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I wanted to get some feedback on the reviews

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I wanted to get some feedback on the reviews. I really wish to know if there is any kind of improvement or modification needed. And, any suggestions.

 Comment here>>>>>>> 

Also, if there is any other service I can open that you would find helpful. For example- awards, challenges,...a graphics shop, a graphics gallery, etc. 

Comment here>>>>>>>>

This next part is only for:

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This next part is only for:

 blackpearl_4044 earlfangs Akgzero seros_sterling pushppa177 writergirl2800 gukmajins kakolilaha6  moonglade1605 miftahul_Eusha omlettedanish foodestroyer

For some reason, I was not able to post this as an announcement on my message board, so here goes: You guys haven't started my payment for the review. To refresh your memories, this is the PAYMENT: 

1. Read and comment on any five chapters of my book 'My Journey to You'. Vote if you like them.

2. Add my book 'My Journey to You' to a public reading list.


  I have a very, very long reviewing list. It will take me a long time to get to your stories. I'm so sorry. So, here is a REQUEST: @RowanCarver can review your stories. If you are okay with that, reply with a comment down below, and tell me. RowanCarver will be able to get your review done sooner and even her payment is easier and better. If you decide you are okay with this (and only and ONLY IF YOU ARE WILLING), you obviously don't have to do my payment and just do Rowan's PAYMENT:

1. A follow.

2. Please read and leave at least three genuine comments on the prologue and first three chapters of either King Eden (sci-fi/post-apocalyptic) or the Boy Made of String (dark fantasy/horror)

I hope this finds you well. Stay safe, stay healthy! : )

 Stay safe, stay healthy! : )

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