Ouji Conquered Time!

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"Honestly, I'm shocked when you said you're going back today. You had me worried for a minute there. Who would have thought that my sister's a swimmer!", Nii-san exclaimed while driving down the hill.

"It's nothing to be suprised about. I'm just going to give it a try one more time. Its just swimming, nothing amazing. I thought mom told you?", I cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh, she did mention it before. But, she never said the part of you competing in the tournament", he answered.

"Hmmm, maybe she doesn't want to boast about her daughter. That's how mom is", I breathe out, thinking of mom's personality.

"Well, I'm glad that you came with Haiji and the others for training", he grinned.

"Why?", I tilted my head.

"Ever since you hang out with those guys, you have become more open. As if, I'm seeing the real you. I always had this kind of feeling where you're holding yourself in. But now, you're slightly changing. It's a good thing, (Y/N)", Nii-san gave me a short glance as he explained his opinion. I was speechless. Nii-san realized it? That I had been confining myself from enjoying things?

"I- didn't know you noticed...", I spoke out.

"Haiji really did his best. For his team and for you too. He's an amazing guy", my brother smiled. I nodded with a hum. A soft smile on my face. Yeah, Haiji-san is amazing.

"But... I don't get why you refuse his offer to drive you to the station. He can drive right?", he asked. My face immediately changed to blue, one of a horror.

"Don't ever ask about it. Simply said, if you have an early death wish...feel free to ride a vehicle with Haiji-san", I shuddered, remembering his driving skill.

"Hahahaha, no way Haiji would do that. See, you guys were fine right? You're funny (Y/N)", Nii-san continued laughing as if I was telling a joke. I sighed while shaking my head. Your confidence really made other people believe that everything is fine. I'm impressed, Haiji-san...


Trudging along the path, only the sound of crickets buzzing in the summer accompany me as I made my way to the familiar place. Three stems of white tulips in my grasp. A few steps after one turn to the right and there lies my destination. Two grey cemeteries stone with the names I'm proud of engraved on it. Crouching on the ground, I placed one tulip on each of their grave stone. The unbloom white tulips. Mom's favourite flower is white tulip. A pure love that seems to be easily stained but actually strong if you can take care of it properly, she said. Tulip only bloom on spring but I still brought it for them, as a symbol of my gratitude. Dad never told me about his favourite flower, more like he never had any. So I just brought him the same one as mom. Clapping my hand twice, I bowed down my head as I pray silently. Forgive me and my parent's sin and bless them as how they have care for me since I'm little...

The heated wind blows my hair gently as I lift up my head back. A smile formed on my lips as I placed one more tulip in the middle of the two graves. Usually it would be two tulips but today is different. The third one is mine. I'm finally letting go of my grief.

"Mom, dad. I'm going to move forward. Two years is enough of blocking myself from reaching my goal. I met a lot of wonderful guys and I have decided. From now on, I'm not going to throw away one thing I love. Swimming is what made my day beside you guys before you were gone. Now, I found friends that I can trust and depend on, Taketatsu family too of course. Also, someone that can break my wall... I am really thankful to him", a light laugh escaped as I remember his courageous act and words.

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