The Claimed: A Clash of Copper and Gold

44 6 5

Title of the book: The Claimed: A Clash of Copper and Gold

Chapters read: 11

Genre: Fantasy

Author: spelunkadunk 

Reviewer: TheAlien09 

DISCLAIMER: I tried hard to find places where improvement was needed. I couldn't find many, though. The writing was amazing.

1. Title: 10/10

It's amazing. A good title needs to be like the opening paragraph- interesting. It should attract the reader's attention and be relevant to the story. "The Claimed: A Clash of Copper and Gold" has all these elements. It represents the story perfectly.

2. Cover: 10/10

Oh, it's perfect. The lions- one of gold, the other of copper- look regal against the background, and the font fits the theme of the story. Good job on that. It looks like a professional made it.

3. Blurb/ Description: 9/10

I need to commend you for the blurb. The first sentence gives the plotline and the reader knows what the base of the story is. 

The next paragraphs are concise but reveal enough to hook the right readers in. The romance, the thrill, the gore- everything is presented, but there is enough mystery left to excite the reader. Good job here too.

4. Grammar/ Spellings/ Punctuations: 18/20

I had to read through your chapters once again to check for technical errors, and I am happy to be able to say that I couldn't find any (except for a few tense slip-ups). So, editing doesn't need to be a priority, and you can focus on other things.

5. Writing Style: 9/10

The characters are very well written. The dynamics between Toom and Niako are so entertaining. When presented as a young boy, Toom's character represented his age in all ways. He was naïve but proud. 

All characters had distinct personalities and they shone through with your writing.

6. Organisation and development/ Pace/ Cliff hangers/ Character Development: 8/10

The one thing you can work on is pace. At times, the story progresses very slowly (my own do, too). One simple solution to this would be tightening a few paragraphs. Every sentence needs to contribute to the plot, after all. 

The cliffhangers had me hanging by the cliff, so...good for you. The hook of the first chapter is very important, and yours was perfect (one of my favorites so far!). Also, there weren't too many so that they stopped being effective. They were well balanced and organized.

Character development seems to be your forte. I had the time of my life to see the characters change and grow through the chapters. It was amazing to watch Niako through Tooms's eyes.

Total: 64/70

I really wish I had more advice to give you, but I am also happy I found a book I really liked. I had a lot of fun reading your book, Dunk! I am going to read the whole thing once I get free. Get your book reviewed by more reviewers that can give you an in-depth chapter-wise critique. That is one way to improve and get a fresh pair of eyes to look at your work. 

I hope this review was "helpful". Thank you so much for requesting a review from this shop! 

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