Sixty five - Thalia

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"Where is he?" I asked Ron and Hermione, who were sitting together and holding hands. "Dumbledore's office." Hermione whispered. "Be careful with him Thalia." Ron reminded me. I nodded before running up the rest of the stairs towards my uncles office. i pushed the door open slowly. "Harry?" i whispered. he looked up from his spot on the floor with tears in his eyes. my heart stopped and i ran to him.

"whats happened?" i asked while sitting next to him and placing my arm around his shoulder. he looked up at me. "all of these people died so that i could live, but it turns out, i need to die anyways." he whispered. "what do you mean?"

"A part of him is inside of me. that's why i can see him, that's why i can speak to snakes. when he died that night, a part of him latched onto the only living thing near him."

as harry explained, i started to understand. "he accidentally made you a horcrux." i realized. Harry looked up at me. "yea i guess you could say that." he whispered. i thought for a moment. "you should go to the forest." i decided. "how did you know about that?" he asked. "don't worry about it."

"he'll kill me if i go, I'm no use to anyone dead." Harry protested. "all he needs to do is hit you with the curse. i promise you, it's the best thing you can do for anyone." i finished before standing. Harry looked up at me with sad eyes. "i want to have kids with Ginny, i want to marry her." he said quietly. i smiled. "you will. i think its a brilliant idea and i can't wait to be dancing at your wedding."


I watched Harry say an emotional goodbye to Hermione and Ron. I was glad they understood and weren't stopping him. While they watched him walk away i quickly snuck back up the stairs and went down the opposite way. at the very bottom i dug into my bag and pulled out Harry's invisibility cloak.

I threw it over me, just as someone came around the corner. Draco walked by me. i watched him wipe more tears from his eyes. when this was all over, I'd figure out a way to reverse what happened to Emily, maybe i could go back in time and keep myself from using up one of my chances.

Once Draco disappeared up the stairs i ran after harry, he was at the very edge of the forest waiting patiently. i could tell he was terrified. i wanted to let him know i was there, but i needed to focus and he needed to get hit by the killing curse, by Voldemort and Voldemort only.

I let him go ahead of me. once Voldemort realized he was completely alone, i would join him.


I waited for what felt like forever. I didn't know if Harry even found the death eaters that awaited him in the forest. then I heard voices. I turned. Hagrid was walking out of the forest with Harry's lifeless body in his arms. without thinking, i tore off the invisibility cloak and ran to Hagrid. "is he okay?" i asked, panicked. "you shouldn't be here Thalia." Hagrid whispered while walking by me.

i was about to follow and ask for more answers when a cold hand touched my shoulder. "how lovely of you to join us Thalia." a man whispered to me. i didn't need to look up to know it was Lucius. he shoved my roughly, forcing me to follow Hagrid.

As we neared the school, i started to panic. Harry wasn't alive. i could feel the change in the atmosphere, the curse was only supposed to destroy the part of Voldemort living inside of him. unless he wasn't the one to cast the spell.

we finally crossed the bridge to the school. i noticed Neville run outside holding the sorting hat. everyone soon followed behind him, including Draco, who's face fell when he saw his dad holding me. "Let her go!" he yelled while pulling out his wand. I gave Draco a warning look and he slowly lowered it but didn't take his eyes off of me or put it away.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort yelled out to the crowd that had gathered outside of the school. I heard a scream that was unmistakably coming from Ginny. I looked up to see Draco and Ron holding her back.

"now before we explain how things will work from here, I do believe that Lucius has an announcement." I glades up at the man holding. He Shoved me to the floor and placed a foot on my face, slowly pressing my head into the concrete. I took a deep breathe to distract myself from the pain.

"you know, Draco, all you had to do was kill her, not fall in love or let feelings cloud your judgement." Lucius yelled to his son. "it's not very hard, I killed my own wife, how strong does that make me?"

My heart stopped. Narcissa was dead. "disgrace of a son. You're lucky you have a father that can clean up your mess."

I heard the rocks crumple as Lucius knelt down beside me and placed his wand to my head. "you should've stayed in your own time princess."

"Avada kedavra!"

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