Chapter 21.

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Life's been shit.
I have an interview with someone tonight, basically every question will be about James, Tom and me.

4 hours later.

"1 minute until we go live" I hear the interviewer tell us.

Me and James sit down across from the interviewer. They go live and she introduces us. She's straight into questions.
"Welcome today, we are interviewing James Mcavoy and Mia Urquhart" the interviewer  says.

"Mia what would you like to say, about all the drama recently is there something between you and Tom?" She asks straight away.
My agent speaks into my head piece "say, no comment James say the same"

"No comment" I say smiling.

"James?" She asks.

"No comment" he says frowning.

"Well, surprise we have someone who will answer our questions, today on call we have Tom Hiddleston!" She says clapping.

Fuck. Fuck!FUCK.

"Tom,you're thoughts?" She asks.

I shake my head at him and frown.

"Um, I'm sorry Mia but eh I feel that James doesn't treat Mia right, he doesn't abuse her or anything or swear or cheat, there just not  a right fit for each other" he says smiling at the interviewer.

I take James's hand and hold it so he doesn't say anything. He sits there clenching his jaw.

"Right ... Mia are you happy?" She asks me.

"Tremendously" Is all I say smiling at her.

"Right" the interviewer says.

"I'm being serious, this is the first relationship I actually love being in James treated me like a person not like an object he is the purest man i have ever met!" I say to her rolling my eyes.

"Defensive much" Tom says.

I can't take it. I walk of the set on live air in front of million of people nice going Mia, you just fucked everything up.
"Mia Wait!" I hear James shout. I go to my makeup room and watch the t.v. I see James run of the set after me and Tom looking mad at himself.
Well he should be ... he's a dick head! A handsome dick head! No! Eww! I can't say that!

"Mia can I come in dear?" James asks outside my door.

I sigh as I get up and open the door, he comes in and hugs me straight away.

"I'm sorry, i never meant for any of this to happen" he says holding me as tight as he can.

"This isn't your fault" I say. The smell of his after shave calms me down. The soft best of his heart makes me smile.
"Mia, what happened?" My agent says running into the room looking at me worried.

"Um, I'm just not very comfortable with all these questions" I say frowning at him.

"We'll get used to it, I warned you that being famous wasn't easy kid" he says says leaving. Before he shouts back saying "oh yeah cars ready to take you away".

James and I head to the car and I sit holding him.

I look at my phone and see messages from celebrities I haven't even talked to before.

Robert Downey J.R
Hey I hope your ok with everything that's been happening, keep strong. Keep me updated.

Rami Malik
Hope your doing ok? I'm here for you.

Tom Felton
Keep strong! Speak to m if you ever need me.

Johnny Depp
I know we might be working in a movie soon but I just wanna say, your a great girl and you don't deserve to be upset kiddo, keep up the good work! I'm here when you need me.

I smile. Everyone is so reassuring. I reply back to all of them just saying "thank you for the message and for asking me if I'm ok, I'm keeping going and will keep you updated!".
I see that Tom ahas posted a photo of me and him when we first met each other into his Instagram.
It says "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, you great ... I just want to protect you Mia".
You can't help but crying. All this stress has been making you feel the like such an stupid bitch. Well no turning back now is there.

"Put your phone away, rest your eyes" James says taking my phone and Putting it in my pocket. I put my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

When I wake up I'm lying bed with no remembering how I got here. I hear music coming from the bathroom so I decide to go through. I see James lying in the tub and I decide to join him, he's reading. Atonement ... of course he is.
"Read to me" I say quietly.

He's starts but changes some of the words.

"Dearest Mia, the story can resume. The one I had been planning in that evening walk. I can become again the man who once crossed the Surrey Park at dusk, in my best suit, swaggering in the promise of life. The man, who with the clarity of passion, made love to you in the library. The story can resume. I will return. Find you, love you, marry you, and live without shame" he finishes. I slide up the bathtub so My chest is against his.
He reads me some more and we end up lying in the tub for a whole hour until we need to get out.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks me sitting on the couch cuddling me.

"Watch your movies" i say seriously but also laughing.

"Um ok, anything for you" He says Putting on his movie "filth".

Shorter one today but a lot happened right!
Can I just say .... you lot say Titanic is the movie you cry at but ... personally I cry more at "Atonement" it is amazing and so dramatic. James Mcavoy plays Robbie who if you have watched the movie or read the book dies at the end 😢. I personally don't like own opinion though ! - M :)


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