Chapter 3.

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As I run through to the kitchen trying to find my phone I panic and panic. YES. Thank god i found it.
"Hello is this Mia,from yesterday's audition?"
"Yes this She"
"Hi its mr Russo here, we have some very good news for you!"
Butterfly's already.

"Well ... your in! Get your stuff packed quickly and we'll be ready by ten am tomorrow"

"Oh my gosh, thank you!"

"That's ok, a Jeep will pick you up, James, Jennifer, Hugh and Michael will be in it to keep you company I'm sure you already met James anyway ... goodbye!"
He hangs up. I'm straight away onto the family group chat. I get instant replies of,
"Shut the fuc up girl!"

"Omg imma faint"


"Sureeeeeeee, wait omg you actually did!"
I laugh and then start crying, I'm so proud of myself.
Omg I just realised I play James's characters love interest! I have to kiss him?
I decide to hurry up and get packed so I can then get a good nights sleep before heading to America.

When I wake up the next morning I feel excited, it's eight o'clock which means I have enough time to get a shower and comfy clothes on. By the time I'm ready it's half nine, only half an hour until I get to see James again. My palms are all sweaty and I'm blushing red. What if I look like a tramp, ugh I probably do as well!
I tie my hair up in a bun and have some toast as I wait in the living room, it will be a while until I'm here again, even so with the amount I'm going to get paid I could get a much better expensive house in New York or something.
I looks through my phone and see basically all the cast has followed me, I follow them back and look at James's account. Omg are my eyes deceiving me or did he post of photo of us both saying "congrats Mia we are all so happy to be working with you, especially me, don't worry I'm a good kisser ;)" xo"
I smile, maybe a little to wide. I look at the clock and it's nine o'clock, a knock at the door signifies it's time to go, I grab my bags and open the door where James is standing with a security guy .
"Hey long time no see!"

"Hey James how are you?"
He grabs my bag and puts a hat on my head and ties my jacket he does the same to himself.
"I'm doing great really excited, don't worry the paparazzi already saw me so they maybe won't know it's you or me but ... nah they will know aha, don't worry just stay beside me it will be just fine"
I nod and he takes my hand and we skip down the stairs and into the outdoor where fans, paparazzi and others stand waving and screaming, cameras flash making my eyes sting like crazy. We get to the car and James puts me in beside him, the drive goes and we all sit in silence.
"Hi I'm Jennifer"

"I'm Hugh"

"I'm Michael"

"I'm James"

They all say introducing themselves to me. Which makes me laugh when I reply.

"I know who you all are I'm huge fans, you know I am not one of those physco fan girls or anything"
That makes them all laugh, Jennifer asks me about myself while the others listen about my boring life of being in  musicals as backup singers and dancers.
"Girl that is so cool, I love musicals what were you in?"

"Um well I worked in Hamilton for about three months made good money for a while I guess"

"Well that's cool, at least you are gonna be making a hell load of money working with the X-Men"
I laugh Jennifer is great, she said she will look out for me and that I can hang out with them in spare time.
James keeps looking at me and when I look at him he just smiles and chats more with Michael, we are nearly at the airport.
"Hey wanna sit next to me in the plane?" James asks.
I nod and smile, he looks happy and gets another drink of coffee. I'm not blushing am I, I mean I might be Michael keeps laughing and looking at James and me which makes Jennifer and Hugh laugh.

Heyyy everyone, so it is going to get better. P.s to all the people that are reading this cos they love James Mcavoy do you have any ideas? Also thanks to friends that are reading this to support- M :)

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