Chapter 5.

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I wake up to Jennifer singing Shakira in the shower, I mean it isn't bad but ... it's strange.

I go get breakfast which is just toast and tea. James and Michael enter the room with big smiles still in there pyjamas.
James sits beside me watching t.v and I put my head on his chest which makes Michael chuckle.

"Oh morning you guys help yourself to the shower or anything to eat" Jennifer says watching James charge his phone and eat a croissant. It's as if they don't have there own room.
I go for my shower and tie my hair in a bun. I put on a crop top and baggy ripped jeans, you can see my tattoo of a Dream Catcher on my leg.

"We will go get changed now you two be back in a minute don't go anywhere" Michael says pushing James out of the door.

Me and Jennifer sit talking about he movies and my experience in Hamilton.

"Jonathon Geoff is well nice though, I remember on my birthday the whole cast go together and made me a cake and got me presents, aha Jonathon sang for me it was great honestly"

"Holy shit that sounds so cool, omg these guys on my birthday gave me birthday bumps, and well yeah Hugh got me a bloody blanket haha"

That makes me laugh a little. While I finish my tea James and Michael come back in and we sit and wait until ten am, so w can head of to the set and collect our scripts and character descriptions.

"Come on you guys let's go!" James says hanging up the phone with his guard, he takes my hand on jokingly pushes me away out the door.
We all chase each other down the stairs laughing and tripping over a few times.

"Ahh James don't do that" I scream as he tickles my side. "James!"

"Whatcha gunna do bout it lassie?!" He says in his proper Glaswegian accent.

As we get to the bottom of the stairs we see the rest of the cast and crew watching us, some are laughing at the sight of us all panting.
"Right then thank you for joining us you four ... let's go!" Evan says.

Everyone runs out trying to get the best seats. I sit next to Michael, he is really sweet, I ask him bout his partner Alicia and he doesn't do anything but smile. That makes me feel happy because he is also happy.

"Right well ... what should we" Jennifer asks breaking the silence.

James gets up and tickles me again and then kisses me on the cheek, Jennifer takes a video of him tickling me more and then posts it on insta tagging me, James and Michael in it.

"James Mcavoy stop it you little shet" I scream at him. (Shet- shit but sometimes Scottish people say it aha)
He sits back down panting and laughing, we are both bright red and Jennifer and a Michael are dying of laughter.

"I ... I ... can't breath!!" Jennifer says still laughing five minutes later.

"Yeah" is all Michael can manage to say. They are both crying with laughter now and me and James are just sitting in silence.

"Ok we're here" the guard says opening the door and making a strange expression when seeing Michael and Jennifer still laughing, that face that reads "ok...I don't know what is happening but ... ok!"

As we make our way to the meeting hall to get schedules, scripts, descriptions and measurements for outfits I see the crew starting to arrange stuff it's so cool being some place as huge and important as this, seeing people so focused in there jobs makes me happy.

"Aha Mia here is your script, your descriptions and if you make your way over there to that man with the blonde hair he will show you your outfits and take your measurements although it seems the stuff he has made should already fit you" Russo says hanging me a bag full of stuff.

"Um thanks!" I shout as he runs of.

James drags me to the blonde man.

"I'm Dan nice to meet you" He says shaking my hand quickly.
He circles me nodding and taking measurements.

"Ok darling go put try these on for me" He says handing me a few outfits.

Jennifer takes me somewhere private and helps me into the clothes.

First is a yellow and blue shiny outfit with the iconic "X" belt buckle, I remember James wearing this a few times playing Charles Xavier.
As I step out James winks at me and Daniel points out that I apparently look so "fetch" I mean damm it's tight but i feel good.

The next one is a vintage outfit of navy sweater, denim flare jeans and a windbreaker, I feel good in this and when I step out James says "wowza" and that's all.

Last outfit after a few others isn't much it is literally a black bikini and a nice long scarf that can also kinda be a jacket I guess, sunglasses and a beach hat finish it of.

"Holy fu" James says.

"Girl where you get that body from" Daniel announces.

Jennifer claps her hands and Michal nods in response.

As we make our way back to the car James takes me to a private area and asks me a few questions.

"Listen in the plane you met Tom, um do you like him?"

"Oh I forgot about that actually, um I mean it was great to meet him but he didn't say much and to be frankly honest last night was great" I say which makes him smile a little.

"Good because I want you as long as you want me"

"James listen you said it yourself we aren't allowed to love each other yet" I say which makes him frown.

"I don't care" he says shrugging.
He kisses me, caressing my neck, he rubs my back and trikes my hair slowly.

"Hey love birds hurry the fuck up will ya" we hear Jennifer shout .

We make our way to the car. We sit down and don't say anything although we are both smiling.

"James mate you got a little something in your lips" Michael says making himself and Jennifer laugh.
I look at him and blush, he has my red lipstick on his lips, I laugh as well and wipe it of for him, he kisses my cheek and we both laugh.

"Cheers dude" he says to Michael.
When we get back to the hotel, we sit the whole day doing nothing but messing about holding a little party of the four of us, I can tell we are all going to be great friends and well I don't know about me and James, but I have hopes.

"Hey peeps, so um be sure to add this book to your library so you can see when I update, um and I guess vote for the chapters you like ... so yes Tom will be coming back sooner or later just keep looking out for him. I have school a lot so that's sometimes how I can't post a lot and Well also other stuff ... like watching X-men and um Split and um Wanted ... I wonder what all of them have in common .. oh yeah JAMES!"- M :)

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