Chapter 4

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As we pull up at the airport I look out the window at the huge private jet that will carry the whole crew, another plane will take outfits, cameras and microphones. Reporters are running to the car and shouting questions making me feel uncomfortable, James grabs my hand and the car stops. He puts his glasses on with his hat, he puts a hat on me.

A guard gets out and leads us to the plane pushing away any reporters. James says to ever so often smile at the reporters but other times keep your head down and don't look at the cameras.

"Welcome you guys come on in and grab your seats, Mia don't worry the whole cast are lovely" Mr Russo says as we step into the plane he shakes my hand and kisses me on the cheek and goes to his seat.

James goes to our seat and puts me at the window seat while he sits at the aisle. All the cast come up one at a time to introduce themselves including Anna Paquin, Nicholas Hoult and Evan Peters.
There all sweet and seem so accepting. Evan asks about my hobbies because I am playing his best friend.
"Well I kinda enjoy um ... you know drawing and acting obviously, um I used to play football for Ross County back home eh kinda a boring life if I'm being honest, what about you?"
He shrugs.
"I actually like writing and playing the guitar it cheers me up" he says before Michael calls him over.

I find myself watching "Split" with James who cringes over Hedwig and Patricia. I laugh because he says that although Hedwig was fun to play sometimes he would forget to put a lisp on and they would have to start the scenes again.
"Wow, I think Hedwig is really adorable he is well in innocent though" I say which makes him laugh.
He tells me to get some sleep and I don't turn it down, I fall asleep very quick only getting up a few times to get a drink or go to the toilet .
"Hey, hey wake up" James's voice whispers.
I look out the window and it is fairly dark we have been footing for about 9 hours and 40 minutes, I slept for around 7 hours the others we talked or watched a film or series.

James gets up and goes to talk to Michael in front of me, they think they were talking silently but honestly I can hear part of it.
"She is real sweet but dude she's like way out of your league" I hear Michael say which is not true.
"Not being rude to her but I am more likely to be out of he league I've been more famous for a hella long time" I hear James say, now that is true ... very true.
He looks back at me and I just look out the window and listen to my music, I look at him once and he smiles, he passes to go to the toilet and he ruffles my hair up a little. I go to the back to get a drink and I pass a familiar looking face.
"I'm sorry I'll get right out of your way congrats by the way" he says.
I look up and omg it can't be he is in the avengers but not X-Men.
"Your ugh Tom Hiddelston right?" I ask while my voice is shaky because I have idolised him a lot.
He nods and smiles. He looks up and looks down quickly again.
"Well I'll leave you alone see ya later"

"Wait hang on what are you doing here?"I ask confused.

"Ehehe well um I'm helping out with the movie because avengers and X-amen are gonna be doing a project together soon which is gonna be fun" that laugh 'Ehehe' it makes me smile it is so honest just like him.
He heads of and I turn and see James was watching us talk with Michael and Hugh they look at James and laugh, James just waves at me and sits down.
"Hey" I say sitting back down beside him

"Hi, um listen Russo told me to tell you that even though we are a couple in the movie we cannot be a couple in real life, because if we are a couple and then half way through the movie we split then um on screen chemistry could be effected sorry, but it's ok for after the movie is done" he says acting sad but it is obvious is kind of disappointed.

"Oh well it's fine" I say which makes him laugh awkwardly.

We get to New York on time and are escorted out my security into a jeep like the one that took us to the airport in London. James grabs my hand and leads me out and sticks me in the car with Jennifer, Hugh, Evans and Michael. We are all silent while we get to the hotel we are all staying at, it's big and private only for celebrities. As we enter the hotel it looks luxurious and amazing. The guards lead us to our rooms which we are sharing with another person. I'm sharing with Jennifer and across from us is James and Michael.I get into the room and me and Jennifer unpack. James and Michael come get us for dinner. As we make our way to the dining hall we pass a few celebrity's including Anthony Ramos and his fiancée Jasmine, Henry Cavill and Rebel Wilson. They all wish me luck which is nice.
For dinner I just have a burger I didn't want something fancy.
James walks me back to my room and stops me for a minute.
"Listen your real nice ya know" he says standing beside me.

"Aha thanks"

He looks at me for a long time and then leans in, he grabs my cheek with his hand and kisses me softly on the lips. I'm against the wall with butterfly's. My head is spinning and I kiss back knowing it isn't the right thing to do.
"Go get some sleep, we are trying on outfits tomorrow"

"Ok goodnight" I say walking away.

"By the way you have had a lot of practise with kissing" he says turning back and winking.

As I walk into the room Jennifer winks at me and goes to get changed, I don't say anything to her about it because she obviously already knows.

I fall asleep very quick that night smiling. I look forward to seeing James tomorrow.

Ok well that was pretty much strange innit ugh it will be getting smut very quick don't you worry and YES, Tom is a kinda big part in the story for a while but just now it's like I don't know I'm getting a lil bit of writers block- M :)

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