Chapter 16.

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Tom has kept trying to talk to me. But today I am not going to let anyone spoil my mood, it's the last day of filming and everyone is so excited but at the same time sad.

"Hey come on focus" Hugh says walking past me.

Today's scene is just the X-men saying goodbye to each other. Erik is obviously going his own way, but Charles and my character Aria are staying at the mansion.

"Ok everyone ... last scene let's make the most of it!" Russo shouts as everyone claps.

"And ACTION" He shouts for the last time.

As I walks with James outside I wait for his line, we turn and look at the field we are at.

"Look at this ... this is our land that we are helping lots of our students come to, there out there" James/Charles says.

"I know ... we are so lucky ... helping children that need it" I/aria says back to him.

He kisses me and I kiss him back, we stare out on the scene as the cameras all lift up. Jennifer/Raven and Evans/Peter comes to stand beside us. Jennifer/Raven has a line saying "there's more to come isn't there" we all have to laugh.

"And cut!" We hear Russo shout, everyone claps. We pass around hugs and chats to everyone, me and Jennifer find ourselves crying.

I see Tom from the corner of my eyes as I hug James who gave me flowers. He doesn't smile at me instead he just clenches his jaw and shakes his head, he walks away. I leave James for a minute to go talk to Tom, he is being such a jerk.

"Tom!" I shout running to him.

"Oh hi" He says softly.

I find myself regretting this but to late. We stand alone outside while I smoke a fag.

"So um ... I just wanna say Tom your great but I don't want a guy like you and my boyfriend being toxic ... it's annoying" I say shrugging.

"I'm not the only one being toxic" he says looking at me.

"I didn't say you were ... we all are ... everyone in this world has been toxic at least once" I say.

"Oh well" he says about to walk away.

"Tom listen to me, I don't want things to be awkward" I say smiling.

"Things aren't awkward ... I just like you ok!?" He shouts, his face is red and I can see the veins in his neck. He sits in the ground up against the wall and covers his face with his arms.

"Tom I'm sorry"  I say sitting in front of him taking his arm.

He looks up at me and smiles, he caresses my cheek and kisses me. I feel sick I don't want this ... it's not fair on James. I slap Tom in the face but he keeps kissing me, I keep slapping him.

"I'm sorry" he says.

"Mia!" I hear, I turn around and see James just standing there, his face pale, he looks at Tim and punches him in the face, he looks at me and I see a silent tear fall down his face.

"James I didn't" I say as he takes me back to the caravan.

He punches the wall as we get into the caravan.

"James trust me ... Tom kisses me I didn't  want to" I say.

"Oh really ! I see the way he looks  at you ... am I just there for company?!" He shouts.

"No James ... I love you ... your a twat for not believing me!" I shout at him.

"I ... I love you" He says kissing my cheek.

"Ok" I say picking up a jacket and going for a walk.

Tom chases after me but I tell him to "piss of". He isn't happy with me.
As I sit on a bench, I see family's running about in the park having fun. Could I be like that I'm a few years? No probably not because in just 5 weeks my agents could be getting a call from different directors who are going to be making films and want me In them ...  i probably wouldn't be a good mother either. And plus would James be up for it. I don't know ... possibly.

After a little hike I head back to the caravan and sit with James who keeps telling me he is sorry.

"I understand James I would have been the same with you" I say as he hugs me.

He kisses my forehead and I fall asleep in his arms, when I wake up he is still there but sleeping. I decide to instead of getting up and waking him that I should just  stay and keep him company, plus I can't be bothered just now, we have to go back to our old homes once the premier is done, I don't want to go and leave James, Jennifer and Michael ... I'll miss them.

"You up my love?" I hear James asks moving a little.

I nod wiping a tear away, but he notices.

"Hey, hey what's up" he says sitting up and looking at me.

"I don't want to leave you and go back to London" I say shaking my head.

"Well ... my bed is big enough for two and I don't mind sharing  a bathroom and kitchen, plus you know I like the company" he says which makes my heart jump so quick I feel like throwing up.

"What ... you ... want me to live with you?" I ask giggling.

"Yeah ... Mia once everything is done will you live with me?" He asks laughing at me.

"Yes!" I shout at him.

"Wait where do you live again" I ask.

"In London" He says in a posh voice.

"Oh lovely" I say curtsying to him as we prance around the caravan.

In a few days we have to start packing to move to the hotel we were staying in before production so that we are closer to the venue of the premier. But just now I'm going to chill with James and the rest of the group.

Hi, so I know to, Hiddleston would never kiss someone else's girlfriend but so,etching exciting needed to happen right? Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter - M :)

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