking happy as hell.
Photos of us all when we were young and then now.
Me with my tight curls wearing a pink dress with a huge cute smile. I was 3.
James looking cheeky in a tracksuit sticking his tongue out. He was 4.
Michael with his mum at a wedding wearing a suit. He was 6.
Jen wearing a skirt and striped top with welly's and a top hat smiling strangely. She was 5.
Hugh wearing jeans and shirt with the wolverine on it smirking at his dad beside him. He was 7.
Evans standing with his granny wearing shorts and a sweater at his 5th birthday.

That's it. The tears are rolling down my eyes. But then I turn the page and I frown feeling so mad at Jennifer.
On one side of the page are photos of me and James.
First kiss.
First date.
First dance.
First laugh.
First party.
First movie scene.
Last movie scene.
A photo of the ring he was going to use to propose to me.

On the other side is me and Tom, photos I sent to Jen because she was asking for some.
Him tickling my side.
Him reading to me.
Him singing to me.
Him teaching me how to play the guitar.
Practising our lines.
Meeting with Chris and Benedict.
Putting up Christmas decor.

I smile. I seem more happier with Tom in the photos. Especially when he was teaching me how to play the guitar, Putting Christmas decor and reading to me.

"What's this for?" I ask her confused wiping my eyes.

"To remind you of us, if you never really want to speak to us because it seems that you don't care for us anymore" she says sniffing and wiping away a few tears.

I reach across the table and take her hand "Jennifer don't ever think that I don't love you all, especially you, it's just after the accident I haven't had time to focus, I need to get back out there and I'm sorry if I seems distant but that's the way I am" I say quickly.

"Ok, should we get something to eat because  then me and you are going into town" she says laughing.

"Yeah lets do that, your buying me stuff you know that" I say jokingly.

"That's fine" she says.

"I was joking" I say ordering a nice cup of coffee and a panachecola (I can't spell).

We sit for a while and then head into town where she buys me a book and a new vinyl. I buy her a vinyl and new dress.
We walk around drinking pink smoothies. No ... fucking ... way! James is right in front of me talking to the paparazzi, and I can hear the questions.

"Where is mia?"

"What's happened with you and Mia?"

And the worst fucking question.

"Is it true you were going to propose to her!"

James's face turns from a smile to a scowl he shouts at them "who told you that!" And "I don't want to talk about this anymore".

He turns around and sees me with Jen, he sighs and walks straight past us and that's when the paparazzi notice me and they are running straight for me. I'm already in my phone to Tom.

Bold Mia.

Normal Tom.

"Tom please come pick me up"

"Are you ok my love where are you?"

"The paparazzi are here, and I just saw James"

"You think Jen set it up right?"


Jennifer looks at me in an angry way.

"Ok Where are you?"

"I'll head toward the town centre"

"Ok I love you"

"Love you"

I hang up and don't even look towards Jennifer I grab my stuff and leave quickly making my way towards the centre of town.

"Mia wait answer a few questions!"

"No I'm busy!" I shout back annoyed as hell at the paparazzi, Jennifer, and James.

I reach the town square and see Tom in his car with Luke who is toms sort of nanny.  I get into the car and hug Tom straight away crying.

I look out the window and see James staring right at the car in pain he quickly gets into his car with Jennifer who rolls her eyes.

We get back to the house and Tom gets a hot water bottle, tea, scone and lie beside me stroking my cheek.

"Your ok, your a natural with the paparazzi" he says.

Loki dokie. Don't know what to say so bye - M :)

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