Chapter 8

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As I make my way downstairs for breakfast I feel hungry, I sit beside James and Jennifer and help myself to some of James's cereal. I ask him some questions about "Split" he just laughs and says "I found it uncomfortable sometimes to play Patricia because of the skirts, I was ok with Dennis though" he says which makes me laugh.

Once breakfast is done I go back to James's room and see Michael on call to Alicia, he keeps smiling and saying "yeah I know" or "aww that's sweet". I smile because again I'm happy because his.

I'm just about to close the door when I see Tom running up.

"Hey, Mia isn't it?" He says panting.

"Oh yeah, hi Tom great to see ya, how you doing?" I ask, I see James's face tighten a little.

"Yeah been keeping myself busy, how are you?"

"Yeah I'm alright just getting used to the already instant fame I guess" I say laughing a little.
James makes his way up in his tracksuit and no top, he puts his arm around me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Oh James ... hello" Tom says stopping smiling.

"Hey Tom, nice flowers who are they for?" James says giving him a dirty look.

I notice them, roses and pansies.

"Um there for Mia" he says handing them to me.

"Oh thanks" I say taking them and smelling them, it's an overpowering smell.

"Well um are you two?" Tom asks.

I nod and James smirks.

"Well um, nice seeing ya" Tom says.

"Yeah see ya" I say nodding.

"Bye Tom" James says shutting the door in his face.

Ugh that was so awkward, James was just trying to make Tom jealous and I think it worked I'm not going to lie.

"James, you need to be nice" I say making sure he knows that it was weird seeing him like that.
He lifts me and throws me on the bed, he kisses me softly and whispers In my ear.
"Do I though"

I wake up the next morning feeling great. James is still beside me holding me tight, he is already awake.
"You were having nightmares" he says, his eyes look red.

"Oh sorry"

"Nah don't blame yourself, what was it about you kept crying and screaming" he says rubbing my arm.

"Um ... I have trauma over an accident I was in ... it was ages ago but affected me a lot" I say turning around so he doesn't see the silent tears running down my face.

Ok so this was very short but oh well, ya get what ya get, keep voting if you want ... see ya next time- M :)

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