Live Against Your Life

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Live Against your Life

By queenieexxx



For science fiction, this is a great cover. I really like the color scheme, all the warm colors contrasted by her hair. I like your character's face reference as well. One critique I do have is that on mobile, the small text is almost impossible to read.


Oh my god, what a hook! "Lily Brooklyn is tired of having her life planned out for her by an algorithm." The author jumps straight into the character, then gives us the premise and backstory, how the algorithm arose after a civil war between all humans. Yes yes yes! I am so into this premise! Especially with everything that's going on right now.


I found your hook in the blurb since the first chapter doesn't necessarily start with thematic elements and gets straight to the narration (which there is absolutely nothing wrong with that). Your idea for the story is excellent, I love the twist on the Matrix concept. "Lily Brooklyn is tired of having her life planned out for her by an algorithm."


Lily v algorithm

Humanity v machines

Humanity v itself

Humanity v history

Character Analysis

Lily is an awesome main character. She is determined and resistant, but not afraid to show fear. In the first chapter she 'breaks the law' by looking up at the stars, which is not encoded by the algorithm. She finds little ways to rebel against it without getting caught, and she dreams of freedom one day. This sets her apart from the other humans, who seem to follow the algorithm like sheep, but she's not quite like the 'criminals' who totally deflect.


Live Against your Life is written in short chapters. This is an excellent popcorn read (have you considered posting on Tapas?). The author uses a writing skill that I have yet to obtain; conveying really complex ideas and full world-building in really short chapters. She accomplishes so much without using a lot of words (which is the complete opposite of how I operate, so I definitely learned something here). The plot is fascinating, and there is a rich history behind it all along with excellent world-building, and it is all conveyed in such a short amount of time. Lily exists in a futuristic world where everyone is commanded by an algorithm, and that algorithm maintains peace. The world is sedentary and simple. There is no conflict, there is only peace, as everyone works like a machine. Lily rebels against the algorithm in little tiny ways throughout the story (like looking up at the stars and doing small tasks that aren't encoded, and wishing for the day when the algorithm doesn't exist anymore). The 25% big plot twist to get her into Act II hits in On the Way, where our MC meets a defector, someone who has rebelled against the algorithm and drags her into a much more dangerous--and exciting--storyline. (Have you ever heard Defector by Muse? Dude, such a good song for your book. Made me listen to that album again; it's a good one).


Survival, rebellion, oppression, dystopia, maintaining a sense of self, personal identity, handling fear


The worldbuilding really really surprised me. I'm so impressed that the author accomplished so much using so few words. The premise is excellent. Lily lives in a futuristic world that has a dark history of war. To remedy the scars of the past, the government initiated an algorithm that keeps everyone in place (it's a lot like the Matrix, but still, very original). There is an organization of defectors and rebels, and our main character gets dragged into it after a really fateful (and super exciting) action scene (won't spoil it, but it's in On the Run.


The author is clearly talented. The premise is both simple and original, and she focuses on Lily's complexity as the main character who is navigating this world and figuring out which side to take (be a sheep and follow the algorithm, or fight for personal identity and join these dangerous rebels). Live Against Your Life is an excellent popcorn read. I do hope you continue the project, and I do hope that this platform gives it the recognition it deserves. I want to know what happens to Lily, and I want to know if there is more to this dystopia you've built than what meets the eye.

See you, Space Cowboy...

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